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How to increase your chances if the lay is not there on the meet


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Disclaimer.- this will be a long comprehensive post but it will totally help you big time, so read it and understand it...

Most of the dudes including seducers are still living in the wrong century, or flat out they are not out there gaming or are pretty much kj, because i really don't understand what the fuck they are talking about, which is pretty frustrating... Again i game SUCCESFULLY, 3 generations x, millennials, z.... And I am still pimping out there, not living on past successes.

Brief history:

What happened 10 years ago.- You could go out screen for Down to fuck women that were available, and you could easy pull every night if you wanted to if target rich venues and good days/seasons or even multiple times in a night... This is because there was not tinder, dating app, social media influences as strong as now a days the closes was myspace or aol. But does not even compare... The women also were out wayyyyyy more than now, again i pretty much blame this on multiple factors such as streaming services, social media, ubber, corona, bottle services etc...

present environment:

What happens now is that the dtf women have gone to dating apps, and the ones that go to clubs are probably less than 10% if any, to be honest, vs what was out there back in the day... Pulling has gotten harder if you do not have your game on point, you are pretty much fucked, which is why most men in part have given up or join bitching movements like red pills, mgtow, black pill and the rest of the copes movements...

Current seducers:

The seducers including some in this forum for the most part is biz as usual do in part of an improvement on face to face game and cold approach, and the development of second generation verbals (secret society framing addressing all women objections, strong opens and hooks)....here is by skills:

"Here are the elements needed for 100% guarantee pull aka taking a girl home:

First, you need to look good and pass her looks threshold. (style, swagger, a sexy cool dude that she is proud to show to her friends).
Second, you need to emotionally stimulate her. (you are not boring)
Third, you need to sexually stimulate her. (Sexual prizing, you will give her a sexual experience that only you or a few guys can match, soon I will write some posts on sexual mastery and some routines)
^ (this is my interpretation dumb down, probably incorrect of gunwitch 3 keys, credit to him that came of with the original idea...)

^ Now all of this is not enough, pre-pull (taking a girl home) you need to take care of some other things to close the deal:
1.- She needs to know that you won’t judge her as a slut or a whore for going home fast with you.
2.- She needs to know you are sexually competent, in other words that you are good in bed.
3.- She needs to know she will be safe. Since you are much stronger than her and you have the ability to harm her physically.
4.- She needs to know you are not going to use her, aka fuck her and tell her to get the fuck out making her feel like shit. (most false rape accusations happened due to this)
5.- She needs to know that you will not be a clinger, stalker or super needy after sex and pushy before sex.
^ If you cover all of the above YOU WILL GET LAID"

^ dumb down interpretation of cosy second gen post...

Of course i got caught up in that excitement cause i discovered a new toy and was getting laid like a rockstart but soon i found some issues that are here, and the reason for the post, SPECIALLY/EMPHASIS ON #4:

1.- Problems with the delivery…- I lost a lay trying to translate sex talk from English to Spanish, I was in my head fumbling, and pausing and the translation was horrible = pure disaster.

2.- Done too early in the interaction… If you do it too early for example prior to hook point and I would say prior to investment, it has lower probability of working. I would say even in hook point i would not do it, there has to be indication of interest and/or some compliance, and/or some investment to work.

3.- Lack of proper bait and transitioning and uncalibrated timing. Lets say she is with a bunch of her female friends and you deliver the sex talk, you just ruin her social frame and it won’t work. Lets say the way you bring it up comes across bad, calculated and not smooth it may not work. (back to my experience using it when I was translating from English to Spanish).

4.- If the logistics are not likely there (she has to work the next day, she is the designated driver and the likes and you will not be able to hard core escalate or fuck her). The reason being is that puts the expectations on next meeting on ” I have to fuck him now”.

5.- If you are within the window of opportunity and you do not take action such as super strong sexual escalation or sex (I know it kinds of contradict number 4, but you will get feel for it).

^ but lets say you still get all that right, like i do most of the time, and even @samuraijack:

I had this realization too when I had a girl over, in bed, and i was on top of her, fingered her, and she said she doesn't want to do one night stands anymore. I was thinking the day after, I couldve maybe said something in the moment like "your right, i feel like we have a connection and I'd only want to have sex with people I'd want to see again".

The thing is...I more or less said everything you said in red, prior to the pull. It didn't do anything for the LMR.

This also happened once again, where during the first meet, a girl said I dont do one night stands anymore, i laid out the non judgmental, madonna/whore complex, anti asd frames, and still go the same word for word LMR on the day 2.

I'm wondering if verbally addressing these issues prior to escalation and during escalation is enough, or is it more building tension and turning the girl on so much she can't hold back anymore (which I haven't learned yet).

^ sometimes no matter whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat you do, i don't care how well you address it, how tight your game is, IT WON'T HAPPEN, i know is hard to believe, in my experience there are many reasons and they all can be address eloquently and smoothly like the period, but there are girls no matter what won't have sex with the period, hell! i don't care how hot the girl is you give me _____ hottest girl in the world, i probably won't fuck her with the period since i despise period sex (i may do it like i did with my main, if is on the last day barely any, but i most likely past 99% of the time), but there are girls out there no matter what that won't have sex right away no matter what for ___ reason, i am not saying not to address it, in fact i go for the lay most of the time.... My goal is to play the Odds.... Pure evil for example used to do something the 3 date method as @hey_lover uses here (too bad pure evil post can be misinterpret for those who did not know him or read the post):

I think guys chalk up misses like this to 'shoddy' game and strive to learn just the right gambit that would turn her in the future. And don't get me wrong, it's worth having such a mindset as you seek to grow and add more weapons to your arsenal. But I'd be willing to bet that there was nothing you could have said or done to get the bang.

