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How to have a strong sexual state without a high sex drive?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 26, 2020
I don't know if having a high sex drive plays a huge role but I noticed a lot of the great night game seducers I read about have this uncontainable sex drive that oozes out a strong sexual state from them. When I think about my mindset and day-to-day interactions with women, I notice they're not always sexual, perhaps this is a sign that I don't have a high sex drive?

I can get a girl hooked when she's dancing with me but I loose the magic cause I'm not able to arouse her further. If a girl is wearing a skimpy outfit then yeah I would feel a strong urge but it's off and on. I read some pre-game preparations like not fapping for a week or watching porn before hand. Those sometimes work but I want to know if there are other ways that would help?


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

First off, it's worth differentiating between sexual state and sexiness:

You don't necessarily need some throbbing sexual state to pick up. There are guys who are just about walking around with erections bursting out of their pants, it is true, but there are plenty of seducers who seduce with sexiness alone and don't add sexual state until later in the seduction.

When I think about my mindset and day-to-day interactions with women, I notice they're not always sexual, perhaps this is a sign that I don't have a high sex drive?

Only the horniest of horny men are constantly aroused every time they talk to girls.

This is normal. Likewise, most women you'll meet are ALSO not in sexual state. Sexual state can be very useful for picking up the ones who are, fast, and for tipping some who weren't it before over into it, but it can also be too much for girls who aren't in that state (i.e., the girls you'd take phone numbers from and take on a date later... rather than the ones you'd pull behind a dumpster to shag 15 minutes after meeting them).

For getting a lot of very fast sex with already aroused girls (i.e., girls with high buying temperatures), sexual state is very useful. These girls are already looking for sex and are seeking a guy who wants the same. Most girls are not in this state when you meet them.

I can get a girl hooked when she's dancing with me but I loose the magic cause I'm not able to arouse her further. If a girl is wearing a skimpy outfit then yeah I would feel a strong urge but it's off and on.

You might want to read Alek's series on dance floor game, if that's something you want to do:

As for sexual state, in addition to Alek's article on sexual state above, here are a few from me on conjuring it:



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 10, 2022
Do not let go of your seduction juice... Cultivate it and use its spiritual power to manifest the things and experiences you want. Seduction juice is semen in this context ofc. ;)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 5, 2020
I don't know if having a high sex drive plays a huge role but I noticed a lot of the great night game seducers I read about have this uncontainable sex drive that oozes out a strong sexual state from them. When I think about my mindset and day-to-day interactions with women, I notice they're not always sexual, perhaps this is a sign that I don't have a high sex drive?

I can get a girl hooked when she's dancing with me but I loose the magic cause I'm not able to arouse her further. If a girl is wearing a skimpy outfit then yeah I would feel a strong urge but it's off and on. I read some pre-game preparations like not fapping for a week or watching porn before hand. Those sometimes work but I want to know if there are other ways that would help?
First I'm going to reply to your whole post and then I will respond to the bolded part.

My advice would be to shift your focus, you are putting too much mental energy trying to analyze her state because her state is irrelevant and the only important thing is that she's receptive. Instead you should focus on her compliance levels and appreciate the fact that she's actually interacting with you. In my personal opinion its very inefficient to have a game plan where you only push things forward if she's showing obvious signs that she's horny or throwing obvious ioi's as most women don't do that. A more efficient game plan is to use compliance tests as a measuring stick instead, create more opportunities/reasons to try and move her. You mentioned dance floor on your post so I'm assuming you mostly game in clubs/bars so after you dance with her try to move her to the bar area, you can say you need to drink some water or some random excuse and ask her to join you. If the place has a smoking area then try to move her there too and say you rather talk somewhere where the music isn't so loud, you can pretty much move her anywhere as long as its not the place where you initially opened her, and if she complies then assume its game-on and don't overthink it. Whenever you feel stuck your default strategy should be "let me throw a compliance test and try to move her somewhere", but it seems like you quit on yourself if she isn't like immediately giving you a blowjob or something lol.

And back to the bolded part, like 90% of the time most women don't show obvious signs that they are horny or into you so its pointless looking for signs of that. I have a feeling that you read somewhere that you should project your horny state on a women because that will make her want you, imo that advice is not good and it doesn't achieve anything. My question to you is why do you want her to be in a horny state, is it because you don't feel comfortable physically escalating unless she seems super into you? Going back to my last paragraph, the only sign to look for is if she lets you move her somewhere just ONE time then that is more than enough of a green light. I recommend to implement 60yoc techniques, maintain strong eye contact, close proximity, and if she doesn't seem uncomfortable after prolonged time with such strong eye contact and close proximity then she is ready to be escalated on and you can go for a kiss. I've never been rejected going for a kiss when I follow those steps as women won't hold strong eye contact or won't be comfortable being very close to you if they are not into you.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake