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How to effectively achieve results with quick number grabs


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 31, 2020
Hey guys!

I have done quite a few approaches and i have around 100 or so approaches so far.

Im doing daygame and i typically do mall street stop game in the city, ill occasionally approach stationary sets.

With girls who i approach, i usually end up grabbing their numbers before actually moving them(they are usually busy meeting up with friends, have work, going home ect.)

but attraction is quickly build(cold reads, chase frame, tease, reality pacing, small compliance: can i see ur ring/necklace) in the quick time frame of 1-2 minutes or even less then that.

Im getting very low percentages of responses in return to ice breakers.

I find it weird when they were clearly enjoying the convo( giggling/laughing)
showing attraction and they go cold on me by not responding to my ice breaker.

I feel its the problem of investment and the girls i approach and respond to me are already sold on me in that small time frame.

If its the case idk how to get them into my frame since they are busy i cant get them invested.

Do i need to extend my conversation to at least 5 minutes or longer for better responses to ice breakers?

I preferable run street stop game because the city mall have a lot of traffic for cute girls to run into.
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 6, 2020
TL DR - Day Game is hard. Hook her with stronger material and go for instadates to increase your retention.

One of the most popular day game only guys (Krauser, who I use in every example of a day game guru) that targets girls most receptive to day game (tourists and recent immigrants) says he beds 1 out of 20 after a decade plus of teaching guys how to do this (he gets a lot of #'s, goes on a fair amount of dates, but the actually going from zero to hero is 1 in 20).

And those good #'s are really only available in places with heavy foot traffic of young single girls. Whatever you think of his game, I don't really think he's that far off. Maybe someone with a smoother more PUA based style can knock that down to 1:15; 1:10 - but IT'S NOT EASY. And even though most seduction/pick up is at best 1:2/ or 1:3 (Are folks really batting 500 and better?), day game is particularly hard on the soul given the time between each rejection.

So it's not so much that you need better ice breakers or to just get the girls to invest more time, it's that dedicated cold approach day game without some other framework (college, fame, extra good looking, the beach/party environment..) - day game is low probability, period.

This comes up a lot. I probably am saying the same thing here that I said last time. Others here disagree with me, vehemently so, but to me cold approach day game is playing on the hardest level.
  • Cold DMs with Instagram chicks/Tinder can at least be automated, making that essentially effortless, even though the probability is far worse than day game.
  • Night game is more intimidating at first, but there's just more targets and more of a chance to get better, more of a chance to luck into some good stuff.
  • Social Circle is dumb easy to hook up, but that has a lot of thorny issues.
  • And Passport game sometimes just means showing up....

But Day Game? Girls are more "open" to chat, but that's a gift and a curse. Shields are down, but there usually isn't any gas in the tank to hook up at 2:12 pm in the afternoon (compared to 2:12 am at night). And in most places, the girls are spread out in distance and time.

So what can you do?

Obviously work on your
1) looks
2) work on your actual approach so as not to freak chicks out. Chasing her down, popping up outta nowhere, that type of stuff can kill your approach before you say a word
3) work on your delivery
4) have better material (props like a puppy/animal/guitar can help)

But we can all work on those things in every style of game (online, passport, night game, social circle)...

However the key is going to be hooking her hard emotionally, and then having an instadate when possible to cement those feelings. Anchor, if you will.

You might say something powerfully funny or deeply insightful in the first 60-120 seconds with a chick, but the key to all seduction is that you are so handsome/engaging/enticing/enchanting/charming/irresistible that she wants more and more. That even in your absence, (especially in your absence) she wants more.

However you play your game, romance/shock/deep insight/belly laughingly funny/etc - the girls need more "time under tension" in order for her to look forward to you snap chat/DM/text message. So a good line that really gets to her core, has to be followed up with more time. (Qualify her, get her to invest, cooperation tests, project a future, etc). Because she can be super hype on the 1st meet, and then that feeling will dissipate quickly. That's something guys have a tough time relating to, because they aren't being sold to all the time.