Like she said, she doesn't hook up so fast. As guys we will read that a million different ways, none of which will be at face value. It's one of the reasons why I've drifted away from the first date bang (unless she is displaying clear signs of 'take me now'). I prefer slower strategies such as Pure Evil's 3 date strategy which casts a wider net and maintains social frame.

But i found a way stronger strategy, to pure evil 3 date model, and that is stronger with better results and higher odds, and that is what this post is about, this post is about after you have done PROPER GAME, AND AFTER YOU HAVE ADDRESS AND UNCOVER HER OBJECTIONS MULITPLE TIMES, then to increase your odds by backing off the plowing for the lay.....

ok so again after you have address her objections and uncover her objections after 3 times and you don't see that is going to happen you have different choices:

Dating apps/maybe not too strong day game:

- adopt the pure evil 3 date model (i personally would not this strategy cause in my experience after 2 encounters your chances go to total crap, but if you want to try that go ahead, i never laid a girl doing this and pure evil is my good community friend and i consider him a mentor, he is super legit, and he has)

- What i found superior is the 3 bounce method and if the lay not there, you follow by another day a second 3 bounce method in the same location different venues or preferably in a different location (i swear never lose a lay if i did 2 3 bounce methods, never)

Night game strong interaction:

-since you have a strong interaction if the pull is not here you only need a 3 bounce method.

- or another meet (you don't even need the 3 bounce)

^ again guys even though I screamed for years about the horrible texting advise in the community, people are finally listening and getting results, every once in a blue moon, we get a new guy spitting no sense low odds texting and now is the other way around people roll the eyes at them vs rolling the eyes at me when i was screaming that shit was retarded.

ok so now you have this real seducer scenarios from horrible to the one that actually gets laid:

Seducer a.- Gets the girl to meet from online dating, poor strategy gets a make out at the end, text "hi it was fun finally meet you, how does your schedule looks like?" crap open, then hard close, writes a block of text on why he never gets second dates...

seducer b.- strong interaction the pull not there, decides to increase odds by no triggering too much asd based on intuition and field experience and take a calculated risk and say my odds may be higher a second encounter... His texting game sucks with the crap of "hi, how does your schedule looks like" then writing a post on why girls not meeting him a second time...

Seducer c.- Good game, good fundamentals meet girl in night game, girl have the period, addresses all objections with second generation verbals and proper sexual frame, girl all turn on into him, pulls out the dick, gets a hand job... Did everything perfect. Girl ghost him....

Seducer d.- Good game, good fundamentals meet a girl from online..., she is drooling over him, does second generation verbal, girls has the period, offer him a bj, he declines and tell her "no" you are not going to get anything out of it... Good proper texting post a 3 bounce meet... Fucks the shit out of the girl (yes you guessed it me)...here is the video lay report

Seducer e.- Good game, good fundamentals meet a girl from night game... proper game, second generation verbals, addresses objections 3 times, persists, isolate, everything on point, almost tempted to pull out dick, but knew he did not have it.... proper texting, 3 bounce method, fuck the shit out of her... (you guessed it, me)

seducer f.- meet a girl from online, proper game 3 bounce method, he could have pulled her but found out she had to work early in the morning, strategically did not go for the fuck... with proper texting did a second meet 3 bounce method in different location... fuck the shit out of the girl ( seducer f, is me too)

You have 2 dudes one is good at everything but has weak text game. lets call him seducer A (if he does not get laid on that night he is fucked pretty much)/ vs the other pretty much can do the same shit dude a does but strong text game lets call him seducer b:

here is how it will play out-

player a: will go out and may get if everything works out laid that night (and please don't think people go out every night and pull, i have a bridge to sell you, but lets assume he pulls) = 1 lay....

player b: had 3 good solid interaction got 3 numbers and pull 1 girl... With the strong texting maybe got 1 out of the 2 numbers. Or maybe he did not get laid and got to meet the 3 girls and ended up fucking them...

^ what if shit like that happens multiple weekends, what if you combine with online and day game??? Get the point...

Summary.- Play the odds and % win, what actions will give you the higher odds. In before what if the girl is going back to Europe the next day type questions... Of course in this case all in, cause you never see her again...
If the pull is not there don't go for it, not all the girls will fuck you on the first night i don't give a shit how good your so call game is, if you keep plowing will spike asd preventing second encounter, try not to plow after addressing the objections 3 times.
Texting properly will get you more lays.....

P.S. i no longer do online strategically put online, cause a lot of you do online...
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
This post isn't just inaccurate it also reeks of cop-out rationalizations.

The best chance to bang any girl is on the first meet. . . seriously a girl's initial receptiveness is not a big deal if you work on your verbal game. And while the technical notes you made in this post are a good start for this journey. . . you did not innovate a single word of any of them. In fact you spent more time debating and trolling the same ideas you are currently watering down. . . by your own admission. It would've been smarter for you to take even more time to thoroughly field test these established techs before trying to make a comprehensive post concerning ideas that you clearly still don't understand.

Instead you write a post that encourages guys to avoid pulling the trigger if the girl doesn't seem DTF. Personally, I've lost count how many girls I've taken home on the first meet who weren't DTF from the get-go. And anyone who's read the exploits that @Lofty has posted knows what is possible with a solid understanding of technical game. Guess what. . . you don't get this understanding from playing it safe and exchanging phone numbers as a default tactic.

One of the biggest issues in attempts to use non-judgmental framing and sex-talk is treating them as a monologue or some kind of to-do list. Going from a natural back-and-forth with a girl to suddenly spewing forth a memorized gambit. . . with no context or feedback from the girl as you talk. . . is less likely to change her behavior. If you had taken the time to build your own gambits you would discover that these techs were created to help you manage your conversation smoothly. That can't happen if you don't get her involved in the conversation. Seducers who avoid making these mistakes don't face LMR after setting these frames. . . and they don't have to set them multiple times over 3 meets either. Challenge yourself @Skills and your results will improve.
Re read the post and understand it vs your silly posturing....

