Heres my approach (fieldproved method):
- locate near the bar area she mainly stays in ( or one of them), with wings or alone.
- Insure exposures where you socially interact in her span of vision ESPECIALLY with her friends or co-bartenders/staff. This gets you on her radar and lets her take you in increase attractiveness (mingle). This can be light cool interactions with your wing, doesnt have to be flash game. or it can be "being the party" drawing in attention with a wing or alike. Just note most guys overreach immensely. its about being seen and letting the attraction do its thing in one of many ways. Design it to your liking.
- Create positions for eye contact moments - tension creation and vibe exchanges (vibe/ST game) - this creates a shift to a you and her connection with a sexual undercurrent via subtext.
- Create little interactions and moments w her where you read her and sense things out. then work from there. When a good moment/possible you escalate the vibe and connection smoothly eg soi stacking, eg sexual listening etc. Move things forward slowly - it might take some resistance management eg i have a bf barrriers etc. Just soi stack cross that and show capacity as a man with various appeals incl. strong sexual being (escalation is a display of this on the sexual side of things). This is done as part of a momentum of other things (having fun, speaking etc).
Doing the above you need to tip her over to a place where she asks you to stay and help her close. theres a timing element to it. or collect her number when shes off type meet. They often hang 1 hour after work which is where im often invited to come back later. I love the late night drink and fucking them on the bardisk.
Key is to be aware that shes working so she will be focussed at times and nonattentive to you in anyway. can feel like a rejection but be smarter. work with her rythm of work and understand that she needs to focus to make that happen. Support her with coolness around it . a guy who gets that.
Also know that the environment will affect her even if shes working. State of other women etc.
As they work there are a lot of silent moments w a bartender where you can use tension/vacuums to stir her and grow her horniness etc. presence game is king here.
If shes a bitch type and tend to be in that state (face and mood) you wanna use strategies to make her flip into flirty. its a particular resistance point that can be gradually circumvented eg by pacing and leading via stronger perspectives on literally anything. calm, mental takeover showing your a cool guy. Disarming a lil via humor. Girls can be extremely slow on uptake and brutal here - just navigate it accordingly.
i prefer to use more "wet game" aka club-style sexual game with them so less deep diving and more having fun together, mischievousness, amping the sexual vibe, using sizzling tension, we frames/cool guy and girl shared mindsets.
they always organise things if you work this the right way - "will you stay and help me close.."
its more of a slow game happening in the distance than a lot of interaction type game. Use presence, room game in her radius of vision and striking eye contact. Dont be afraid to lead in spite of her apparent resistance. Use escalation as a momentum where you flip her over into better states.