The younger and cuter she is, or the older/hotter/more jaded she is - the harder it is to reach that core in those first few minutes, and to have enough time with her that she wants to see you again based on those first crucial few minutes.

Good luck


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
says he beds 1 out of 20 after a decade plus of teaching guys how to do this (he gets a lot of #'s, goes on a fair amount of dates, but the actually going from zero to hero is 1 in 20).
And those good #'s are really only available in places with heavy foot traffic of young single girls
His conversion ratio is shit cuz his game is shit. I mean you've got everything you could ask for, for an SDL to go down.
  • Hot
  • Attracted
  • Sexually available
  • Not going somewhere shes gotta go to (work) or on her way to meet someone she wants to see (her friends). Cuz shes a tourist/new in town
....and yet he still fails to close every 19 of 20 girls that have those bulletpoints.
the key to getting solid phone numbers from cold approach is in social frame. But the vast majority of the time. . . meeting someone on the street is a socially-awkward experience. Now there are ways to reframe those perceptions that have been instilled by various societies. @Lofty is a member you should study to see examples of this
This buys me a few more minutes, so I quickly try to fractionate towards social frame to set-up the pull. Felt like that was needed in this case. I discuss how I live close by, which makes access to this street convenient because it’s such a short walk. Also say how there’s less exciting things going on around the town now but that life is what we make of it – after all, it’s up to us to make our lives better with spontaneity.

She agrees, talking a little about herself and COVID before mentioning that she already told the friend that she was on her way and really needed to meet up with her. I try handling the objection the same way as before, but she just smiles, hugs me, says how nice it was to talk to me, and waves goodbye
And there are plenty more examples of this (girls on their way to something (home with friends, on their way to see their friends) as he'd approach them).

Which lead to him asking himself these important questions.
Is it efficient to have to build social frame so quickly, as I am a stranger on the street? Is it efficient to try and seduce girls who are already going somewhere, or already have a ride on the way?
The guy you said nicko should see for examples of this.
if you want a higher street-game conversation rate. . . after another 100 approaches or so practicing that. Then just go for same-day-lays instead of taking any phone numbers.
I agree. And I'm sure he'd like to, but what lead to him creating this thread is that when he tries to take them on an instant date (a good step towards setting up a same day lay), the girl rejects his offer cuz shes meeting up with friends at the mall. So he number closes them as a last resort => dont respond to icebreaker.
One afternoon I chatted up 3 girls at the same bus-stop and took 2 of them home. The third girl was a botched same-day-lay during which the girl's mother called as we walked back to my place
Props :cool: But there again, had the chick not have to go somewhere, the lay woulda gonna down.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019

Perhaps you should carefully re-read @Bacchus' post. If I were you, I'd pay extra close attention to the points that he actually makes, and not some fallacious points that are generated solely for disputation.

Foremost, you know that Bacchus is not a significant supporter of street-stop approaches as a whole. This discussion has been beaten-to-death many times even in my short stay within the community.

I am in full agreement with Bacchus' views on street approaches - whether during the day or at night. Not just because he says so, but because I've tested it for myself. In fact, I wholeheartedly believe that anyone who has compared such factors as the moving target vs the stationary target, the street approach vs the park bench approach, and the two-set vs the lone-wolf will reach similar conclusions.

In fact, if it were not for COVID and there were more venues to meet stationary targets around town, then I would rarely be approaching on the streets in the first place. Add in other components such as bar restrictions, and you will quickly see why I've worked to develop this process at all.

The inherent challenges with street approaches - but the feeling of necessity I had to try them - led me to spending countless hours making this exercise as efficacious as possible.

While remaining calibrated.

Like learning to use intrigue bait to get her stopped before immersing with pacing. Or seeing a stationary girl at the curb and going straight into an RPO or meta-pace. Doing these kinds of things, as opposed to running after girls down alleyways, can get you into her mind without destroying every iota of social frame.

This is the point that Bacchus actually made when mentioning me. Not that all of a sudden, I had God-like social frame that never ever needed any fractionation or refinement.

I was once on the wrong side of calibration, but @Nicko doesn't have to be. He can experiment with these things, if he chooses, and maybe he'll learn something that we haven't discovered yet as a result.

Personally, I found significant increases in approach-to-hook ratios when working on these concepts. And higher propensities for immersion, among other factors, as well.

Even so, the true reasons why many of my approaches did not end in lays were not because she was meeting up with her friend or that she was on her way somewhere. Or even that her husband was on the couch when we walked in.

It's because of the flaws in my game. You surely agree with this because each time one of these scenarios occurred, you were always giving me great advice as to how I could have made the lay happen right then and there.

Because as seducers, we break down barriers. Sure, efficiency is a great, but all fantastical lays usually face some unexpected challenges. Our ability to reframe these scenarios to our advantage can be the difference between a number close and a SDL/SNL. This is one more truism that I've seen manifested with my own two eyes, for better and for worse.

As for the second snippet that was yanked from my journal. That was me musing over whether I should be dedicating more of my time to streetgame, or trying to SDL with new-and-improved daygame strategies.

I've chosen the latter.

Like Bacchus said, it's something for @Nicko to eventually think about, too. An SDL mindset with astute pre-approach and approach methodologies might just propel him forward into unimaginable experiences of his own.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Hey guys!

I have done quite a few approaches and i have around 100 or so approaches so far.

Im doing daygame and i typically do mall street stop game in the city, ill occasionally approach stationary sets.

With girls who i approach, i usually end up grabbing their numbers before actually moving them(they are usually busy meeting up with friends, have work, going home ect.)

but attraction is quickly build(cold reads, chase frame, tease, reality pacing, small compliance: can i see ur ring/necklace) in the quick time frame of 1-2 minutes or even less then that.

Im getting very low percentages of responses in return to ice breakers.

I find it weird when they were clearly enjoying the convo( giggling/laughing)
showing attraction and they go cold on me by not responding to my ice breaker.

I feel its the problem of investment and the girls i approach and respond to me are already sold on me in that small time frame.

If its the case idk how to get them into my frame since they are busy i cant get them invested.

Do i need to extend my conversation to at least 5 minutes or longer for better responses to ice breakers?

I preferable run street stop game because the city mall have a lot of traffic for cute girls to run into.

What is your ice breaker?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
I wholeheartedly believe that anyone who has compared such factors as the moving target vs the stationary target, the street approach vs the park bench approach, and the two-set vs the lone-wolf will reach similar conclusions.
https://www.skilledseducer.com/threads/15-year-old-meets-seduction.23809/page-2#post-127487 :)
Personally, I found significant increases in approach-to-hook ratios when working on these concepts. And higher propensities for immersion, among other factors, as well.
And then they've left as soon as a black SUV pulled up , or reached the corner where the post office is at, despite them telling you, "this is the best conversation I've ever had".

Hooking a set is but one part of a seduction. One way to do so is by via your style. "deeply insightful" as WIA says. or "powerfully funny" more my style (guys who aren't naturally funny will obvi favor one style over the other). But one style isn't better than the other ("how do you know if you've never tried???" 1) I did and it was cringe and 2) see links above) Despite what others may have you believe.

Anyway. I don't see a point in Nicko learning how to hook a set EVEN HARDER than how he's already doing. As you can see it doesn't mean anything if logistics aren't in your favor. Changing gaming environment > improving hook game.
Even so, the true reasons why many of my approaches did not end in lays were not because she was meeting up with her friend or that she was on her way somewhere. Or even that her husband was on the couch when we walked in.

It's because of the flaws in my game. You surely agree with this because each time one of these scenarios occurred, you were always giving me great advice as to how I could have made the lay happen right then and there.
These approaches I'm speaking of above that didn't end in lays were not due to flaws in your game. This is "ahhh I should've hooked them harder" thinking here.

I only stepped in to offer advice when I did see you fuck up a lay (the girl was attracted and heading with you to her or your place. Well beyond the part where you've just approached her and she's waiting for her ride with her friends, on her way to her friends house, party etc). My advice in your journal consisted of: Getting you to commit to a girl for the night, asking her, "what she's up to right now?" for efficiency sake, going back home with her (and how to get in without triggering ASD), setting sexual frames early to not waste your time on serious "I have a bf" girls that wasted your time because you used to go too indirect with your "fascinating guy with interesting insights" game, and then my last note on efficiency with regards to bar/club game.
all fantastical lays usually face some unexpected challenges. Our ability to reframe these scenarios to our advantage can be the difference between a number close and a SDL/SNL. This is one more truism that I've seen manifested with my own two eyes, for better and for worse.
The fantastical lays in the face of unexpected challenges, were the ones where luck was in your favor (if anything, the "skill" is in being able to recognize the opportunity that has landed on your lap and seizing it). Had it not, those unexpected challenges were the reason you didn't get balls deep in the girl you hooked that night. Results only go up once we recognize and diminish the odds of these unexpected challenges from showing up in our interactions.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019
Hey guys!

I have done quite a few approaches and i have around 100 or so approaches so far.

Im doing daygame and i typically do mall street stop game in the city, ill occasionally approach stationary sets.

With girls who i approach, i usually end up grabbing their numbers before actually moving them(they are usually busy meeting up with friends, have work, going home ect.)

but attraction is quickly build(cold reads, chase frame, tease, reality pacing, small compliance: can i see ur ring/necklace) in the quick time frame of 1-2 minutes or even less then that.

Im getting very low percentages of responses in return to ice breakers.

I find it weird when they were clearly enjoying the convo( giggling/laughing)
showing attraction and they go cold on me by not responding to my ice breaker.

I feel its the problem of investment and the girls i approach and respond to me are already sold on me in that small time frame.

If its the case idk how to get them into my frame since they are busy i cant get them invested.

Do i need to extend my conversation to at least 5 minutes or longer for better responses to ice breakers?

I preferable run street stop game because the city mall have a lot of traffic for cute girls to run into.

Hey man,

My DG results shot up when I started confirming time and date(S) of when we’d next hang out.

I think that tweak will help you too. As it turns it from “this guy is fun” to “this is happening”.

You’ve had a lot of solid advice from guys a lot more capable than myself.

With that said SDL cold approach - is the Olympic games of seduction in my honest opinion. Think some of these guys are so good they forget what it’s like to be new or even intermediate aha.

Equivalent of a ripped Personal trainer telling a newbie that he should be able to bench his body weight with the right technique... but the guy has only done 10 push ups in his life.

But yeah it’s up to you... You may be talented like @Lofty and be able to pull of crazy things early on or you can choose to baby-step improve your process and style.

Experiment and do what works for you.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Pretty much standard stuff

Ice breaker: '' hey x this is Nicko, it was nice meeting you :)''
This is bad, continue the conventional thread if possible or reference something between you and her in the interaction...here is a sample of a girl I hooked up with last weekend that had a boyfriend and made me Pinky swear that I would not try anything, of course that promise got broken, also she is new to the city and I am the 3rd person she knows

"Hey Gabrialla! Pinky swear girl, It is an honor for me to be "#3" friend lol, hope you got home safe, i had tons of funs dancing with you... I just saw the text " 1min full" i guess you texted me that while on the bathroom..."

So is a continual between us conventional thread, don't text what you are doing test this for me, don't carry your phone ask say you left it in the car, let me give you my number as soon as she unlocks it, say let me put it in, put your name aka something memorable in the interaction in my case skills aka Pinky swear man, then text yourself "who is that good looking, cool, sexy man you are talking to" if she tries to get the phone while you are doing this tell her to hold on with confidence...

And for God sake drop the so exited, happy I got a phone number emoji
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 31, 2020
Congratulations on passing an important milestone.

The first 100 daytime approaches provides each student of the game with a wealth of experience that's nothing to sniff at. But frankly, without a deliberate process of critically analyzing those experiences. . . its quite unlikely for them to lead towards a noticeable increase in results and skill.

Your current experience shows that meeting girls in motion to exchange phone numbers leaves you with a low conversion rate.