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
adopt the pure evil 3 date model (i personally would not this strategy cause in my experience after 2 encounters your chances go to total crap, but if you want to try that go ahead, i never laid a girl doing this and pure evil is my good community friend and i consider him a mentor, he is super legit, and he has)
In my experience second date is guaranteed if she's down, actually generally those girls might have been ready for first date sex, but I played careful and in the end it worked out (honestly I think if they were hornier and had other as good and easy options, I would have lost a lay easily, but I think I can sniff that out as well... If I feel bold or if I can feel there won't be a second chance, I'll go all in on the first date, for sure).

I guess it's always go as fast as you can, @Bacchus got a point on ejecting too early, 90% of the guys probably will take an easy out if they think they can have another meet up, just out of fear, and not even consciously.

Also sex when you first meet is hot and romantic at the same time, like it's meant to be, if you're running some multiple date routine you'll probably end up coming off too player-ish and robotic, and LMR can be a bitch.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
In my experience second date is guaranteed if she's down, actually generally those girls might have been ready for first date sex, but I played careful and in the end it worked out (honestly I think if they were hornier and had other as good and easy options, I would have lost a lay easily, but I think I can sniff that out as well... If I feel bold or if I can feel there won't be a second chance, I'll go all in on the first date, for sure).

^ this matches my experience as well... And yes the first time, first meet should be always the goal cause you never know if you will get another shot! = the post is when is CLEARLY AFTER YOU HAVE DONE EVERYTHING NOT THERE....(I will give an interview to a girl i had like this soon, for my youtube)

I guess it's always go as fast as you can, @Bacchus got a point on ejecting too early, 90% of the guys probably will take an easy out if they think they can have another meet up, just out of fear, and not even consciously.
^ then they are reading the wrong post so is bacchus cause no where in my post i am talking about :

- if the girl is dtf or going for dtf girls (i clearly explain that those women went to tinder and do not exist or barely exist)
- i clearly explained to go for the lay and to try as much as possible with verbal tech, physical game, addressing objections etc... multiple times... (he does not lay with his superior tech every girl if you believe that, i got a bridge to sell you in Rio)
- I am here to talk about me and my experience no to get into someone's consciousness trust me i don't get into anyone's consciousness, i can bet you any amount of money, if i did, people would be getting laid left and right more often, so i wish i had that power, but trust me i don't...

Also sex when you first meet is hot and romantic at the same time, like it's meant to be, if you're running some multiple date routine you'll probably end up coming off too player-ish and robotic, and LMR can be a bitch.

I hardly get lmr a lot of people get lmr cause they belive in "verbal" and not doing physical cause some silly reason till they are at closing location, which for me is retarded.... and i talk about the robotic in the op:
.- Lack of proper bait and transitioning and uncalibrated timing. Lets say she is with a bunch of her female friends and you deliver the sex talk, you just ruin her social frame and it won’t work. Lets say the way you bring it up comes across bad, calculated and not smooth it may not work


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 7, 2021
Interesting post skills and will be interesting to see the discussion form around it. Your initial piece regarding around past vs present practices will be especially relevant as COVID hopefully begins to wind down in the future. People need to stay adaptable to those around them and adjust accordingly.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Interesting post skills and will be interesting to see the discussion form around it. Your initial piece regarding around past vs present practices will be especially relevant as COVID hopefully begins to wind down in the future. People need to stay adaptable to those around them and adjust accordingly.

^ this post is relevant night game has been back in my area from last year as my evidence in this video notice i shot the video november 2020, i am in Florida... Again, when i write i talk about the now, i am on the field...

Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
From experience if I touch them sexually on the first date and don't finish the seduction with PIV, there usually won't be a second date. However when I pull up short of second base, it either makes THEM more aggressive, and we finish or it makes them crave more on a second date.

If the first date is short (30 minutes) 2nd date action is more likely. Hello girl from university was like that. I said hello to her on the way to class 1-2 x a week all first semester. Met her at a party at the beginning of 2nd semester and took her home in 20 minutes.

Had a OLD match who I got to meet me for lunch on a Sunday. Met her for pizza and a beer. No touching, but some sex talk . She right off the bat said she would love to take me home and F my brains out but she couldn't. ASD from the get go. Date was 2 hours and she asked to kiss me at the end and I obliged her. Second date had none of the sexual energy and I didn't have logistics. that fizzled right there.

College met my future STR while dancing, she and her friends from another university, came to the frat house after closing time for 15 minutes. Having friends there upped the ASD. Gave her a quick kiss that night but no groping. She came over the next weekend and spent the night.

Dance floor makeouts are notoriously poor conversion to SNL's. ~67% of mine never resulted in SNL or 2nd dates.

Best sign for escalation success is if she invites you into her room, appt, house where she feels comfortable. At this point if she halts the process, you need to give her the "finish what I started" and any protest on her part, you need to say, "I can see you aren't ready. I'd better go." AND THEN GO. Don't argue , don't push, don't be her snuggle buddy.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
From experience if I touch them sexually on the first date and don't finish the seduction with PIV, there usually won't be a second date. However when I pull up short of second base, it either makes THEM more aggressive, and we finish or it makes them crave more on a second date.

I didn't understand this, you say you that when you escalate sexually they will not be second date, which makes sense cause now she had the pressure of thinking you expecting sex on the second date (for some reason with the way i text it does not really happen to me, cause again i do not open then close, with the what are you doing this week type text), but again i am very calibrated in the way i escalate i do both physical and verbal and by sooo much experience i can tell if the lay is there or not... if i have a gut feeling is not there after i have giving my best efforts then i will just pull back vs cont. with the plowing and set up a second encounter...

If the first date is short (30 minutes) 2nd date action is more likely. Hello girl from university was like that. I said hello to her on the way to class 1-2 x a week all first semester. Met her at a party at the beginning of 2nd semester and took her home in 20 minutes.

I don't do short dates my dates are either a sexual encounter pre-arrange via texting, or between 45 minutes- to 1:30 minutes if meet and great...

Had a OLD match who I got to meet me for lunch on a Sunday. Met her for pizza and a beer. No touching, but some sex talk . She right off the bat said she would love to take me home and F my brains out but she couldn't. ASD from the get go. Date was 2 hours and she asked to kiss me at the end and I obliged her. Second date had none of the sexual energy and I didn't have logistics. that fizzled right there.

^ why would you meet a girl from lunch on day time strike 1, why would you meet for pizza (heavy food full of bloat and sodium, no conductive to seduction strike 2), second date no logistics strike 3 game over.... Bad strategy all over the place...

College met my future STR while dancing, she and her friends from another university, came to the frat house after closing time for 15 minutes. Having friends there upped the ASD. Gave her a quick kiss that night but no groping. She came over the next weekend and spent the night.
^ that is what i talk about in the op, but frat house are super easy lays, but for whatever reason you probably did not have it based on experience and intuition and you played the odds, and you strategically set up a second meet and got the lay...

Dance floor makeouts are notoriously poor conversion to SNL's. ~67% of mine never resulted in SNL or 2nd dates.
^ goes back to bad strategy i explain the why in this post, when i got pissed of people having the same complain, dance floor is about the bubble vs a make out to validate and amp the seduction then to crash it (i sound like a broken record with this) here is skills:

A post by a newbie bragging about his successful makeouts and grinds, but at the same time complaining about how he loses women in mid game and how he can not pull single night lays, inspired me to write this post. The way I do dance floor game is in a way that trough my body language, actions and my dancing I let the target get to know me, none verbally while the target and I are having fun, feeling the chemistry and we are getting aroused sexually. Through my dancing I display that I am a Secret Society member, I am fun, I am attractive, I am different,I am not needy, I have abundance, I am calibrated, that I protect her social proof, I can aroused her like no other dude, I am high value, I don’t chase etc… I offer things that no other guy can offer specially in the dance floor and probably in the club. If you just were to grab a girl escalate and make out, is simple and you got nothing, that is not enough, she does not know you, so she will flake if you call her, and definitely she will NOT go home with you. That is one of the reasons most gurus advise against dance floor (the famous trap) and insist so much on isolation. They are totally right, but there is a way around that, which is what i have done successfully for many years. Which is creating a bubble, I will quote a seducer by the name 0 who explains it very well in this paragraph:

"Once I dance with a girl that I dig, it is pure seduction. It is sensual. It is foreplay. It’s her and me in a bubble. Forget all about this social-dancing thing where you just bust your moves. It is all about the interaction, the touching, the tension, the eye-contact, the push-pull, the i-could-go-on-for-hours. It is the most fulfilling seduction technique I’ve experienced. Fuck, I’ve taken home too many chicks from just dancing with them until they couldn’t hold back but kiss me and touch my cock to know your saying “dancing is bad for seduction” comes from a misunderstanding of how you properly dance with a woman. And yes, it only comes easy if you can feel music. I know very few guys who can use dancing for seduction, and most of them aren’t European. Go figure."

and finally:

Best sign for escalation success is if she invites you into her room, appt, house where she feels comfortable. At this point if she halts the process, you need to give her the "finish what I started" and any protest on her part, you need to say, "I can see you aren't ready. I'd better go." AND THEN GO. Don't argue , don't push, don't be her snuggle buddy.

^ we will agree to disagree, i have that happened a lot of times ( i constantly bait women to do that via text and one of my soft closes is "invite me over" had a post on that on nextasf... but,you will lose a lot of lays if you wait for a girl to invite you to her room, appt, house where she feels comfortable...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
In my experience second date is guaranteed if she's down, actually generally those girls might have been ready for first date sex, but I played careful and in the end it worked out (honestly I think if they were hornier and had other as good and easy options, I would have lost a lay easily, but I think I can sniff that out as well... If I feel bold or if I can feel there won't be a second chance, I'll go all in on the first date, for sure).

I guess it's always go as fast as you can, @Bacchus got a point on ejecting too early, 90% of the guys probably will take an easy out if they think they can have another meet up, just out of fear, and not even consciously.

Also sex when you first meet is hot and romantic at the same time, like it's meant to be, if you're running some multiple date routine you'll probably end up coming off too player-ish and robotic, and LMR can be a bitch.

As promised here is the most recent sample.....


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2018
Most of the dudes including seducers are still living in the wrong century, or flat out they are not out there gaming or are pretty much kj, because i really don't understand what the fuck they are talking about, which is pretty frustrating... Again i game SUCCESFULLY, 3 generations x, millennials, z.... And I am still pimping out there, not living on past successes.

Brief history:

What happened 10 years ago.- You could go out screen for Down to fuck women that were available, and you could easy pull every night if you wanted to if target rich venues and good days/seasons or even multiple times in a night... This is because there was not tinder, dating app, social media influences as strong as now a days the closes was myspace or aol. But does not even compare... The women also were out wayyyyyy more than now, again i pretty much blame this on multiple factors such as streaming services, social media, ubber, corona, bottle services etc...

present environment:

What happens now is that the dtf women have gone to dating apps, and the ones that go to clubs are probably less than 10% if any, to be honest, vs what was out there back in the day... Pulling has gotten harder if you do not have your game on point, you are pretty much fucked, which is why most men in part have given up or join bitching movements like red pills, mgtow, black pill and the rest of the copes movements...
Dude! Thank you for sharing this part because I had no idea others were seeing something similar. I always kinda figured my game was just weak and that's why it seemed so difficult for me to pull at night.

