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how to seduce emotionally vulnerable girls


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I have been able to seduce a lot of emotionally vulnerable girls.... There was one in particular that i was like wowow, how i did this (lay report is in nextasf, tldr i made out i told boyfriend cause I thought she snitch on me, but she did not (bf i kind of knew, if i find it will post here, but is a block of text), destroyed relationship and i was able to sleep with her.... That was the most impressive one, but i done a lot and taught others to do it successfully (@Dreamer comes to mind)...

Anyways, what are emotionally vulnerable girls??? This is my own definition:

Emotionally vulnerable girls are girls that are going through a recent traumatic experience were they are hurt, mind racing, stress, worried, not their normal self.... Main ones you going to encounter are:

- #1 break ups/divorce/about to break/divorce or long distance.- Usually a break up were the guy that she pair bond with did the dumping.... Reason i made this point is cause usually if the girl did the break up, she has reached the breaking point of emotional capital, so she usually don't give a fuck... (this distinction is extremely important)... Finally, on this point, there are guys that did the break up but girl baited them to do the break up as i have said in many of the posts (the girl did the break up even if the actions of the dude doing it)... Also it could be the end of the long game you waited in scenario 1 of the 3 I have a boyfriend types....

- #2 Lost of job/financial crisis.- This will be the number 2 most common scenario you will encounter i can even argue could be 1 at times.

- #3 children.- This may be custody problem, or children in hospital or anything to do with children.

- #4 Death of friend or family or child (abortion may be included)....


The type of game required is a totally different game on what we are used preach such as "move faster" "get her out" "go for the kill" "make the ho say no" etc.... So you need to calibrate and move to a different type of game that is super patient, slow compare to the regular seduction game, gayish/friendzonish (but not the friendzone of guys being friendzone for scare of making moves is the cool sexy friend type when i refer to friendzone)...

I found this type of game a bit of advance in the sense that if you are not banging other women while doing this, due to the patience required you are going to have issues... Also, I seen guys that have done everything perfect but then they had an "AGENDA", There can not be any agenda subcommunication in your part, this is the most hard thing to portray cause is contradictory.... I never played poker but a lot good poker players are seducers (wm, todd, etc...), you can not show your cards, so even if you have an agenda (to fuck her), this have to be super hidden.... For example i saw a guy that did it good, but started preaching on not going back to the ex (right advice) but you can tell he was giving the advice coming out from his agenda perspective, even though he did not know he was doing that, when i was reading the transcript the subcommunication was clear, and this guy is good.... So again this is slight mistake there can not be ANY agenda...

Game is extremely indirect, you have to be very super indirect, not hitting or her directly.... A bit of fractionation of humor back to serious and teevester sex talk fractionated back to normal topics is the only game allowed for this to work, if necessary and not forced, has to be super calibrated...

The only time to soft close (if necessary) is WHEN SHE HINTS A MEET, or if she soft closes you.... Usually they will soft close you if this is done correctly... But you can soft close, if she gives you an opening... But again idially you want her to soft close you or hard close you.

Ok so how the seduction works:

Well this is a seduction that you will take a mentor role, you will be her shoulder to cry on, the guy to vent to, the understanding dude (again everything we don't want to do in normal seduction).... And you will take a mentor role, so you see how in seduction forums people have issues and you give them solutions with the answers and give links to youtube, articles, books, resources and how tos.... That is what you will be doing taking more of a mentor, problem solver role, a friend, someone SHE CAN TRUST AND OPEN UP TO...

In person you have to be careful she may be hot liking you going along with the seduction and then all of a sudden she flips and go cold, or start crying or acting up, weird as fuck, here is a sample... This is because she is mentally conflicted and is getting guilt thoughts, or sadness... Keep this in mind it could happen... You need to back off, maybe go into strategic position of weakness, mixed with cold read, even if you did nothing wrong and try again... For example i understand, "i should not have done that, you are probably hurting right now and should have been more understanding knowing what you are going through blah blah".... Again, the whole seduction requires more patience a bit different than normal ones....

Finally the style of texting better for this is the baiting style, the type of physical game that works is containment(read the quote on containment from ijjjji i posted)....


