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How to Lay Older Women at the Gym


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 23, 2013
What's up guys, hope you all are having a good start to the summer.

I wanted to write about a sticking point I've been having that I really want to work out but I'm not quite sure how to (and forgive me for how un-politically correct this may all be).

It's been a yearning desire of mine to fuck a hot older lady from the gym (in their 30's and early 40's). I've gotten many numbers and dates from girls at the gym, however, they have always been around my age (around that age range girls in their early to mid 20s).

I have a fair muscular/ripped up build (160 lbs, 5'9 height; a slimmer look for a bodybuilder, but decent enough).

Chase's Tips on the Topic

I had asked Chase a little before, a while back in the past about gym game with older women and he gave me some helpful tips:

Everyone has her own tastes, but most women are at least intrigued by the charms of a younger man, and if your fundamentals are sufficiently tight and you're a sufficiently sexually appealing option, even the most prudish older women are going to feel a certain amount of yearning around you.

I don't have experience pursuing older women specifically in a gym environment, so I can't give you any specific advice, unfortunately, other than to say just follow the general pattern for gym pickup, and brush up on dealing with any younger man older woman issues you might run into.

One suspicioun I would have would be that you'd need to move faster here than you would with a younger gym goer, as I'd imagine older women would be quicker to box you as "that cute young guy I flirt with" to protect their egos, rather than holding out hope that you're going to ask them out later - and once you're boxed up, it's hard to get out. But, that's just a guess - you'd need to test it. If you do though (test out moving faster in the gym with older women than you would with younger women - e.g., chatting them up and asking them out later the same day), do let me know how it goes!


Yeah, most women's looks don't really start falling off a cliff until 35 or so, unless they've had hard lives or done lots of partying / tanning / drinking / smoking… drugs is another one that can take even a really young girl and age her 20 years in the space of 7 or 8 months if she hits them hard enough, and the aging is more or less permanent. Some women last longer than 35, but most women see a steep looks drop off between 35 and 40… she can look early 20s at 35, and then by 40 she looks 40.

Bodies get harder to maintain as you get older, mainly because most people become a lot less active - they don't go out as much, skin gets saggy, fat accumulates in stranger places. The specific motivation for a woman going out and lifting bodybuilder-style in her 30s or 40s depends, but many of them are looking to expand their diet of sexy men, consciously or not (lots of them have husbands who are never home, or not very exciting to them, and since they're not going to parties / bars / nightclubs anymore, they're going to go strut their stuff in front of guys in the gym, and fantasize about getting picked up - whether they ever actually go through with it or not).

Gym game is usually best treated as just another kind of social circle game - as you see the gym girls more, flirt with them more. The next time you see them, I'd try to either get into conversation with the single one, or ask the married one if it's okay if I talk to the single one if the single one is lost in her own world again. If you win the married one over, she can be a path toward talking to the single one; if the married one already likes you a lot, and you talk to the single one and charm her a bit, you can ask her for her phone number, and include the married one: "Would you like to get food with me sometime? [to the married girl] Is it all right if I ask her for her phone number? Do you think she and I should go out sometime?" The married girl will laugh and say yes, and if she's the leader (which it sounds like she is), the single one will probably assent to it, and then you're golden.

BTW if you're curious about what happened with the two older women (above); I never got to see the single woman again because I switched to morning.. and will see the married one maybe once or twice a week.. and we have a good flirtation and chemistry with each other but, again, I'm stumped as to how to move things forward with her if she were open to it (though this married woman in particular seems more conservative than some of the other ladies in the gym).

Gym Women At Night

Initially (and at the time I had asked Chase my questions) I had been going to the gym at night. At night the gym is packed to the max.. and mostly with dudes. From my observations and experiences, the older women I've met at the gym at night have been more conservative girls, beautiful women with good careers hitting the gym at the end of the day because they care about their health but are working and furthering themselves during the day and only have that spare moment to lift at night. These older women have been girlfriend material girls but also much harder to get to date; because many are serious in their relationships and loyal, and the single ones there too are there to workout primarily...and they see me and may talk to me/ find me attractive but plenty of them are interested in working out before anything else (quite contrary to daytime gym-going females; also worth mentioning that most of the other guys at night being dudes means that these women at night are getting tons of looks and random orbiters which heightens their attainability in their own minds).