As I explained to Lofty some months ago, the key to getting solid phone numbers from cold approach is in social frame. But the vast majority of the time. . . meeting someone on the street is a socially-awkward experience. Now there are ways to reframe those perceptions that have been instilled by various societies. @Lofty is a member you should study to see examples of this. Plus, emotions are fleeting. . . and people will let certain frames dictate their behavior for a lifetime. You've even seen in 100 sets that emotional stimulation and sexual arousal will often work against you. . . without solid frames.

Extending your conversations gives you more opportunities to set and establish stronger frames in this context. And if you want a higher street-game conversation rate. . . after another 100 approaches or so practicing that. Then just go for same-day-lays instead of taking any phone numbers.

But if you only want better results with quick number grabs. . . changing locations puts you on a relatively faster track. For example, public transit stops like subways, bus-stops, train stations provide you with contexts where exchanging phone numbers quickly. . . seems more natural. So, if you don't open with anything direct or polarizing, you'd likely end up getting better results in these venues. . . without having to learn as much verbal frame control.

Although regardless of where you meet girls. . . it's always a good idea to increase your frame control ability. One afternoon I chatted up 3 girls at the same bus-stop and took 2 of them home. The third girl was a botched same-day-lay during which the girl's mother called as we walked back to my place. But while the girls I pulled came as a result of phone numbers. . . it's possible to get same day pulls from transit venues. And the vehicles too. . . if you really develop your frame control. This was one of my favorite ways to challenge myself when day gaming. Until I got bored of doing it. . . but I digress.
I agree with everything you say. SDL is much more preferable but phone number to me is much more realistic for me due to objections and i got a curfew at 7pm.

Seduction gets pulled to a stop, when she has objections on where she is meeting friends, going to work, x place, home and ect.

Can the objections can be conquer when ur giving the time frame of 1-2 minutes and remove her objections?

Therefore i quickly grab numbers instead to at least get something out of it, it seems go me this is a issue of skill and a lack of persistence of handling the objections.

This months approaches(which got me to 100 approaches). From my experience, im asking girls 'what they are up to' too early on in the conversation. It brings them back to their original state where she is supposed to do something instead of talking to a stranger. Thus breaking my hook and i dont have enough social frame to get her on a instant date.

My process usually ends up being

Compliment opener-> cold read nationality - > qualify -> cold read if she a club girl-> reality pace-> continue with the 2 threads from the cold or make 2 new ones-> close/pull for instant date.

Im trying go increase the duration of talking to her, making threads are fine for me but i agree i need a stronger hook.

I have read @Lofty hooks and it looks to work wonders. ill take a look further

Tho 1 'objections' i have managed to control to a certain degree from experience

'im actually going to [destination]'

from 2 experiences with walking sets goes like this..

'oh im going to this place'

ill throw in a compliance test

'do you want to continue to talk'

If she wants to we would walk and talk to the destination. If she is good i pull her for an instant date depending on the urgency of going to the place.

I go out to the city at 12-2 pm and practice as much as i can and phone numbers seems much more efficient as i can set logistics much closer to my place to pull with out that big of a time stretch.

i had 2 instant dates so far and they couldn't end up in as SDL due to logistics and 1 i messed up on something(lol) probably because i failed to hook her again after transitioning to a instant date.

I would keep SDL in mind and go for it when i can while im the city, using my mums crib which is 40 min by car is a long stretch and her logistics may not work. Unless she lives alone and she is in the city or close to it. Then last resort instant date or public sex(ill eventually reach there lol)

I guess i can try and manage the flow of the conversation and keep the bubble we created untill we get to her place/my place( depends who is closer) and SDL her. If i fail, i fail and learn from experiences thats just how the game works


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 31, 2020
This is bad, continue the conventional thread if possible or reference something between you and her in the interaction...here is a sample of a girl I hooked up with last weekend that had a boyfriend and made me Pinky swear that I would not try anything, of course that promise got broken, also she is new to the city and I am the 3rd person she knows

"Hey Gabrialla! Pinky swear girl, It is an honor for me to be "#3" friend lol, hope you got home safe, i had tons of funs dancing with you... I just saw the text " 1min full" i guess you texted me that while on the bathroom..."

