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How to handle this cock block chick?


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 3, 2020
Hi guys, I went out Friday night and met this chick. We had an instant connection, must have only been together two minutes and her friend told her she was leaving and asked if she was coming. The chick told her no, she wanted to stay. Her friend asked her if she was sure and tried everything to get her to leave.

The chicks friend asked us both to come outside, I decided to agree so I could talk to the friends, let them know I'm cool and win them over. Outside the chicks friend tried to convince her to leave, when she wouldn't she changed her own mind and said she was staying.

Another chick they knew, wanted to go to the other venue and asked for directions, they all decided to change venue. This chick was hooked so I decided to go with the flow and keep in set.

Halfway to the next venue my chicks friend flipped out at my chick telling her to be smart and that she doesn't even know me and started telling me to "stand over there" while she tried to isolate and talk to her. I refused to move for the dramatic bitch, not the best frame to be in but I couldn't stand her antics. She physically forced herself between me and the chick, lectured her and then started storming to the next venue.

I was left a few feet behind them, I quickly summed up we're going to a single room, half dead venue, outnumbered by her two friends, would struggle to isolate, it would look like I was needy and chasing and decided to bail.

I stopped walking and stood still, my chick realised and turned round trying to get me to come with them while her friend tried to drag her off. I just said "enjoy your night" and walked off. I couldn't think of anything better to do.


Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
Your best move in this situation is to be cool. CBC obviously doesn't want her friend going off and getting laid without her.

Get your target's # and tell them "enjoy your night, I'll catch you when it won't interfere with your friends." If the girl is hot , she will find a way to meet you. Might be after she leaves the group that night...

The key here is NOT to be affected or compete for attention. You have plenty of other options. Let your target think she could lose you...
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

Tim Iron

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2014
@Fuck This's advice is similar to what I was about to write. I had a few situations which were similar to yours in my last year of university.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 6, 2020
Nightmare scenario. You got ambushed.

In terms of prevention - you needed to find out where her friends were, and meet them before they meet you.

Who has that luxury these days though?

When you get Ambushed
  1. As a long term habit - Meditate daily so that in these exciting moments - you can keep a cool head
  2. Slow Things Down - To keep the emotions down. In my opinion, banging a chick is a win for both of us, and her squad. So I'm trying
  3. Introduce yourself - Stopping the momentum.
  4. Talk to the target - "You didn't tell me you had a friend."
  5. Still talk to the target - It's so cute that she's protective of you - eye contact with the friend.
  6. Talk to the cockblock - "What's your name? Oh I love it that you love your friend so much" - the more even handed, calm, but TALKATIVE you are, the more chance you have to win this chick over, and get her emotionally sidetracked.
  7. Maybe you want to ask probing questions about the cockblock's state of mind - "Are you always running after this one? I knew she looked like trouble"
At that point, you are probably far into defusing the situation. The cockblock will still try to block, but she won't be HYSTERICAL. As an aside, it's the strength and stability of the man and the flexibility of the woman that traditionally makes a good pairing.

From there, depending on your game, you inquire about where they're going.
  1. Defuse/Derail - Who do you know over there?
  2. Trust Booster - Do y'all know my boy Jason? (every bar has a Jason working there somewhere)
  3. Defuse/Derail - Cool. Me and the target was finna split a slice of pizza, but she's not feeling the pineapple (to further derail the point and defuse the heat
  4. Trust Booster - Talk to the target - You got their number right
  5. Trust booster - give her a token - Here's mine (which is a google #) just in case, (and low key grab the cockblock's number for possible future adventures
  6. Trust - I'll bring her right back..
Ideally you got friends and homies at the venue, and you have been seen talking to staff, and talking to others.

Still, a lot of cockblocks might not go with this, and then they just turn the emotional heat onto the girlfriend.

Interject - "You don't have to talk to her like that. You're her friend"

The more you can give the target a backbone, and make the friend look emotionally unreasonable, the better you'll make of it.

That said, all of this is low probability.

Why? Chicks have such strong emotions, they're so emotionally malleable, that most of the time, the cockblock will stiff arm you and then drag the target away. And you most definitely can not touch the cockblock, much less manhandle her w/o consequences.



Space Monkey
space monkey
May 3, 2020
Thanks @Fuck This I'm wondering when would have been a good time to go for the number close? On the dancefloor I just met her, outside we didn't exactly have a highpoint to ask on and I was still in set, shortly after mid commute was a train wreck and asking for a number here would have been salvaging and seemed like I was chasing.

Really appreciate the advice!

Thanks @West_Indian_Archie the defuse/derail and trust boosters are great, I used some of them last night and will be using them again if I'm in a similar situation!

Thanks guys, really appreciated


Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
I was left a few feet behind them, I quickly summed up we're going to a single room, half dead venue, outnumbered by her two friends, would struggle to isolate, it would look like I was needy and chasing and decided to bail.

I stopped walking and stood still, my chick realised and turned round trying to get me to come with them while her friend tried to drag her off. I just said "enjoy your night" and walked off. I couldn't think of anything better to do.

Thanks @Fuck This I'm wondering when would have been a good time to go for the number close? On the dancefloor I just met her, outside we didn't exactly have a highpoint to ask on and I was still in set, shortly after mid commute was a train wreck and asking for a number here would have been salvaging and seemed like I was chasing.
When you realize you are not going to isolate her that night. You say "hey, it looks like you have a full plate here tonight. Before I go, let me get your number."

If she turns you down you know she's not interested and she is just going to waste your time. A win really...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Hi guys, I went out Friday night and met this chick. We had an instant connection, must have only been together two minutes and her friend told her she was leaving and asked if she was coming. The chick told her no, she wanted to stay. Her friend asked her if she was sure and tried everything to get her to leave.

The chicks friend asked us both to come outside, I decided to agree so I could talk to the friends, let them know I'm cool and win them over. Outside the chicks friend tried to convince her to leave, when she wouldn't she changed her own mind and said she was staying.

Another chick they knew, wanted to go to the other venue and asked for directions, they all decided to change venue. This chick was hooked so I decided to go with the flow and keep in set.

Halfway to the next venue my chicks friend flipped out at my chick telling her to be smart and that she doesn't even know me and started telling me to "stand over there" while she tried to isolate and talk to her. I refused to move for the dramatic bitch, not the best frame to be in but I couldn't stand her antics. She physically forced herself between me and the chick, lectured her and then started storming to the next venue.

I was left a few feet behind them, I quickly summed up we're going to a single room, half dead venue, outnumbered by her two friends, would struggle to isolate, it would look like I was needy and chasing and decided to bail.

I stopped walking and stood still, my chick realised and turned round trying to get me to come with them while her friend tried to drag her off. I just said "enjoy your night" and walked off. I couldn't think of anything better to do.


^ you plaid it right till the end.... The only thing i would have done a bit different is to stay in set you gave up (your target was helping you) and i think that her friend cock blocking was kind of helping you too, a bit of romeo juliet syndrome.... I would have joke around that she would not be the braidmaid anymore and if she keep it up she will not be invited to the wedding".... i also would wishper like what is wrong with her friend, why is he so jealous she can see we have this amazing connection, but she keeps butting in, what is her problem, i don't want to ruin your friendship but this is too much, should i leave???"...

unfortunately the reality is when girls with friends, if you don't win over the friends, even if not your fault you did everything right, the lay may not happened, (worst if the friend is gay)if you get a feel for this you need to get the number....here is an article with some tips:



Space Monkey
space monkey
May 3, 2020
Thanks @Fuck This at the time, this chicks friend linking her arm, ushering her off, walking of in front I thought it would have been uncalibrated shouting after her or running up to do this. Low odds crossed my mind. I think I missed the boat on this one but I think I could have done it smoothly before the venue change.

I used this to my advantage last night when I struggled to isolate a chick from her group, really appreciated.

Thanks @Skills really cool way to handle the situation, I like the reframes and the jokes diffusing the situation and keeping the little bubble.