But yeah there have been many times where I've been at a packed venue filled with beautiful women... but I'd notice a ton of them were there with their boyfriend... A ton of them where there with their girlfriends and they'd do that 'stand in a circle' thing basically putting out as strong body language as possible that they're not interested in meeting new people or being approached. And finally, I rarely see other guys leaving with girls they just met.

The single women I'd manage to talk to were almost always hesitant and clearly not looking to find someone to go home with.

Then going on apps and especially after employing your texting recommendations, it becomes quickly apparent that the women there are very different. You can just tell there's more dtf girls there and it makes sense. It's more discreet, and it's easier for them than going out and socializing in person.

Anyway, I find your observation fascinating because for a while I thought I was seeing something similar but figured I was just crazy.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019

Dude! Thank you for sharing this part because I had no idea others were seeing something similar. I always kinda figured my game was just weak and that's why it seemed so difficult for me to pull at night.

i notice is a bit harder now than previous year as you have notice to to go for snl, harder means in other words the frequency has decreased...

But yeah there have been many times where I've been at a packed venue filled with beautiful women... but I'd notice a ton of them were there with their boyfriend... A ton of them where there with their girlfriends and they'd do that 'stand in a circle' thing basically putting out as strong body language as possible that they're not interested in meeting new people or being approached. And finally, I rarely see other guys leaving with girls they just met.

^ yes, well there are different types of what i call the circle castle, some do not want to be broken, some can be broken with the right strategy, or you can look for distractions, cause circle castle get broken eventually the easiest to break but hardest to pull is bachelorette parities they will entertain you, but good luck pulling...

The single women I'd manage to talk to were almost always hesitant and clearly not looking to find someone to go home with.
^ now a days is the majority, but you still can pull that is not what i am saying in the post but i agree it has gotten harder than previous years, not impossible...

Then going on apps and especially after employing your texting recommendations, it becomes quickly apparent that the women there are very different. You can just tell there's more dtf girls there and it makes sense. It's more discreet, and it's easier for them than going out and socializing in person.

Anyway, I find your observation fascinating because for a while I thought I was seeing something similar but figured I was just crazy.

just making sure to clarify things the post is not about a lot of the points you make since we are not your average men we spent tons of times and practice and effort to get over the issues, we are solution oriented..... Again, the post is when despite of the points you made, you already pulled, and you persisted a million times and you address all objections and dealt with asd and for some unexplicable reason is not there it is not exclusively to night game, again go on the video i made, the girl was up 24 hours and by the way the way i addressed is is not how i discussed it there (i did not want to make the video long), it was really smooth and nothing...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Disclaimer.- Alright guys thanks to @Witcher here is pure Evil 3 day model (again as op, i believe 3 bounce how i designed it is better, if the lay is not there a 3 bounce follow by another encounter should be game over or worst case scenario a second 3 bounce in same location different venues, or another location.

But this is something else to do as I explain as option on op..... Author is a nextasf masf poster named PURE EVIL used to be most of us favorite cause his style of writing was very clear to the point:

3-day game: how to get best first-time sex with no LMR, and how to fuck "that particular girl"​

02-26-2015, 09:30 PM

I'm a fan of various options, I've found every type of game and relationship setup comes with its own unique set of pros and cons, so having more game/relationship-management options allows you to tailor the various pros and cons to whatever your current preferences may be.
3-day game is the opposite of fast game. Rather than playing secret society game to take a girl down as fast as possible, you play blue pill game, using TIME, PACING, and SOCIAL NORMS to your advantage to SET YOURSELF UP FOR THE BEST FIRST-TIME SEX POSSIBLE, where's she pleasing you exactly as you like to be pleased (instead of you battling her LMR). This style of game is also effective on girls you'd normally screen out for a "fast seduction," allowing you to have a greater chance at landing "that particular girl." If you can get that "particular girl" on a "3rd date", her pussy is yours.

Risks / Rewards to this approach:
- Risks (see the "player/provider" section at the end as well): she may not want the followup date, so a sex opportunity may be blown. More opportunity to disqualify yourself with bad game. Higher risk of being seen as "provider" or "boyfriend" (which doesn't matter for getting laid on date 3, but can matter in the ensuing relationship after that point.)
- Rewards: personally tailored her-pleasing-you first-time sex with no LMR. A logistical method for taking down "particular" girls who would get screened out for fast sex but you still would like to bang.

There exists a "blue pill" dating standard in many parts of the western world** called the "three date rule," which is a societal understanding that sex is expected on the third date: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-date_rule
**If the three date rule is not a part of your societal standards, then this may not work for you.
Here's a great article discussing it:
"Since the 3 Date Rule doesn’t exist on paper and there is no signed contract telling you and your date that you MUST have sex on the third date, it’s accuracy is just hearsay. It’s up to the two of you to make your own decisions about the timing of sex in your relationship.
However, since most people have heard of the 3 Date Rule, it does set up an expectation from the very first second you ask a girl on a date. While many people want to, and do, have sex after their first or second dates, by the time the third date rolls around it’s nearly a foregone conclusion that, if you haven’t yet had sex, you’re going to tonight."
Here's how it works:
Logistics: Go into the seduction with your expectations and pace set at 3 dates. That means initial meet, date 1, date 2, date 3. Yes, set your own expectations for three meets (this is contrary to everything you'll read about fast seduction, but this isn't about fast seduction, its about great first-time sex and getting your dick inside hard-to-crack girls). You can move faster depending on the girl and situation (in most cases I'm banging them day 2, skipping the 2nd quick-meet), but its best to have your expectations set at 3 meets, to initially schedule/pace accordingly, and then move faster if the opportunity presents itself. The goal is to spend as little time as possible on a convenient date 1 and date 2 with time constraints (ie "meet me for lunch where I'm already going to be eating while I take a break from work," or "lets grab a coffee at the spot I go to every day while I take a quick break from work"), and then schedule an un-constrained night date for date 3 (dinner at my place, or drinks somewhere, or even grabbing dinner somewhere. It almost doesn't matter. . if its a date 3 then she's already decided to fuck you, so you can even go to a movie, though this doesn't allow you the face-to-face conversation necessary to lay down the sex-frames I'll be talking about.)