Well i never done this type of game with cluster b types, or psychos or anything like that, i can see with this type of women there may be bad outcomes with those girls... But i would be kj, i never tried this type of game with those type of girls...I have never suffer any negative outcome with this type of game to be honest that i can think of...
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
good points @Skills

one seducer lost his virginity to a girl like this

I want to make a background context about the main types of emotionally vulnerable girls youll encounter. many of these girls fall into the cluster C personality disorders. Which means they are ridden with anxiety and perception issues...

so, some may have gotten better at controlling their dysregulation [maybe they had a guy with strong self awareness that helped them before!], but stressful events as you mentioned cause it to really flare up

lucky for us, this makes it easier to spot these girls infield. playing the patience game is one way to go with this type of women for sure. another avenue is to seduce them quick but requires a different style of influence
Last edited:


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
good points @Skills

one seducer lost his virginity to a girl like this

I want to make a background context about the main types of emotionally vulnerable girls youll encounter. many of these girls fall into the cluster C personality disorders. Which means they are ridden with anxiety and perception issues...

so, some may have gotten better at controlling their dysregulation [maybe they had a guy with strong self awareness that helped them before!], but stressful events as you mentioned cause it to really flare up

lucky for us, this makes it easier to spot these girls infield. playing the patience game is one way to go with this type of women for sure. another avenue is to seduce them quick but requires a different style of influence
You missinderstood patience in person with the lay, lofty was patient in that sample.... that is a decent sample, but she was not exactly what I am referring to, that sample was more of option 2 in I have a boyfriend scenario, more of a girl willing to cheat on boyfriend....


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 14, 2020
Very very good post @Skills. I miss this kind of posts which talk about long game.
One potential negative outcome for this dude is :

If he is not careful , he might catch feeling for the girl.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Very very good post @Skills. I miss this kind of posts which talk about long game.
One potential negative outcome for this dude is :

If he is not careful , he might catch feeling for the girl.
Nah! About catching feelings, is long game via text as I told fog not in person, in person more patience required..


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I found the lay report as sample of what i am saying, really long:

Sex Report really really unlikely lay!​

10-25-2017, 08:15 PM

Edit.-just highlighted in black teevester 8 orgasms routine, just jump to it....

This is a very unlikely lay, but the reason i am posting this lay report is a follow up on how to sleep with married women, girls with boyfriends, girls in love, girls on the rebound, girls of friends (do not recommend at all but they will do it anyways))....(please take a look at the post for the theory and proper context)


1.- one very popular club girl

2.- Ariana Grande look alike

3.- 25 years old

4.- 8+

Now this is very unlikely to happen (not impossible for the nitpickers), if the girl is in the nre face and very invested and in love with the boyfriend...

Of course my own style is a bit of grandmaster, mix with social dynamic break downs and psychology...

I also somewhere here used teevester 8 orgams routine (been using it as a compliment, but not getting the directly lays due to that, but it helps)

I will not post complete logs cause is too much, since my style is really long texting to set up sexual encounters. Some people do enjoy reading the full logs, to get a sense of me and my game and my style is really strong with long texting ( i cut text as much as possible, if you are not into much reading just go to specific parts for example teevester 8 orgasm routine)... Or jump to were i make comments on the live game....

Now i fucked up and broke up this girl relationship by going behind her back and telling her bf that she was trying to cheat with me... (i did it by accident cause i thought she told him, cause the dude was acting weird with me so i thought someone told him)

so i broke them off, then kind of got them back together

so this girls does not trust me at all and think i will go and tell the dude, again so unlikely lay.

the dude broke up with her a second time cause he caught her texting an ex (she claim she did not cheat, i believe her), but they are done

here i am tryign to gain her trust back and that i will not betray her, and convincing him to move on, and i talk about a bit about me and my main of 10 years, and i try to pull her from a club for sex but she freaked out and said "NO" cause she has a fantasy of getting back with him:

