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how to keep girl interested when going out of town?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 7, 2020
met a just all around great girl on saturday night, definitely haven't been this struck by a girl in a bit. she's also new in town and mentioned that she didn't know too many people here (great sign). we talked for a while and and i got her number, and me and my friend ended up integrating into her group for a bit (her friends visiting from out of town) her guy friends I were actually very cool (rare) and supportive. I didn't go for the same night pull due to poor logistics on both of our ends, but talked about making plans to hang and she reminded me that we were gonna hang soon as we said goodnight.

I get very warm vibes from her, only problem is (and i didn't mention this to her) is that i'lll be out of town for a little over a week for Christmas plans. i texted her today (day after we met) a semi icebreaker text with some personal relevance and she responded very warmly. just not sure how to keep her interested while I'm gone. I'm sure she'll be busy w/ christmas stuff as well. I do love calling girls, so was planning on calling her (maybe tomorrow?) to chat a bit then again after christmas. i suppose this is all i can do but just wanted to make a post to see if anyone's had similar situation and how they've handled it in regards to keeping a lead warm


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 5, 2021
Sounds like your situation is covered by this post, give it a read over and see if that sounds right for you... you could also look at skills’ other texting advices while you’re at it.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Sep 13, 2021
Nowadays I'm too busy and end up texting late. But usually, I keep interesting convo for evening/night. That time, they're more open.

One mistake is that you think she'll lose her intereset. She'll not. Keep things interesting, with fun subjects, to laugh/relate eachother but more in the evening. Maybe photos/a video with you saying something to her funny, without too much effort.

That's how I do things now and works.

1 week is sometimes nothing.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 20, 2021
only problem is (and i didn't mention this to her) is that i'lll be out of town for a little over a week for Christmas plans
this isn't a problem, it's the solution. scarcity and unpredictability is how you keep a woman's attention. to me it sounds like your problem is already solved. if I ever have a woman start to get bored and complacent the first thing I think of is an excuse to disappear for awhile so she misses me.

Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
She's probably busy too....Make a plan to meet up when you return. Occasionally text (not Multiple times per day) a pic of COOL stuff you are doing. Remember if you over communicate, her impression is you have nothing else to do.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake