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How to efficiently get rid of Orbital?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 14, 2013
This guy is so annoying, orbiting around her for months like a puppy, she probably made him cry when she tried to pull away from him, now she feels sorry for him so she keeps him around. Clasical 'Nice Guy' syndrome, waiting and waiting, but gets nothing. The only problem is she is using him as a shield against my invasion. Need to get rid of him, any ideas?
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
Find another girl? TBH if she really wants you that badly nothing will stop her, even you ;)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 25, 2012
Take him out for lunch. Seriously. If he sees you as a friend, many times he'll back off to keep from losing you as a friend. If you're a cool guy, it works even better. Besides, you might even be able to help him get better with girls which might result in him catching a different girl, in which case he'll look up to you even more and you'll both be happy. I did this recently with a guy who was orbiting a girl who is really into me, and it worked wonderfully.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 14, 2013
Flames said:
if she really wants you that badly nothing will stop her, even you ;)

That is a good one, LOL! But so true! :)
... but if she really wants you, she'll make it quite easy on you, and in such case no seduction/system is needed at all...


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 21, 2012

If she is using a dude she views as a friend to prevent you from spitting game at her or even meeting up with her, it sounds like she isn't having it man. In that case the dude isn't the problem, she is.

Think of it this way, is the dude truly preventing you from getting to this girl? Would she suddenly want you if he were to disappear? Or are you hoping that once he is out of the picture she'll look to you and be like "what the hell, might as well give him a chance"? I regularly have sex with girls that have numerous orbiting dudes, and they have never caused a girl to reject my advances.

Now this would be a different story if the kid was actively cockblocking you (say...you were talking to the girl and he sat down next to y'all, told you she was too drunk to stay at wherever she was, and led her away). I feel like I need more information to make a verdict here.

All that being said, if he is actively the problem, talk to him and tell him what the fuck is up.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 14, 2013
Jay said:
Think of it this way, is the dude truly preventing you from getting to this girl? Would she suddenly want you if he were to disappear? Or are you hoping that once he is out of the picture she'll look to you and be like "what the hell, might as well give him a chance"?

Yes. The situation is rather complicated. He is quite into her, and me obviously too. My unfortunate thing is that I don't work with her, I get to see her briefly several minutes per day, whereas he spends with her several hours a day. He is a true nice guy - does work crap for her, runs after her with coffee, brings her lunches and so on, while believing she'll give in one day. I don't think she will, it just doesn't work that way. He is simply non-threatening to her, good and safe puppy to keep around.

I am rather a wolf from this perspective. She is quite conservative, I know she is still attracted to me (even though not as much as before) but at the same time "afraid" and nervous as well. She knows exactly what my intentions are, and in retrospect, if I wasn't so open about it it would have been much easier. I build a barrier against myself by being too open and honest with my intention to get her to bed. Anyway, she is very careful with compliance, but currently I am still hitting on her quite hard - she usually runs away but always comes back, and the excitement is still there, quite high.

For example, recently I invited her for coffee. My intention was nothing big, just get 5 minutes small talk, get some compliance from her, try out a new tool - persistance. But she totally denied me (we had bunch of breaks together before). I tried to be persistant according to Chase, didn't want to let her say NO - yet I got like five NO's in a row within 30 seconds. I was totally shocked by the denial, didn't expect it at all, and I almost gave up. But she came second day and invited me for a lunch. I mean, I am not a pro, I am in learning mode, bunch of this stuff is still confusing. She already gave me two or three big windows which I unfortunatelly discovered only after recently reading Chases' stuff. So I need more window(s), and I can get them, unfortunatelly this fucking guy is around non-stop, slowing down my progress...


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
It sounds like she is keeping you around as a validation orbital. Some girls I've seen love it when guys around them want them. It's a powerful feeling, I catch myself seeking the same thing.

That said, I'd burn it to the ground. Keep persisting and make it known you are a man.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 14, 2013
Tyme2k said:
It sounds like she is keeping you around as a validation orbital. Some girls I've seen love it when guys around them want them. It's a powerful feeling, I catch myself seeking the same thing.

That said, I'd burn it to the ground. Keep persisting and make it known you are a man.

I agree, she just loves the attention.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 14, 2013
Just to follow up on my own post. Here is what I did:

I simply went after her, totally ignored the Orbital, at least on the surface, inside it was quite difficult. I went after her again and again, became decent friend with the Orbital, and yet kept stepping in physically between them (the guy is almost one head taller than me) and kept hitting on her - despite the fact they were kissing and hugging each other in front of me. It is really not as easy as it sounds, I almost gave up several times.

I never talked bad about him with her, rather the opposite, I described him as a great guy. She even tried to bad mouth him while with me, but I knew it was a trap. I never said one bad word about him, if I did I would lose the game. Later on she admitted that it was wise. Finally, Orbital lost his balls, he left the battlefield. He tried to come back several times, but he didn't have the balls to stay. Only me and her were left, I won. Later on she also admitted that she was in Love with him (which I kind of knew anyway), intensive platonic love. If they slept together, which I was anxious to find out so I don't look like a total fool, it could have end up differently.

She gave up on him because he didn't have balls to fight for her, despite the fact that she loved him and he loved her. She may not love me the same way she did him, but she is much more attracted to me. She, like any other woman, can't simply resist more persistant and dominant guy.

Bigger balls and persistance always wins...