udydrewex: Hi. 4:19 AM
Me: thank you for last night, i know you are a bit stress but i got you ok, don't worry, don't be stress... and if you need to talk since you are going through a lot, text me 8:26 PM
Rudydrewex: Gracias. Ahora, una pregunta para ti. Como tu estas? Te sientes solo since you've been single or you handling it well con salir y divertirte? 8:30 PM
Me: it was really reallly really tought 8:30 PM
Me: though 8:30 PM
Me: fuck can't spell 8:30 PM
Me: it took a lot of books, a lot of female friends, a lot of rebound relationships etc... 8:31 PM
Me: a lot of youtube relationship advice etc... 8:31 PM
Me: super tough 8:31 PM
Me: what really helped me the most was finding a girl that i emotionally connected 8:31 PM
Me: but we broke up lasted a year 8:32 PM
Me: i did not go out to clubs for like a year 8:32 PM
Rudydrewex: And now, who do you miss more? 8:32 PM
Rudydrewex: Woman 1 or Woman 2 8:32 PM
Me: come on woman 1 was 10 years 8:33 PM
Me: so what do you think 8:33 PM
Rudydrewex: Which woman did I whisper to? 8:33 PM
Me: 1 8:34 PM
Me: boba 8:34 PM
Rudydrewex: Honestly, was it my fault? I'm so sorry. I was so hurt by your betrayal because I knew I had lost Andrew's trust. 8:36 PM
Me: yes we went over this 100 times 8:36 PM
Rudydrewex: So, did woman 1 think we were dating or sleeping together? 8:37 PM
Me: neither 8:39 PM
Me: dunno 8:39 PM
Me: guess what happened when i got home 8:40 PM
Rudydrewex: What happened hombre con mente perdida? 8:40 PM
Me: my beloved pipi got hungry 8:43 PM
Me: cause of you 8:43 PM
Me: :) 8:44 PM
Me: busted 3.24 times 8:44 PM
Me: cause i was drained 8:44 PM
Me: could not make it to 4 8:44 PM
Me: :) 8:44 PM
Me: see how romantic 8:44 PM
Me: brb rewatching the notebook :) 8:44 PM
Rudydrewex: lol enjoy 8:44 PM
Me: see how romantic i am 8:45 PM
Me: boba 8:45 PM
Me: loca 8:45 PM
Me: watch this long video while driving helps a lot
8:46 PM
Rudydrewex: I read alot myself. I know I need to just focus on looking better and leave him alone. Lose all hope in us. It's less painful. He might think of me again once he starts having sex with someone else who doesn't give it to him like I do OR if another girl gives him a hard time. Pero, in the meantime.. he's gonna enjoy his freedom. 8:59 PM
Me: yeah i was like you dreaming, she will come back and all that stuff, but is better to move on 9:09 PM
Rudydrewex: Yeah 9:11 PM
Me: she did try to get back 9:12 PM
Rudydrewex: But, you were in the new relationship by then? 9:13 PM
9:13 PM
Me: watch those videos and change everything to dude 9:13 PM
Me: i mean girl 9:13 PM
Me: boba 9:13 PM
Me: loca 9:13 PM
Me: mala amigua 9:13 PM
Me: calentadora de huevos 9:14 PM
Rudydrewex: No. You were already hard when you were sitting in the car. 9:16 PM


anyways bottom line is that i made her feel that she is not a slut though she broke the trust talking to the ex, i did not talk bad about the ex only on the contrary i talked really good about him and how attractive he is etc.... I also run teevester 8 orgasm routine:

Rudydrewex: Buenos dias, Felipe. 11:09 AM
Me: Rudyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 11:10 AM
Rudydrewex: Te hago una pregunta final... Ayer tu me hiciste claro que he's moving on and to lose all hope. Because you genuinely care and want us to both move on peacefully. Verdad? Pero, porque me lo dijiste con tanta seguridad? Was it because he took someone home that night or porque you can tell that he's better off without me? Las cosas van a cambiar y yo al regresar en unos meses, voy hastar mucho mejor. Women tend to process things quickly. I know I have alot to work on. 11:12 AM
Me: none of the above, cause i talked to him and he was talking about the relationship, his life, etc... 11:13 AM
Me: and he is done 11:14 AM
Rudydrewex: And don't you ever think that it's all a front? 11:14 AM
Me: you can ask me all the questions you want there no "pregunta final" 11:14 AM
Rudydrewex: That he is convincing himself that he is healing... 11:14 AM
Rudydrewex: But, in reality.. it's something he's also trying to do for himself? 11:15 AM
Me: well his point is that you are the type of girl that needs a guy that can give you a lot of "attention" 11:15 AM
Me: he is not willing to do that cause that is not who he is 11:16 AM
Me: he also took you back cause he was in a "bad headspace" 11:16 AM
Me: and had "no game" 11:16 AM
Me: the first time you broke up 11:16 AM
Rudydrewex: Entonces porque me dice que me acueste con el despues de hacer el amor? When I'm ready to leave? 11:17 AM
Me: now he is doing better financially, he has game, and you "disrespected him" too much so he is done 11:17 AM
Rudydrewex: Yeah, you're right pero he also took me back because I was very different after my dad's death. That's when we started talking again. 11:17 AM
Me: maybe cause he is horny i don't know 11:17 AM
Rudydrewex: How you going to be horny after already having sex? 11:18 AM
Me: yes, a bunch of dudes not only me we were constantly telling him to take you back 11:18 AM
Rudydrewex: Why ask a girl to stay and lay on your chest the whole night? 11:18 AM
Me: that you changed 11:18 AM
Me: back then 11:18 AM
Me: well then i don't know rudy 11:19 AM
Me: my speculation is that is hard to move on for him 11:20 AM
Me: and for you too (specially you feel guilty) 11:20 AM
Rudydrewex: Mira. Santa no lo soy. 11:20 AM
Me: and he knows that and still wants the sex since both of you have a rithom going and know what you 2 like sexually 11:20 AM
Rudydrewex: I must admit I did alot of wrong things as a girlfriend. 11:21 AM
Rudydrewex: But, since we got back together... 11:21 AM
Me: now rudy i want to clarify something just in case you are wondering (i am not telling you stuff cause i want to bang you, i am being honest just being a friend ok) 11:21 AM
Me: when you got back he though "she has changed" maybe i can trust her 11:22 AM
Me: but you broke the trust 11:22 AM
Rudydrewex: I don't care if you want to bang or be my friend... You love learning from others and we've all been in this kind of triangle that seems to always follow you. 11:23 AM
Me: he is done 11:23 AM
Me: at least mentally, you are not his future 11:23 AM
Me: but he still loves you 11:23 AM
Me: he just wants to be single 11:23 AM
Me: but maybe still have you there as a friend with benefit 11:23 AM
Me: i think is a bad idea, but that is what i believe he is doing 11:24 AM
Rudydrewex: Well, I'm done having sex with him. 11:24 AM
Rudydrewex: I know 100% if he sees me at the club and doesn't have a girl to fuck that night.. He'll hit me up, pero para entonces.. I'll have a new number and I'll be moving foward. 11:25 AM
Me: "triangle seems to always follow you" no, it does not per se, i am a very sexy guys and sometimes when relationships in trouble, or women looking to cheat sometimes they pick me, cause i am discreet, and i am not judegemental and i don't kiss and tell 11:26 AM
Me: and i am a good friend 11:26 AM
Rudydrewex: Ahorita me duele pero I admit that he deserves better. 11:26 AM
Me: most women cheat or have affairs now a days is a fact 11:26 AM
Me: you are not alone 11:26 AM
Rudydrewex: That night, you followed me too. You know I'm weak right now. 11:26 AM
Rudydrewex: You know this. 11:27 AM
Rudydrewex: But, despite it all.. 11:27 AM
Rudydrewex: I know you have a good heart. 11:27 AM
Me: awww thank you 11:28 AM
Me: i also know that night you probably went to him lol 11:28 AM
