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How to improve my English speaking.. ?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 24, 2013
Hey guys.. !

I am not a native English speaker. So, I am not really good at it when speaking. No need to mention, sometimes...it causes me lot of problems. I found myself in lot of situations where I feel embarrassment.

I need to improve my English speaking. I need you guys help to find out a right path. Please, give me some advices to improve.

What can I do to improve my English speaking.. ?
Do I need really really good knowledge of grammar.. ? (To be honest, I have some kind of good grammar knowledge though)

Guys, Please help me..!
I am looking forward your replies.
Thank you..!
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

Mr. oblivious

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 13, 2014
PeaceInHeart said:
What can I do to improve my English speaking.. ?


Reading books, watching movies in english and by practicing having more conversations with people and try utilize english more (also depends what type of learner you are, you might find listening to people talking is better or actually talking helps you even reading out loud all depends)

Do I need really really good knowledge of grammar.. ?

For interacting with people i think grammar is the least of your worries im a horrible spell and have shocking grammar but i can communicate with people flawlessly i think the most important thing is increasing your vocabulary (which is something iv been trying to do) just because sometimes you might ramble on when what you wanted to say could of be said in a few words.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 6, 2014
You may want to try to get the Rosetta Stone Software so you can practice at home everyday, then you want to go out and converse with other English speakers. I dont know where you live but, you also may want to find a place that offer English Classes so you can interact with your peers. Also your grammar is not important as long as you can communicate well.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 29, 2013
Hey PeaceInHeart,

Look at for an elocution tutor.

It might be expensive, but trust me it is worth it. During my Masters, the ONLY people who didn't get a job was the foreigners. They understood and spoke English perfectly with the exception of their thick accent. Ultimately, they all had to go back to their country when they couldn't find a job in the United States.

You could do some courses online...but nothing will compared with working one-on-one with a good tutor.