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How to get this SUPER-popular girl


Dec 7, 2012
Hey guys,

This is probably a question that's already talked over various times but I would like to have some more specific help for this specific situation.
I'm in college now but in my former high school there is this girl that's a year younger than me and man she's hot. Back in elementary school we used to be friends and stuff but when I went to high school we lost touch. When I almost graduated from high school I saw her again and man she has been on my mind since then. I never approached her because she is one of the popular, handsome ones (I guess everyone knows that group :) ). Now that I discovered this awesome forum and read some of the topics I know that I have to take action but I don't know what... There is this great party on New Years Eve and everyone's going so she probably too. Should I approach her then or what? I know there are a lot of women etc and I did some practise with talking to girls and eye-contact techniques like you described in your blog but can you help me out with what to do then? I really don't wanna mess up and succeeding with her would really give my confidence an amazing boost and the most important I would really like to know her :p

Thanks for listening and I hope you guys can help me out :)

PinguKing (Tim)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Hi PinguiKing,

Not to burst your bubble, but getting the woman you want is not something that comes from a forum or an overnight discussion, even if that discussion is with a seduction expert. You need to focus less on this one girl and focus more on developing the skill of picking up women. This not only requires tactics and techniques (such as deep diving and steady eye contact), but it also requires a deeper understanding of what women really want and how to give it to them in the way they want it.

I would start on this topic that Chase posted here and start reading the material that is posted on this website. This website contains everything you need to know from overcoming approach anxiety to physically escalating with a woman to making her your girlfriend.

Remember, there is no "overnight magic pill" for getting the girl you want. In order to get the girl you want, you have to develop the skill of picking up women first. It requires knowledge; it requires practice; and it requires effort. But it will also be the most rewarding skill you will ever learn.

- Franco


Dec 7, 2012
Wauw Franco that just blew my mind! You were completely right but I think I didn't asked the question properly. I apologize for wasting your time but what I meant was that she interests me sexual. I ain't obsessed with her just want to know her and yeah escalate it :) This may sound emotionless but I hit rock bottom too because of a girl and even became depressed and emo. That period is completely over but I guess that's what made my confidence so low but I'm ready to fight my way back up! The links you showed me really helped a lot and the author is a real master :D Thanks a lot for helping and answering so fast!

Keep up the good work!

PinguKing (Tim)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
Yup, read them articles, good mind-blowing stuff.

I just want to assess common theme I saw among your posts was attributing experiences to being the cause of things that happened in your life.

This may sound emotionless but I hit rock bottom too because of a girl and even became depressed and emo.

This may sound harsh, but saying a girl is the cause of you hitting rock bottom and becoming depressed/emo is no way to look at things. You didn't get that way because of her, it came from you. She didn't force you to hit rock bottom and become depressed. There's no reason to place so much pressure on relationships and the outcomes. If this girl doesn't sleep with you, so what? There are plenty of other women out there. This is just some quick advice to prevent you from falling into attachment to women in providing your pleasure, which seems to be a theme here.


Dec 7, 2012
I became depressed and got depressed because of her manipulating my life. The problem was that one day she kissed me than the other she suddenly had another boyfriend. She messed with my life and every time I was almost over her she came back and wanted a relationship again and the wuss that I was back then just gave in. It was very weird because when I talked to other girls she chased them away to almost say that she claimed me but sha already had a boyfriend. This bad part in my life wasn't just because of her there were many things but every time I wanted to get over it she pushed me back in it. Like that she enjoyed it me being sad. But I know out of Chase his post that there are complainers and fixers and I'm tired being a complainer! So I can tell you with pride that that period is over :) And you're right too probably when you lay to much pressure on a woman she'll feel that and be uncomfortable so thank you very much for all the tips :)

PinguKing ( Tim)
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take