Rudydrewex: I was texting my ex I must admit when he came to see my mom. Pero yo no tuve sexo con el durante este tiempo. He's not even here! He's a Marine. When me and Andrew broke up the first time, he was the only guy I slept with. 11:28 AM
Rudydrewex: Tu entiendes eso? 11:28 AM
Me: yes i told that to drew 11:29 AM
Me: that you never cheated 11:29 AM
Me: but he told me that in the text you were saying sucking his dick or something 11:29 AM
Me: you never showed me the text like i told you 11:29 AM
Rudydrewex: If I wanted to fuck him, I could've. Pero como crees y menos en casa de mi mama. 11:30 AM
Me: yes i told him 11:30 AM
Rudydrewex: He remembered old times and even mentioned certain things.. 11:30 AM
Me: but he says that i don't know 11:30 AM
Rudydrewex: About my tongue and how skilled I am. 11:30 AM
Rudydrewex: That's why Andrew read. 11:31 AM
Me: i told you to show me the text 11:31 AM
Rudydrewex: Pero, noooo.. 11:31 AM
Me: fuck you getting me horny now 11:31 AM
Me: lol 11:31 AM
Me: optimus prime waking up 11:31 AM
Rudydrewex: Yo soy la puta that was sucking his dick. That's what Andrew wants to believe. 11:31 AM
Me: aka 2 incher 11:31 AM
Me: aka paco 11:31 AM
Rudydrewex: Smh, control yourself. 11:31 AM
Rudydrewex: 11:31 AM
Me: too late 11:31 AM
Me: fuakkkkk 11:31 AM
Me: my pipi is moving 11:32 AM
Rudydrewex: You're missing my point! 11:32 AM
Me: is expanding 11:32 AM
Me: rapidly 11:32 AM
Me: i know the point boba 11:32 AM
Me: you told me 100000 times 11:32 AM
Me: but he is done 11:32 AM
Me: i don't think you are a puta 11:32 AM
Rudydrewex: Andrew does. 11:33 AM
Me: but i think you were dishonest a bit, you got a be honest with your partner 11:33 AM
Me: what he believes is that matters 11:33 AM
Me: and that would be too much drama to overcome get me 11:33 AM
Me: if it happened or did not that is what he believes 11:33 AM
Me: and the trust is gone 11:33 AM
Me: get me 11:33 AM
Me: you need to move on 11:34 AM
Me: or do you still want me to convince him you did not do anything 11:34 AM
Rudydrewex: Yeah, I've already accepted weeks ago.. that we're done and now after what you told me.. I'm not having sex with him anymore. Three times since the breakup y ya no mas. Did he take someone home that night? 11:36 AM
Rudydrewex: No, don't. After he has a rebound relationship, he might want to check up on me and he'll see how better off I'm doing. 11:37 AM
Me: no he did not take home any girl that night 11:38 AM
Rudydrewex: Algun dia, el va ver que ni ando con mi ex y que el mismo quiso pensar lo que no paso. 11:38 AM
Me: but he went to an after party 11:38 AM
Rudydrewex: If I had fucked my ex... 11:38 AM
Me: without me 11:38 AM
Rudydrewex: The guilt would have been too heavy for me to carry. 11:38 AM
Me: what happened after break up is that both of you kind of compete on who is doing better and shit 11:40 AM
Me: is silly 11:40 AM
Me: both of you will do better 11:40 AM
Me: and find better partners for your stage in life 11:40 AM
Me: *and will find 11:40 AM
Rudydrewex: But, whatever. I know I was talking and remembering through TEXT old times aka sexting... PERO no paso nada physicalmente. Shit, I did more with you that one night! 11:40 AM
Rudydrewex: Si, me entiendes? 11:40 AM
Me: i did not do anything i am virgin 11:41 AM
Me: :) 11:41 AM
Rudydrewex: Si, si. 11:41 AM
Me: you do not need to convince me convince drew 11:41 AM
Rudydrewex: I cheated more with you than texting with my ex. 11:41 AM
Rudydrewex: SMH. 11:41 AM
Me: does not matter if is text 11:42 AM
Me: it was cheating 11:42 AM
Me: cheating is not the act 11:42 AM
Me: is the lie 11:42 AM
Me: when are you going to get that 11:42 AM
Rudydrewex: No, there is no convincing Andrew. He wants to be single for a while. That is until he finds a good girl. 11:42 AM
Me: you were going behind his back texting 11:42 AM
Me: = breach of relationship trust 11:42 AM
Rudydrewex: Si, yo soy la mala.. 11:43 AM
Rudydrewex: Pero, el muy santo.. 11:43 AM
Me: no no eres mala 11:43 AM
Me: eres joven y humana 11:43 AM
Me: stop talking like that 11:43 AM
Me: but drew never cheated he is a good guy 11:43 AM
Me: now he does wants to be single 11:43 AM
Me: and he got game now 11:44 AM
Rudydrewex: That's good. 11:44 AM
Me: when you first broke up 0 game 11:44 AM
Rudydrewex: I wish him the best. 11:44 AM
Me: now he is good 11:44 AM
Me: he dress nice, he is funny, he can go up to girls and talk, he is confident 11:44 AM
Me: he is gonna get girls 11:45 AM
Me: i am telling you, he kind of did better than me, but i was exhausted from banging a girl friday 11:45 AM
