First off, it's worth differentiating between sexual state and sexiness:
Sexiness is the quality of being carnally desirable. Yet it seems so abstract: why are some people sexy while many aren’t? It all boils down to 3 items: intent, confidence, & appeal. Earlier this year in my article on insider vs. outsider seduction frames, reader JimmyS asked about the crux of...
Sexual state lets you project sexuality and attract girls with your vibe. To get it, you must imagine sex, quit masturbation, and get laid more. Hi there. Today I will discuss sexual state – as in, the feeling of being horny and desiring sex – and how it can benefit you in the field. I will...
You don't necessarily need some throbbing sexual state to pick up. There are guys who are just about walking around with erections bursting out of their pants, it is true, but there are plenty of seducers who seduce with sexiness alone and don't add sexual state until later in the seduction.
When I think about my mindset and day-to-day interactions with women, I notice they're not always sexual, perhaps this is a sign that I don't have a high sex drive?
Only the horniest of horny men are constantly aroused every time they talk to girls.
This is normal. Likewise, most women you'll meet are ALSO not in sexual state. Sexual state can be very useful for picking up the ones who are, fast, and for tipping some who weren't it before over into it, but it can also be too much for girls who aren't in that state (i.e., the girls you'd take phone numbers from and take on a date later... rather than the ones you'd pull behind a dumpster to shag 15 minutes after meeting them).
For getting a lot of very fast sex with already aroused girls (i.e., girls with high buying temperatures), sexual state is very useful. These girls are already looking for sex and are seeking a guy who wants the same. Most girls are not in this state when you meet them.
I can get a girl hooked when she's dancing with me but I loose the magic cause I'm not able to arouse her further. If a girl is wearing a skimpy outfit then yeah I would feel a strong urge but it's off and on.
You might want to read Alek's series on dance floor game, if that's something you want to do:
This May I will be talking about dance floor game. There is one obvious reason for this – the summer is right around the corner, which means a lot of girls are going to head out to clubs. The sun makes us horny and if you go out clubbing in the summer (which you should) you will see a lot of...
As for sexual state, in addition to Alek's article on sexual state above, here are a few from me on conjuring it:
I have long believed, based on my own experiences in my most primal state and what I have seen in some truly talented others, that the best and most prolific lovers in the world - the most skilled naturals and the most successful seducers - have a different way of seeing women than most men, and...
This is for reasonably experienced guys. Newer guys will struggle with making this effective, I believe – it might even backfire. But for guys who are reasonably adept with women – if girls are easily attracted to you, if you’re good at getting them to follow your lead, if you have sex with...