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Calls & Texts  How to get a solid number from Day Game?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 21, 2024
Hey There Fellas...

So I’m able to get back into Day Gaming for a little bit and I’m trying to figure out how to get a solid number for a meet up based on two approaches I recently did.

The older Hott Russian from last week we can let go because she was pretty up front about not knowing English very well, even thou she did agree to meet up for coffee.

The one I’m disappointed in is the young college girl Saturday late morning walking her dog. I saw her as drove from the store to my place, and in seeing her I had to pull over and open her. On the approach it seemed as if she really liked it.

I opened her with a push pull telling her that her vide seemed interesting so I had to come see what she was like in person, however told her she seemed like really young and asked if she were in college not high school. She blushed and said College. We did a 5 minute walk and talk. I screened her for logistics for a meet-up.. She said she's was going to be studying all weekend instead of partying, but might have some time to meet up next week. That worked for me because I told her about how I'm working a show from Mon - Wed,(Now Thursday) and we could meet up after then.

She said she was down for the meet up. And I did stay and talk with her for like a minute after which is what this coach says to do. In fact he says stay 5 minutes after…

Anyway, I did a text with her then and there when I got the number Saturday:
Me: It's Adam C from Colorado
Me: Chloe

Then later around 7pm Sat I text her:
ME: Fun meeting you today
So I imagine you and Rebel (her dog) will enjoy doing homework all weekend :/

Didn’t hear anything back…

So today I sent her a “Value Text” a coach calls it - “Pinging Value into the void” to get the girls attention and a return response. Like a personal social media post.
It was:
ME: Pretty wild Chloe they built a desert island with the black LED screen in back lighting up as the ocean
(I included two cool picks from the soundstage)


Which really sucks since the College Girl seemed really into the interaction. I teased the hell out of her, with push pulls. Got her to blush a couple times. And being older I was like really hoping to have another Rare opportunity with such a young ”juciey” potentially more innocent girl who I could come off as the more experienced teacher.

I sent the Hott Russian something similar. And both didn’t respond. So I am trying to figure out for the Approaches I’ll be doing this week what to do more, better, lest, different, etc… to get a solid number from Day Game?

One Coach says to get a decision from a girl after you get the meet-up. A comment like:
“Ahhh, that’s cute Chloe, you like cute boys from Colorado” and have her agree to that.
(I’m not a cute boy thou, and I’m a more experienced Man, but you get the gist)

Something along those line with the idea that once all her excited emotions drain from her, and let’s say I text later when she’s in a much different mood, she’ll rationally think - “Well, I did say, or agree that I like “Cute Boys From Colorado,” and Adam C was one of them…

I’m inviting suggestions on how you’d modify this decision line

Or what you could say or have her say to get that solid rational after the rush of emotions leave.

Interested in thoughts!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 20, 2024
Honestly mate I send the same message to ALL of the numbers I get in day game. I say -

"hey Chloe, great to meet you earlier"

And that is it. I never try to get funny or cute or say anything else. I need to look at my stats but its something like an 80% response rate to that. And most of those responses usually give me something to bounce off. And even if the girl just says "nice to meet you too" ... then I'll follow up with a question like "how was xx ?"

If the interaction was solid, just saying "hey great to meet you earlier" will pretty much guarantee a response, and then you can move from there. Even if its the best interaction ever, I find it works because you're still not showing over-investment or that you're too excited about meeting them. Its just cool and calm. Let them give you something to work with in their response.

Anyway, this works for me in London. Might be different culturally elsewhere.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 21, 2024
Alright, Cool Alex.
curious -About what time frame do you send that in after the initial interaction?

Atlas IV

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
May 21, 2023
Then later around 7pm Sat I text her:
ME: Fun meeting you today
So I imagine you and Rebel (her dog) will enjoy doing homework all weekend :/

Didn’t hear anything back…
You should always keep the texting fun/upbeat/interesting, not reminding her of something depressing in her life. No surprise she didn't respond to that one.

So today I sent her a “Value Text” a coach calls it - “Pinging Value into the void” to get the girls attention and a return response. Like a personal social media post.
It was:
ME: Pretty wild Chloe they built a desert island with the black LED screen in back lighting up as the ocean
(I included two cool picks from the soundstage)
Did she say anything to you to suggest that she's interested in soundstages? Because if not, it sounds like you're just talking past her. I don't see the value in a ping like this - you're not showing any interest in her life.

A simple go-to of mine is to send a pic the next morning (around 11am) of whatever I'm doing right then and there with some light humor, and asking about her.

E.g. (photo of my morning coffee)
"Starting the day with the world's best coffee (mine) :cool:"
"What's going on in Chloe's world?"

Or better, like @alexlaguma suggested, if you know something from personal context with her (e.g. she was about to take an exam, hit the gym, etc), ask specifically about that.
"Did you crush the exam?"
"Solid gym workout?"

Keep it simple but make it personal. If she doesn't respond to something low-pressure like this, chances are she wasn't going to respond to you anyway.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 8, 2024

I think you did very well with the approach. Both the dominant and screening frames were clearly in your court.

She said she's was going to be studying all weekend instead of partying, but might have some time to meet up next week. That worked for me because I told her about how I'm working a show from Mon - Wed,(Now Thursday) and we could meet up after then.

She said she was down for the meet up.

When you guys are in person and scheduling a meet up so far out, this is gonna be a hugeee issue. For an in-depth analysis of why this happens, please read Part 1 of this post from @Skills quoting ijjjji, whom I believe has the best explanation. Leave the logistics / scheduling for when you guys are texting for far into the future events.

From my experience, if you want to schedule something in person, the event should ideally be on the same day or the day after (so in your case either Saturday or Sunday). Anything after that has led to incredibly high ghost and flake rates for me personally.

Then later around 7pm Sat I text her:
ME: Fun meeting you today
So I imagine you and Rebel (her dog) will enjoy doing homework all weekend :/

Didn’t hear anything back…

This is a horrible text. Did your coach tell you to send this? If so, you should consider getting rid of him.

  1. You sent her the first text late Saturday morning and you're already double texting so quickly on the same day
  2. The text was sent at 7pm Saturday. Would a cool guy really be texting her at this time?
  3. She said she's unavailable to meet the whole weekend. Why would you rush to text her if there is no logistical opening?
  4. Like @Atlas IV said above, the reference to homework is negative and boring and that is now getting emotionally anchored to you

One Coach says to get a decision from a girl after you get the meet-up. A comment like:
“Ahhh, that’s cute Chloe, you like cute boys from Colorado” and have her agree to that.
(I’m not a cute boy thou, and I’m a more experienced Man, but you get the gist)

Something along those line with the idea that once all her excited emotions drain from her, and let’s say I text later when she’s in a much different mood, she’ll rationally think - “Well, I did say, or agree that I like “Cute Boys From Colorado,” and Adam C was one of them…

As someone who's tried "force framing" with something very similar in the past, I can tell you what's gonna happen. Even though she agreed to a meetup, framing her as chasing this explicitly will have consequences. There's a chance that this girl will reject with something like "haha that's not true" or "I don't know about that". Just be prepared for things to backfire if you use this line.

So I am trying to figure out for the Approaches I’ll be doing this week what to do more, better, lest, different, etc… to get a solid number from Day Game?

One final thing: seduction is a game of odds. All the advice here is about reducing mistakes and stacking the odds in your favor. But this doesn't guarantee that she'll meet up with you or even respond to your texts. Even if we were to replay this exact scenario with Chloe in a parallel universe and with you implementing all the advice here, there's still a chance that it falls through.

There may be outside factors at play that we don't know about that affected her decision and that only she knows. Maybe you came off as too flirty for her tastes. Maybe she met someone else on campus. Who knows?

I would say just keep your head up, continue approaching, and think big picture.