So is a continual between us conventional thread, don't text what you are doing test this for me, don't carry your phone ask say you left it in the car, let me give you my number as soon as she unlocks it, say let me put it in, put your name aka something memorable in the interaction in my case skills aka Pinky swear man, then text yourself "who is that good looking, cool, sexy man you are talking to" if she tries to get the phone while you are doing this tell her to hold on with confidence...

And for God sake drop the so exited, happy I got a phone number emoji
Lol yeah ill swap this one out, i used that ice breaker from 1 of Chases old articles.

Can't remember what exactly was the name of the article

Sounds amusing, ill definitely test it and see what happens lol.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Lol yeah ill swap this one out, i used that ice breaker from 1 of Chases old articles.

You used it literally. You were supposed to add something relevant to your conversation.
It’s good you found that now.

Also if she doesn’t respond to an ice breaker, it’s not the end of the world.
Wait 1-2 days and make the invitation anyway... (I hope you’re preframing an invitation during your in person conversation)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
I agree with everything you say. SDL is much more preferable but phone number to me is much more realistic for me due to objections and i got a curfew at 7pm.
If an SDL to you is unrealistic, then you should be hanging out at public transit stops instead.
if you only want better results with quick number grabs. . . changing locations puts you on a relatively faster track. For example, public transit stops like subways, bus-stops, train stations provide you with contexts where exchanging phone numbers quickly. . . seems more natural.

Seduction gets pulled to a stop, when she has objections on where she is meeting friends, going to work, x place, home and ect.

Can the objections can be conquer when ur giving the time frame of 1-2 minutes and remove her objections?
There's a reason both of them aren't fans of street stop game. and prefer stationary lone wolf game.
you know that Bacchus is not a significant supporter of street-stop approaches as a whole. I am in full agreement with Bacchus' views on street approaches - whether during the day or at night. Not just because he says so, but because I've tested it for myself. In fact, I wholeheartedly believe that anyone who has compared such factors as the moving target vs the stationary target, the street approach vs the park bench approach, and the two-set vs the lone-wolf will reach similar conclusions.

this is a issue of skill and a lack of persistence of handling the objections.
The reason you're trying to overcome these objections is because you'd like to take them on instant dates, yes?

Ok now what if I were to ask you, to put yourself in their position for just a second. And imagine how would YOU feel if someone (not an HB9 non-prostitute/saleswoman cuz they'd never do this) you never met before, approached you. And then within a quick minute or 2 of interesting back and forth conversation was trying to hold you back from catching the train to work, or from seeing your best friend who's texting from the spot you agreed to meet, "hey where are you"? and then they started getting really persistent about that instant date, after you tried to let them down easy without making a scene?
This months approaches(which got me to 100 approaches). From my experience, im asking girls 'what they are up to' too early on in the conversation. It brings them back to their original state where she is supposed to do something instead of talking to a stranger. Thus breaking my hook and i dont have enough social frame to get her on a instant date.
Even if you'd stretch it out to 1-2 minutes longer before asking the question.....she's still meeting her friend/going to work.

There's only one guy I remember from another forum who was able to get this sexually available chick out on an instant date despite her having to go to work (to be fair, she was already late. So didn't really care. That's another thing. How much do they value the thing that's holding them back from going with you VS them (many many times, the girl I was with, I was a thousand times cooler than her friends, and she didn't care too much about them, so she came with me, instead of sticking with them (I didn't deal with the obstacles either. She wanted to hang with me. So she shooed them off)).

His strategy: outlandish sexual humor mixed w/disqualfiers. which is more your style VS "deeply insightful" game :
My process usually ends up being

Compliment opener-> cold read nationality - > qualify -> cold read if she a club girl-> reality pace-> continue with the 2 threads from the cold or make 2 new ones-> close/pull for instant date.
Except there's no sexual humor in your sets (yet):

Quick observation from 2 hours ago. Went to a bank and had to wait a few minutes until they opened, so I started watching a Joe Rogan video to kill the time. Cutish chick, maybe mid 20s walks by and tries to open the locked door…forcefully. I tell her without looking up from my phone that what she’s doing technically constitutes bank robbery.

She starts complaining in earnest that she’s already late for whatever the fuck, and I tell her ” let me pause my video so you can vent “. She says ” sorry ” quickly, but I noticed her sandals and feet – no, I don’t have a foot fetish or anything, but her feet/nail polish/toe ring/sandal combo looked very nice.

Me: your sandals are very nice. Who makes those?

Her : tthhhaannnkkkk yyyoouuuu!!!! I got them online, they are ‘ X ‘ brand ( I never heard of that brand ).

Me: well, your feet actually set off the design…

Her : lol… You’re gay right? You don’t look gay..

Me : what did you say?

Her: oh I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to offend you. You’re not gay right? You don’t look gay, I’m just saying…

Me : what are you just saying? Are you homophobic?

Her: oh God. Embarrassing..

Me: don’t be embarrassed. Maybe I came off wrong. Let’s start again.

Her : okay please, let’s do that.

Me: hello, say, you have a really nice ass. I hope this isn’t coming across as gay or anything.

Her: #laughing# I guess I deserved that.

Me: yup. You homophobe.

Bank dude comes and unlocks door and we go inside and form a line.

Her: let me ask you something, are you saying no one ever asked you if you were gay?

Me: are you still talking to me? I don’t talk to homophobic strangers….

Her: shhhhhhh!!!!! People are looking…

Me: so what’s your name so I know who to name in the police report?

Her : Athena.

Me: that explains your apparent goddess complex.

Her: I can’t with you. What’s your name? And I was only saying that your beard is so neat, and you’re dressed casual but stylish, you know? And you noticed my sandals. Now, if you Woulda started with ” yo ma you look good ‘, I wouldn’t have gone the gay way.

Me: Yo ma, them titties…

Her: oh my God – shhhhhhhhh!!!!! People can hear you!

Me: well Athena, I’m Blaximus. Now you can put a name to the face you’ve been insulting.

I take care of my transaction. Athena asks me to wait up.

Her: I apologize if I offended you.

Me: nah, see now I might need therapy. But if you want to make it up to me, it is my cheat day and I’ve been waiting to cheat all week. I’m willing to cheat with you.

Her: what? Wait… What?

Me: its just a thought. If you won’t cheat with me I’ll just do it by myself.

Her: by yourself? You mean jerk off?

Me: what!!??!! What are you even talking about? I’m talking about carbs. I can have carbs today. My diet cheat day. I was seeing if you were interested in some pastry. Maybe with coffee. Wtf???

Her : # cracking up #

Me: bakery 2 doors down. Motel 5 blocks down. Your choice since you have sex and sexuality on the brain.

Her : but I’m late for work.

Me : your already late. You’ll just be later. C’mon girl, the croissant ain’t gonna eat itself.

Her: okay, but hurry up.

Chatted for about a half hour. She has a bf. He’s not pulling the trigger on marriage, lol. Exit visa immanent. She says that he’s’ changed ‘.

She never asked if I was married or had a gf.

Poor dude.

phone numbers seems much more efficient as i can set logistics much closer to my place to pull with out that big of a time stretch.
yeah so again, back to the first comment.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
Love this thread. I really gotta start trying more for Instant-date to pull to sex


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 25, 2019
Me: well Athena, I’m Blaximus. Now you can put a name to the face you’ve been insulting.
Blax is a legend.

And in regard to making daygame phone numbers more efficient...
  • Seed the meet up in the initial interaction
  • Lead her somewhere in that initial interaction (micro-instadate), even if it is only over to the other side of the street (sun vs. shade). Good way to incorporate light, seemingly inadvertent kino
  • Create a time restraint before she says she has somewhere to go. Beat her to it.
  • Get the number, then create a reason for y’all to hangout for a couple more minutes, ideally moving from the spot/in a different spot from where you exchanged #s
  • End the interaction with kino + watering the meet up seed