Switching to Day

So a couple of months ago I decided to make the switch to going to the gym at the day... the switch was more appropriate for my schedule and I was curious to see what the gym would be like during the day (I was expecting that it would be empty and I'd be getting an empty gym good for a good workout but lacking women for me to go out with or flirt with).

And then I came that first day...

And the whole gym was just filled with really hot women!!!... fucking fine milfs, fit curvy women in their 30s and 40s and very little guys in ratio to them (the few dudes there were horny grandpas and a couple of husbands lifting and keeping their wives in check... almost no guys around my age).

I was remarkably surprised and worked out that day.. and the next and the next.. and what I found was that many of the older women would flock to me.. they were dripping wet and would give me approach invitations up the ass.. ridiculous ones too, the other day a woman walked across a room after staring at me for 20 seconds and asked me if I was using a weight that I very clearly wasn't ..

out of the older women the ones that I observe are into me.. they seem to be much more into me than many younger girls will be (my guess is that they're starved for it; that the gym women of the day are older and less conservative and starving just totally hungry for a fling with an attractive younger man).

So What Have I Been Doing?

I've been following this article https://www.girlschase.com/content/gym-pickup-dos-donts-and-how-meet-girls-gym to a T and have been calibrated and spending not any more time than I should with the women (you can only take my word for it i guess but it's being brutally honest with myself; also being brutally honest with myself, it is true that a while has passed between me and some of these women and I feel viscerally aware that if I don't do something soon, the attraction will die and the couple of hot women really into me will autoreject hard). I know most of the older women at the gym during the day and ping them and banter a tiny bit with them (always making sure they are chasing) and only spend a bit of time.

Gym game is a form of social circle game I understand (and I have to presumably make any move I make in it correctly because messing up means fucking the social circle's opportunities for me in the future). A lot of these women would be open to banging a young dude and being saved for a day from their boring marriages (some of them), but I don't know how I would screen for that (and that's the biggest thing here, a better more appropriate name for this post would have been how to lay committed older women at the gym).

A Possible Dialogue

I had sketched out a possible dialogue in my head of how I could move forward with a particular married older woman (one of the ones I know, one of the hottest ones and one of the ones most into me; I found out that she's 40 and has no kids.. and a couple other things before i moved on to keep working out)

possible dialogue while bantering and deep diving (if done with all the right fundamentals and sexual/chase frames and stuff):

Me- who do you live with?
Her- husband
Me- and no kids?
Her- no
Me- and he's not there during the day?
Her- no

and then

Me- do you eat healthy?
Her- yea
Me- you know how to cook?
Her- yes
Me- what can you cook?
Her- blah blah blah
Me- you can cook for me sometime?
Her- yes (hopefully)
Me- what can you make me?
Her- blah blah
Me- and when like after the gym?
Her- yea

.. and then get number and stuff and date and try to go on from there... that was a way I would guess of how I could try it?

In Conclusion

I understand the process of gym game and know how to run it to some fair degree.. but I don't know how I would be able to lay an older women at the gym; mostly because many of them are married and stuff (and totally open to sleeping with a sexier younger guy; the older women many of them like 50% + have implants and are caked with just the right amount of makeup and are there to get attention and possibly a young casanova to fuck their brains out).

I'm almost there, literally so close.. and they want it (a few particular women especially) and I don't know how to finish it ... and if nothing happens like now it sucks and is just a damn tease for everyone.

TLDR; how can I get a date (and then lay) with an older committed women (who is assumably very into me and willing to cheat)? Branching off from this, how can I gauge the women who are into me and not up for it apart from the women who are into me and totally up for it (it's easy to distinguish the chicks that aren't into me at all of course lol).

Any thoughts/ideas/tips/strategies would be so helpful, really they would. Any progress will be updated by me, thanks.

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

Mr. oblivious

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 13, 2014
how you tried not talking to them like an old lady?

Just go like you where approaching a 20 year old with displaying the same raw desire to fk.