Escalation: You want very little escalation on date 1 and date 2, you want to come off a busy high-value guy who's squeezing her into your schedule. You're meeting her somewhere quickly during daytime or early evening hours and ending it with a quick hug and "I have to get back to my work, see you soon." The goal of dates 1 and 2 is to simply cross them off the list, while maintaining her interest in seeing you again and beginning to lay down the right sex frames.

Sex Frames: Teevster has a fantastic "Sex talk" guide (http://www.pua-zone.com/showthread.p...ide-Free-ebook) that is REQUIRED READING for pulling off this game and having the best first-time sex with a girl. You essentially approach the topic of sex/relationships/society from a more informative-discussion place, and gradually personalize it to be about you and her specifically. The goal here is to get her excited to have sex with you the way you like to have sex. I personally love when a girl I've never fucked puts on a strip show for me the first time I ever see her naked while I smoke some weed and take in her amazing bent-over gyrating ass, that's one of my favorite moments in life, that simply isn't as exciting with a girl I've already fucked. This is the EXACT OPPOSITE of LMR. When I take a girl home after successfully playing this style of game, she isn't resisting super-fast advancements which I combat with LMR-busters, she's ACTIVELY ENGAGING IN MY SEXUAL PREFERENCES IN ORDER TO PLEASE ME. Completely different first-time sex experience than battling fast-sex LMR. You can start laying down the sex frames on date 1, increase a bit date 2, and by date 3 be fairly explicitly talking about what you like in the bedroom. If she's into you, she'll engage and seek to please.

Horniness/rewards: a very natural way of escalating to sex and shaping her bedroom behavior, works well in conjunction with sex talk - http://www.pua-zone.com/showthread.p...your-horniness

Player/Provider: There's always a provider/boyfriend risk when adopting a society-approved model and increasing pre-sex time spent together. Guys closer to AFC run a higher risk here. An experienced player should do nothing differently though than he would for a ONS, outside pacing things a bit differently to close on a day 3 once the sex frames are firmly in place. If your game is good you shouldn't be worrying about disqualification, the more time you spend with her the more she should want to fuck you.

To summarize:
Use TIME, PACING, and SOCIAL NORMS to not only defeat LMR, but to set yourself up for the most amazing possible first-time sex with a girl interested in pleasing you.
- Meet
- Date 1: convenient lunch near work, intro to sex talk without getting too personal, the main escalation being an end-of-lunch hug
- Date 2: quick afternoon coffee or evening drink, with time constraints. Sex talk resumes and turns more personal. Escalation may include a kiss (if evening drinks, not so much for afternoon coffee), but make it short, push her away, tell her you've got to get back to work
- Date 3: official "night date" (sometimes can be good to verbalize "date 3"), drinks, fully-personal sex talk, ramp up the escalation/tension, go have amazing first-time no-LMR personally-tailored sex

This process can be shortened wherever possible, so long as the sex frames are getting laid. If you don't lay the sex frames, then there's no point in running this game, you're better off fast-seducing. The only time to use this game without sex-frames is on the hard-to-crack "particular girl" you wish to fuck.
The above game can be accomplished SOMETIMES on an initial meet, and more frequently as the dates increase to 3. Beyond three, you run a high risk of losing momentum and slipping towards "beta." Calibrate/pace appropriately, there's a sweet spot in there that you want to hit.

And bonus of pure evil Anti Isolation tactics 2008 (related to the 3 day)

Here's a post of mine from 2008 that supplements this "3-Day" post: http://www.pua-zone.com/showthread.p...ular-girl-quot

First, this is advanced stuff for advanced guys who are great with sexual tension, and who have enough abundance in their lives that they don't have an immediate need to fuck the girl. I know this board is primarily focused on "fast" seduction, but for those who love the process of seduction itself, there are many different ways to play the game that can be quite pleasurable to pull off and lead to wildly different first-time sexual outcomes than fast-seducing your way through resistance.

You've all seen a girl obsessed with a guy for months on end, as he strings along her interest which continues to build over time. This spits in the face of "fuck her ASAP or she'll lose interest," there's clearly a way to keep a girl's interest without fucking her for long periods of time. I personally quite enjoy this stringing along process, playing a girl over time to build as much sexual tension as possible before first-time sex. Probably power/ego related, but whatever, I enjoy girls fawning over me, it is what it is.

So how do you string a girl along pre-sex without ending up in the dreaded LJBF/rejection zone?


The "Logistics/Tension Rule": Given good sexual-tension-building game, so long as logistics prevent isolation/escalation, the sexual tension will continue to build. If, however, you fail to act on a blatant isolation opportunity, or fail to escalate once isolated, you risk ending up in LJBF/rejection land.

Basically, so long as logistics (external factors) prevent the fuck, you're not being a chump by not fucking her, as these factors are "out of your control" (evil stringing-you-along laugh). If however you CAN fuck her and don't, you're a chump and her interest wanes.


The two main logistical maneuvers that work here (in my experience) are "you're always in a group of people when together" for social game or "legitimate time constraints" for dating game.

So long as these external factors are preventing the lay, you're able to continue to string her along and seduce, getting increasingly sexual (for a reasonable amount of time at least, her interest will quickly decline at some point if you string for too long. Calibrate!!)

And now the post from '08, in the words of a much younger 20-something me:

You know what my favorite part of interacting with girls is? SEXUAL TENSION. Not just any sexual tension, but sexual tension with a girl I have not yet slept with. I LOVE it. I CRAVE it. More than sex itself, I LOVE SEXUAL TENSION! So, how do I get more of it? And how far can it possibly be taken?

My last post in Advanced was about the appropriateness of long term seductions. I concluded that, so long as the ability to isolate isn't possible due to uncontrollable logistics, GAME ON for as long as it takes. However, if the logistics are there and you blow your isolation window, you'll most likely end up LJBF. The hotter the girl, the shorter window (in general).

With this realization in mind, this last month I've been experimenting with creating logistics that do not allow isolation in order to prolong the seduction period and build sexual tension to insane levels before the first lay. I have to say, its been one hell of a fun month with the ladies! I realized that, for me personally, pre-first-time-sex sexual tension is one of the most pleasurable feelings out there, and, the greater the sexual tension, the greater the sex.

So, how do I go about extending this phase for as long as possible without losing the girl's interest or getting LJBF? Anti-isolation logistics! I created logistics where isolating the girl to a place to fuck was impossible, and so the sexual tension would build to enormous levels over the course many hours spent together over time spans of weeks. I've successfully laid two girls this way and have another I'm currently building tension with who was ready to jump my bone long ago.

Guys, its been awesome. Girls start to blatantly talk about sex, because its SO FUCKING ON, if only we could get alone together. One girl started asking "would you fuck me here if no one else was around?" type shit and i would point around "i'd start fucking you there, then pick you up and move you over here, then bend you over this, and etc etc etc. . . " The hairs on our arms were standing on end and we looked at each other with such lust it was out of control. LIke, I almost want to roar as I type this the memory is so intense! Then, when it finally happens, its INSANELY on. Like, my apartment-is-completely-trashed style sex.

For those of you a little bored with ONSs and post-sex relationships, this is quite fun! Its a little tricky creating the logistics, my tools were mostly time constraints, work, distance, and rolling with people that were under my care and more important than a chick I just met. Try it out! Its good stuff!
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Something in this post, totally missed which super super super important... if i am at closing location on isolation i plow no matter what all the way to pyco.... and for older skills i dont do anymore unusual sexual logistics such as car, parks, beach, club bathroom... for me closing location is a bed since i like comfortable sex as older skills.


Dec 29, 2024
Disclaimer.- this will be a long comprehensive post but it will totally help you big time, so read it and understand it...

Most of the dudes including seducers are still living in the wrong century, or flat out they are not out there gaming or are pretty much kj, because i really don't understand what the fuck they are talking about, which is pretty frustrating... Again i game SUCCESFULLY, 3 generations x, millennials, z.... And I am still pimping out there, not living on past successes.

Brief history:

What happened 10 years ago.- You could go out screen for Down to fuck women that were available, and you could easy pull every night if you wanted to if target rich venues and good days/seasons or even multiple times in a night... This is because there was not tinder, dating app, social media influences as strong as now a days the closes was myspace or aol. But does not even compare... The women also were out wayyyyyy more than now, again i pretty much blame this on multiple factors such as streaming services, social media, ubber, corona, bottle services etc...

present environment:

What happens now is that the dtf women have gone to dating apps, and the ones that go to clubs are probably less than 10% if any, to be honest, vs what was out there back in the day... Pulling has gotten harder if you do not have your game on point, you are pretty much fucked, which is why most men in part have given up or join bitching movements like red pills, mgtow, black pill and the rest of the copes movements...

Current seducers:

The seducers including some in this forum for the most part is biz as usual do in part of an improvement on face to face game and cold approach, and the development of second generation verbals (secret society framing addressing all women objections, strong opens and hooks)....here is by skills:

"Here are the elements needed for 100% guarantee pull aka taking a girl home:

First, you need to look good and pass her looks threshold. (style, swagger, a sexy cool dude that she is proud to show to her friends).
Second, you need to emotionally stimulate her. (you are not boring)
Third, you need to sexually stimulate her. (Sexual prizing, you will give her a sexual experience that only you or a few guys can match, soon I will write some posts on sexual mastery and some routines)
^ (this is my interpretation dumb down, probably incorrect of gunwitch 3 keys, credit to him that came of with the original idea...)

^ Now all of this is not enough, pre-pull (taking a girl home) you need to take care of some other things to close the deal:
1.- She needs to know that you won’t judge her as a slut or a whore for going home fast with you.
2.- She needs to know you are sexually competent, in other words that you are good in bed.
3.- She needs to know she will be safe. Since you are much stronger than her and you have the ability to harm her physically.
4.- She needs to know you are not going to use her, aka fuck her and tell her to get the fuck out making her feel like shit. (most false rape accusations happened due to this)
5.- She needs to know that you will not be a clinger, stalker or super needy after sex and pushy before sex.
^ If you cover all of the above YOU WILL GET LAID"

^ dumb down interpretation of cosy second gen post...

Of course i got caught up in that excitement cause i discovered a new toy and was getting laid like a rockstart but soon i found some issues that are here, and the reason for the post, SPECIALLY/EMPHASIS ON #4:

1.- Problems with the delivery…- I lost a lay trying to translate sex talk from English to Spanish, I was in my head fumbling, and pausing and the translation was horrible = pure disaster.

2.- Done too early in the interaction… If you do it too early for example prior to hook point and I would say prior to investment, it has lower probability of working. I would say even in hook point i would not do it, there has to be indication of interest and/or some compliance, and/or some investment to work.

3.- Lack of proper bait and transitioning and uncalibrated timing. Lets say she is with a bunch of her female friends and you deliver the sex talk, you just ruin her social frame and it won’t work. Lets say the way you bring it up comes across bad, calculated and not smooth it may not work. (back to my experience using it when I was translating from English to Spanish).

4.- If the logistics are not likely there (she has to work the next day, she is the designated driver and the likes and you will not be able to hard core escalate or fuck her). The reason being is that puts the expectations on next meeting on ” I have to fuck him now”.

5.- If you are within the window of opportunity and you do not take action such as super strong sexual escalation or sex (I know it kinds of contradict number 4, but you will get feel for it).

^ but lets say you still get all that right, like i do most of the time, and even @samuraijack:

^ sometimes no matter whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat you do, i don't care how well you address it, how tight your game is, IT WON'T HAPPEN, i know is hard to believe, in my experience there are many reasons and they all can be address eloquently and smoothly like the period, but there are girls no matter what won't have sex with the period, hell! i don't care how hot the girl is you give me _____ hottest girl in the world, i probably won't fuck her with the period since i despise period sex (i may do it like i did with my main, if is on the last day barely any, but i most likely past 99% of the time), but there are girls out there no matter what that won't have sex right away no matter what for ___ reason, i am not saying not to address it, in fact i go for the lay most of the time.... My goal is to play the Odds.... Pure evil for example used to do something the 3 date method as @hey_lover uses here (too bad pure evil post can be misinterpret for those who did not know him or read the post):

But i found a way stronger strategy, to pure evil 3 date model, and that is stronger with better results and higher odds, and that is what this post is about, this post is about after you have done PROPER GAME, AND AFTER YOU HAVE ADDRESS AND UNCOVER HER OBJECTIONS MULITPLE TIMES, then to increase your odds by backing off the plowing for the lay.....

ok so again after you have address her objections and uncover her objections after 3 times and you don't see that is going to happen you have different choices:

Dating apps/maybe not too strong day game:

- adopt the pure evil 3 date model (i personally would not this strategy cause in my experience after 2 encounters your chances go to total crap, but if you want to try that go ahead, i never laid a girl doing this and pure evil is my good community friend and i consider him a mentor, he is super legit, and he has)

- What i found superior is the 3 bounce method and if the lay not there, you follow by another day a second 3 bounce method in the same location different venues or preferably in a different location (i swear never lose a lay if i did 2 3 bounce methods, never)

Night game strong interaction:

-since you have a strong interaction if the pull is not here you only need a 3 bounce method.

- or another meet (you don't even need the 3 bounce)

^ again guys even though I screamed for years about the horrible texting advise in the community, people are finally listening and getting results, every once in a blue moon, we get a new guy spitting no sense low odds texting and now is the other way around people roll the eyes at them vs rolling the eyes at me when i was screaming that shit was retarded.

ok so now you have this real seducer scenarios from horrible to the one that actually gets laid:

Seducer a.- Gets the girl to meet from online dating, poor strategy gets a make out at the end, text "hi it was fun finally meet you, how does your schedule looks like?" crap open, then hard close, writes a block of text on why he never gets second dates...

seducer b.- strong interaction the pull not there, decides to increase odds by no triggering too much asd based on intuition and field experience and take a calculated risk and say my odds may be higher a second encounter... His texting game sucks with the crap of "hi, how does your schedule looks like" then writing a post on why girls not meeting him a second time...

Seducer c.- Good game, good fundamentals meet girl in night game, girl have the period, addresses all objections with second generation verbals and proper sexual frame, girl all turn on into him, pulls out the dick, gets a hand job... Did everything perfect. Girl ghost him....

Seducer d.- Good game, good fundamentals meet a girl from online..., she is drooling over him, does second generation verbal, girls has the period, offer him a bj, he declines and tell her "no" you are not going to get anything out of it... Good proper texting post a 3 bounce meet... Fucks the shit out of the girl (yes you guessed it me)...here is the video lay report

Seducer e.- Good game, good fundamentals meet a girl from night game... proper game, second generation verbals, addresses objections 3 times, persists, isolate, everything on point, almost tempted to pull out dick, but knew he did not have it.... proper texting, 3 bounce method, fuck the shit out of her... (you guessed it, me)

seducer f.- meet a girl from online, proper game 3 bounce method, he could have pulled her but found out she had to work early in the morning, strategically did not go for the fuck... with proper texting did a second meet 3 bounce method in different location... fuck the shit out of the girl ( seducer f, is me too)

You have 2 dudes one is good at everything but has weak text game. lets call him seducer A (if he does not get laid on that night he is fucked pretty much)/ vs the other pretty much can do the same shit dude a does but strong text game lets call him seducer b:

here is how it will play out-

player a: will go out and may get if everything works out laid that night (and please don't think people go out every night and pull, i have a bridge to sell you, but lets assume he pulls) = 1 lay....

player b: had 3 good solid interaction got 3 numbers and pull 1 girl... With the strong texting maybe got 1 out of the 2 numbers. Or maybe he did not get laid and got to meet the 3 girls and ended up fucking them...

^ what if shit like that happens multiple weekends, what if you combine with online and day game??? Get the point...

Summary.- Play the odds and % win, what actions will give you the higher odds. In before what if the girl is going back to Europe the next day type questions... Of course in this case all in, cause you never see her again...
If the pull is not there don't go for it, not all the girls will fuck you on the first night i don't give a shit how good your so call game is, if you keep plowing will spike asd preventing second encounter, try not to plow after addressing the objections 3 times.
Texting properly will get you more lays.....

P.S. i no longer do online strategically put online, cause a lot of you do online...
that's a whole lot of research... most men i know followed the rules set in the book the game, is your method solely based on your own experience?