Rudydrewex: Lol. 11:45 AM
Me: so i was half asleep 11:45 AM
Me: he sent me pics just now 11:46 AM
Me: i mean last night 11:46 AM
Me: let me know when you are heal so we can hang 11:47 AM
Me: and no crying 11:47 AM
Rudydrewex: No, we are not hanging. I am not banging you. I care about you. 11:48 AM
Me: i said hang not bang 11:49 AM
Me: boba 11:49 AM
Rudydrewex: Why you wanna hang? 11:49 AM
Rudydrewex: No jodas. 11:49 AM
Rudydrewex: Like you're gonna take me out on a date, lmao. 11:50 AM
Rudydrewex: Or is that you need a female friend? 11:50 AM
Me: whatever 11:50 AM
Me: nevermind 11:50 AM
Rudydrewex: Maybe we should go to broward and get girls... 11:51 AM
Me: you are too good for me sorry for asking 11:51 AM
Me: you like girls? 11:51 AM
Me: we should do a 3 some my left hand my right hand and micky minaj 11:51 AM
Rudydrewex: Smh. 11:52 AM
Rudydrewex: No, I don't. But, I need new party female friends. Especially, if I wanna bring them to Clematis one day. You know, to show off. 11:53 AM
Rudydrewex: Latina or sexy, tall white girls. 11:53 AM
Me: i lol 11:53 AM
Me: i will have 2 on saturday 11:53 AM
Me: you can meet 11:53 AM
Rudydrewex: You trying to bang any of them? Para saber como esta el show. 11:54 AM
Me: lolol, a lady never tells 11:54 AM
Rudydrewex: No soy pendeja. 11:55 AM
Rudydrewex: Pues, ya esta. Nos vemos el sabado. I just wanna dance and feel sexy, lol. 11:55 AM
Rudydrewex: Cn I ask you something? 11:56 AM
Me: and by the way you are wrong i just don't sleep with anybody 11:56 AM
Me: i do not like having sex 11:56 AM
Rudydrewex: So, what do you like? 11:56 AM
Me: i like having great sex 11:56 AM
Me: sensual, passionate with a friend 11:57 AM
Rudydrewex: Building towards a relationship and having passionate sex? 11:57 AM
Me: no just bang bang thank you mom 11:57 AM
Rudydrewex: De nada mijo. 11:57 AM
Me: i like giving women an experience when they are relax and i show the and open them up sexually 11:57 AM
Rudydrewex: Ummm.. 11:57 AM
Rudydrewex: The power of sex. 11:57 AM
Me: they have multiple orgasms 11:57 AM
Rudydrewex: The buildup. 11:57 AM
Rudydrewex: The chase. 11:58 AM
Me: squirting etc... 11:58 AM
Me: also i am into tantra 11:58 AM
Me: i don't just pump and dump i have friendships 11:58 AM
Me: that go for years 11:58 AM
Rudydrewex: Hm. Now I understand. 11:59 AM
Me: lol thank you 11:59 AM
Me: most guys are clueless about sex 11:59 AM
Me: and women body 11:59 AM
Me: etc... 11:59 AM
Me: you know women can have 8 different orgasoms 11:59 AM
Rudydrewex: Indeed. 11:59 AM
Me: name them 12:00 PM
Me: you won't be able to 12:00 PM
Rudydrewex: Interesting... I only know of a few. 12:01 PM
Me: women have different spots 12:02 PM
Me: in each spot you can produce and orgasm 12:02 PM
Me: shit i will write a blog about it 12:02 PM
Rudydrewex: 12:03 PM
Me: the first orgasm you can give a girl is the breast orgasm, but is the weakes 12:03 PM
Me: the second one is the mental orgasm 12:04 PM
Me: you can stimulate the mind so much that the girl can cum 12:04 PM
Me: for example a wet dream 12:04 PM
Me: a lot of the orgasm starts with the mind of the woman 12:04 PM
Me: the 3 rd one is the clit orgasm= everybody is familiar with this one 12:05 PM
Me: but sometimes i use my hitachi on them and they go crazy 12:05 PM
Me: :) 12:05 PM
Me: then there is the g spot orgasm 12:06 PM
Me: with this one girls get exhausted though and need to drink tons of liguid 12:06 PM
Me: you do it with your 2 midle fingers with the come to me motion at a pace then you do it upawrds fast 12:07 PM
Me: Then you have the u spot which is the sensitive areas around the vagina, genital lips, usually between the clit and the opening, this can be stimulated with the tongue before going to the clit girls go crazy lol 12:09 PM
Me: Then you have the a spot which is situated right after the g-spotfurther inside, this can be stimulated through deeeeeeeeeep penetration, and a big dick wink 12:10 PM
Rudydrewex: Lol. Orgasm expert. 12:11 PM
Me: Then you have the deep spot the wall between her rectum and vagina (on the opposite side of her A-spot). girls who tend to enjoy doggy style tend to favor this spot. 12:11 PM
Me: now guess the 8th orgasm 12:12 PM
Me: the 8 th is a full body orgasm i only had 2 girls in my life get it, is that the pussy takes over the whole body making it shake like an exorcisim 12:14 PM
Me: shit i am writting a blog on this 12:14 PM
Rudydrewex: I think you should.. 12:15 PM

