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How To Do Ideal Affirmations


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 22, 2014
THis is incredible I now have 3 fuck buddies thanks to ideal affirmations (sponsored by girlschase)

But seriously by using your way of supercharging it's like pushing me into the actions to get the outcome.
Like for example one I started using today is I am a sexy man whom women find attractive and women can't keep their eyes off me. I've been repeating it constantly to myself while on the commute to work and my walk had a change to it along with the amount of glances and the women customers at work are warmer and literally won't take their eyes off of me lol. I believe this shit. I'm gonna incorporate the gratitude into this one and see if there's a major difference.

I also have a few questions tho, I don't really feel the fuck buddy thing is attainable for me so should I make hem at least something realistic also what would be a good affirmation to help with approaching.

(Gonna take a look at the article again since I havnt in a while maybe the answers to these questions are there)
Good post by the way, really useful.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 14, 2013
You know, this is so weird. I don't mean the affirmations, they are really great, but the whole belief system.

For example, I went for a haircut. There is this decent looking girl, in her 30's. No ring on. All I said is how I want my haircut, she was just focused on cutting hair. We don't say a single word during the interaction, I keep my face totally neutral - no smiles, not looking at her (ok, I peeked at her tits 2-3x, couldn't resist when they were right in front of my eyes) and so on, but basically I did nothing.

All I was thinking to myself was: I want her to get naked and suck my dick. She really wants to suck my dick. She then finished and we walked to pay. Out of nothing, she gave me this long, deep look and this really sincere and wide/excitinig/sexy smile - I swear, it was as if she heard what I was thinking, it was as if she read my thoughts. I just couldn't believe it.

Honestly, I have no idea how it works but it happened to me several times. I try to imagine her naked, I'm thinking that she is naked and she wants to suck my dick - and they react as if they heard it.

Anyone else experienced that...??
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012

I've had similar experiences. After I was reading Drexel's article on mindsets of a seducer, I went to the store and was checked out by a cute cashier. I was thinking and chuckling to myself that if the cashier and I were to get intimate I would most likely blow her mind.

While I was doing this I felt our energy polarizing like my masculine energy was causing a stir in her feminine energy (more like a blissful submission or something haha). Its a phenomenon I experience around women the more attractive and manly I become.

I noticed subtle body language in her of interest and desire after this. This is awesome stuff. I was actually just thinking how can I keep up this energy inspired by Drexel's article I mentioned, and it seems that affirmations are at least one very good way.

Drexel, keep the gold coming and thank you good sir.

;) J


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 17, 2014
I used to listen Cory skyy and some of his mindsets mp3 5 or 6 years ago. I listened affirmations before going to sleep and sometimes even fell asleep listening to them . in that times i had a lot of success with girls. after a lot of listening and repeating things like you are a sexy motherfucer and all girls want to have sex with you you start to believe that stuff haha. I even met my ex gf of 5 years back then. I dont listen to that stuff anymore but this post reminded me so i am going to try again. Can only benefit me.

one day as i was commuting to college in city tram beautiful brunette entered on one of the stops and stood in front of me. we were both standing, but she was back turned to me. Day prior i was reading some of gunwitch stuff about sexual state and how girls can feel that so i decided to experiment a little. i was checking her out and imagining having some freaky sex with her, breathing really deep in diaphragm or as elliot hulse said breathe in your balls and i shit you not 30 seconds after girl turned my way and looked me straight in my eyes for like 3, 4 seconds with that " who the fuck are u, horny look. Too bad the tram stopped and she had to exit on that stop.
Girls really feel what you feel. And that sexual state is the real deal. tried and tested in isolation multiple times :)