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How to proceed from here.


Aug 13, 2013
Aprox 3 weeks ago my Ex-girlfriend brokeup with me over broken trust, not due to cheating but things said in confidence my ex-bestfriend decided to run to her and blab about. She basically called me a liar, accused me of being fake you name it obviously angry. I attempted to reconcile by appologizing for what I learned was something she considered important that I had betrayed albeit not out of spite or any desire to hurt her. Fastforward to today.

Things seemed to have cooled down a bit, she's talking to me and has since been over and displayed affection and sexual desires and has broken down a few times to me about her wanting me. I've gotten random phonecalls from her, one really emotional call involving some turmoil with her parents and her sobbing the likes to which I have never whitnessed. Basically after she told me she was done with me their was no communication for whatosever for 2 weeks at which point she messaged me expressing she did not know what to say, thought we could get through anything together and hoped we could be friends again some day. Since then all the above has occurred.

I get the random calls, the texts messages.. asking how I am, sometimes what im doing. We work together and she seems sad, angry or frustrated. She started posting comments on her twitter about another guy who was HOT , Nice.. dreamy etc which prompted me to delete my account which she did not enjoy and was most vocal about it calling me and attention whore lol go figure and I question it all because she seems to be SAD not happy about all of this, I figure when a woman says "i'm done with you" she really means it and moves on. But with her NOPE remains in contact, still comes over.. still acts affectionate albeit every few days.

I guess what i'm after is knowing if I can make this work and if so how ? my stance and what i've done up to this point has been to keep busy, reply to her only when she messages or calls me first, keep it light and casual. No neediness, No Cling, no begging no nothing. Last time we spoke i told her I accepted her choice and I would respect her.

The latest news I guess is 2 days ago, she called and seemed miserable, she was misrable at work and when I asked her how she was, her response was "i've been better". When asking her what was going on her reply was "I can't mention it" at which point I dropped it said I can respect that and changed the suject.

Can anything be done? and how? what if anything am I doing wrong or right...

Thankyou in advacnce.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
With break ups, as long as emotions were involved, I find that the side who chose to break it off (in this case her) usually ends up with some sort of regret about it. I think she understands what she did, and would like to reconcile but doesn't know how to go about doing so after what she said and did. Most times, girls will not outright state what they want, and it is up to the guy usually to interpret her wants and deliver them, thus, if she does want to reconcile you may have to make the moves to do so. If you choose to do so, don't chase her, simply talk about reconciliation and see where her head is at.

What seems to be happening is, she was talking about another guy on twitter prompting you to delete your account --> her being angry suggests that she was only trying to make you jealous my friend. Bring up reconciliation, see where her head is at, and as Nova so eloquently put it "tap dat ass."

Hope this helps,

P.S. Keep us posted on what happens with this girl ;)


Aug 13, 2013
Their hasn't been much from her the past 3 days. I haven't seen her at work and the last time we spoke was short back and forth texting (adhering to Chase's methods on texting) she seems hot and cold to me.. one minute seems aggrivated, the next seems a bit more accepting. Her twitter posts involve 1) her voicing releasing aggression through baseball. and 2) stating she was very annoyed and to please stop. The second post was intriguing but Im not getting the vibe that it was for me, at first it seemed it may have been until she kept responding back, now my beliefs on it have changed due to not having barely communicated with her all that much and having kept the conversations light. Their has not been any more random calls and she has not initiated contact first in a few days.

I have considered how to go about reconciliation with her but i worry about timing, now it is of my understanding their is no bad time to propose such a thing but then my gut tells me to wait for the right opening. I've made alot of not so great choices leading up to this point but i've made my fair share of good moves as well.. just dont want to mess up anymore.

Thanks for all your help guys.