Me: i think i wrote about you lol 12:15 PM
Me: let me see if i find the blog 12:15 PM
Me: it was long time ago 12:15 PM
Me: oh no i did not 12:18 PM
Me: :-( 12:18 PM
Me: i just mention you in a blog when i talk about competing with a lesbian for you 12:19 PM
Me: you probably don't even remember lol 12:19 PM
Me: the lesbian that was trying to pick u up at the pizza place 12:19 PM
Rudydrewex: Oh yeah.. I remember her. A short, pretty girl.. Right? 12:22 PM
Rudydrewex: I have her number. 12:22 PM
Me: yes i call her cousing 12:22 PM
Me: cousin 12:22 PM
Me: well she is with a girl now 12:22 PM
Me: i hang out with her brother a lot 12:22 PM
Me: i do mention you look like ariana grande lol 12:23 PM
Me: i mention you twice in 2 blogs 12:23 PM
Me: :) 12:23 PM
Rudydrewex: Lol, pues gracias... And let me go see Ariana Grande. 12:23 PM
Me: http://www.theskillsmethod.com/intro...gas-aka-wings/ 12:24 PM
Me: http://www.theskillsmethod.com/tales...ck-blocked-me/ 12:24 PM
Rudydrewex: Jajaja.. 12:30 PM
Rudydrewex: My nickname is Ariana Grande look a like. 12:30 PM
Me: yes 12:30 PM
Me: that is you 12:30 PM
Me: :) 12:30 PM
Rudydrewex: Te pregunto, what advice do you have for me next time I see Andrew at the club? 12:30 PM
Rudydrewex: (which may be Saturday) 12:31 PM
Me: uuffffff! 12:31 PM
Me: i think you 2 should avoid each other till you recover fully 12:31 PM
Rudydrewex: lmaooo 12:31 PM
Me: and move on 12:31 PM
Me: i think seeing each other at the club would ruined both of your nights 12:31 PM
Me: after you 2 break up and got back and i saw you at clubs i went to other clubs lol 12:32 PM
Me: *broke up 12:32 PM
Rudydrewex: Pero, I wanna go dance! Is it my fault we go to the same place? I don't think our nights would be ruined. 12:32 PM
Me: till andrew told me is ok and we are cool not to be weird 12:33 PM
Rudydrewex: Lol, pero porque? You didn't bother us. 12:33 PM
Rudydrewex: Entonces, si pasa.. What should I do? And what if I'm dancing with a guy or something? I think it's best to act normal and not let him affect me. 12:34 PM
Me: i really really would avoid him, but that is my take you know him well to, so i don't know 12:37 PM
Me: with that being said i have never seen you dance close or nasty with anybody 12:38 PM
Me: so you are safe 12:39 PM
Me: but i would avoid rudy 12:39 PM
Me: do you know if he has spy software on your text btw 12:40 PM
Rudydrewex: No. So, why avoid him? 12:42 PM
Rudydrewex: I don't understand. 12:42 PM
Rudydrewex: It won't affect him or his game. 12:43 PM
Me: of course you will 12:43 PM
Me: look to move on from the break up 12:43 PM
Me: you need to cut all contact 12:43 PM
Me: facebook 12:43 PM
Me: instagram 12:43 PM
Me: etc... 12:43 PM
Me: no texting, no nothing, cold turkey 12:44 PM
Rudydrewex: We don't have each other on anything. 12:44 PM
Me: if not it will take way longer to move on 12:44 PM
Rudydrewex: You're right. I guess if I do see him, I'll leave somewhere else. 12:46 PM
Me: i think he might go to broward 12:46 PM
Rudydrewex: Yeah, he said he was gonna start going out there and bagging females. 12:46 PM
Me: he is exagerating to get you to react 12:47 PM
Rudydrewex: But, I don't react. 12:47 PM
Me: is not that easy to meet a girl and bang her right away in the new clubbing climate 12:47 PM
Me: plus his game is mostly social game 12:47 PM
Me: see my game is sexual game, i am a sexual threat, but i am not tooo social 12:48 PM
Rudydrewex: I just say, "Do as you must" 12:48 PM
Me: social game is way harder to get laid 12:48 PM
Rudydrewex: It depends on the female. 12:48 PM
Me: rudy you need to do what makes you happy 12:48 PM
Me: it depends on a lot of stuff 12:49 PM
Rudydrewex: I am! 12:49 PM
Me: no you have in the back of your mind the hope that drew will regret everything and come back begging for you 12:49 PM
Me: you know it and i know it 12:49 PM
Me: boba 12:49 PM
Rudydrewex: I'm going to EDC in two weeks, I am making more money, just signed my own life insurance policy, getting my own place by next year. 12:49 PM
Rudydrewex: No, Andrew is not going to come back. 12:50 PM
Me: what is edc 12:50 PM
Rudydrewex: Electronic Music Festival 12:50 PM
Me: brb 12:51 PM
Me: i am back do all that stuff for "you" guys don't care about that stuff.... Dudes care about cute girl, low to no drama, good in the sack that is it, they don't care how much money you make, your own place and the likes 2:27 PM
Rudydrewex: Well, I was all that except I'm a liar and cheater. 2:32 PM
Me: lol 2:40 PM
Me: go into an open relationship 2:40 PM
Me: open relationship is the future 2:41 PM
Rudydrewex: lol for now, I'm just focused on myself and God and everything else will happen. 4:01 PM
Rudydrewex: per gracias por todo. 4:01 PM
Me: After a break up is the best opportunity for growth 4:02 PM
Me: everytime i broke up 4:02 PM
Me: my life improved 4:02 PM
Me: i am happy by myself 4:02 PM
Me: you need to be happy by yourself first 4:02 PM
Me: not look for happiness in a relationship 4:02 PM
Me: some people go in putting the burden on the partner 4:03 PM
Me: i am paster skills 4:03 PM
Me: i am pastor diesel 4:03 PM
Me: come over i confess with me 4:03 PM
Me: :) 4:03 PM
Me: *and confess 4:04 PM
Rudydrewex: jajajaja, pues si ya me lo hice! you know everything. yes, I know. time to be happy with myself again. 4:06 PM
Rudydrewex: ya lo* 4:06 PM
Rudydrewex: I told you like 10000000 times que no voy a buscar a relationship. I'm thinking about getting some therapy. Aun tengo mucho dolor de perder a mi papa. But, I know I'll be fine. 4:07 PM
Me: come to my confesional 4:07 PM
Rudydrewex: 4:07 PM
Me: what books about lost have you been reading 4:08 PM
Rudydrewex: Inside the broken heart 4:10 PM
Rudydrewex: And I ordered Option B (facing Adversity, building resilience and finding joy) at the library 4:13 PM
Rudydrewex: Wanna know something? 4:13 PM
Me: dime cara de yo no fui 4:14 PM
Rudydrewex: Andrew never wanted to hear me when it came to my dad. He didn't give me any advice on how to cope. I saw those red flags early on, but, I ignored them.. 4:14 PM
Rudydrewex: He says I'm high maintenance and require alot of attention.. But, the reality... He just isn't mature enough to understand a loss. 4:15 PM
Rudydrewex: He would just hug me and tell me everything would be okay. That's it. 4:16 PM
Rudydrewex: I'm not complaining or making him look bad.. Pero, there is many things that no-one knows. 4:16 PM
Rudydrewex: You're the first to know. 4:17 PM
Me: he probably did not know what to do 4:17 PM
Me: most guys don't know how to act or proceed in those situations 4:18 PM
Me: i don't either, is very difficult to know how to deal with a girls' lost 4:18 PM
Me: other than being there for her 4:18 PM
Me: and listen to her 4:18 PM
Me: but is tough for guys too 4:19 PM
Me: cause dudes want to fix everything 4:19 PM
Rudydrewex: He didn't even want to go to the viewing or funeral. 4:19 PM
Rudydrewex: I handled everything. I took him to every appointment, surgery and everything. I held his hand when he took his last breath. 4:19 PM
Rudydrewex: I took care of him. 4:20 PM
Me: wowow, that was a major mistake by drew 4:21 PM
Rudydrewex: Some days are harder than others and many times... Andrew would just get mad at me for crying.. He hated seeing me weak, but, grief is something else. It's only been a year. 4:22 PM
Me: when my ex grandpha died i was there all along 4:22 PM
Rudydrewex: He would tell me to get over it and stop crying. That hurt alot, you know? 4:22 PM
Me: well if is true he made a mistake 4:22 PM
Me: omg 4:22 PM
Me: that is awful 4:23 PM
Me: wtf 4:23 PM
Rudydrewex: I have to reason to lie about this, he knows this is true. 4:23 PM
Me: yeah he made a major mistake there 4:23 PM
Me: maybe that is part of why you lied and cheated 4:23 PM
Rudydrewex: Andrew is a very unattached emotional person. 4:23 PM
Me: you were really hurt 4:23 PM
Me: and unhappy deep inside 4:23 PM
Me: maybe that is part of it 4:23 PM
Rudydrewex: Yeah, I guess it's one of the reasons. But, my ex only reached out to me in September when he wanted to come see my mom and give her some flowers. 4:24 PM
Rudydrewex: Entonces, I replied and gave him... her number. 4:24 PM
Rudydrewex: That's where it all started. 4:24 PM
Me: but it makes sense he was inderectly fullfilling a need that andrew was not 4:25 PM
Me: the caring for your family specially your dad 4:25 PM
Rudydrewex: Idk.. 4:25 PM
Me: now everything makes sense 4:25 PM
Rudydrewex: Andrew has never visit my mom. And when my mom would have dinner at Andrew's house.. He would just say hello, give her a hug and go back to his room. 4:26 PM
Rudydrewex: His excuse? 4:26 PM
Rudydrewex: Oh, she doesn't speak enough english for us to hold a conversation. 4:27 PM
Rudydrewex: My mom lives alone. I'm the only child. He doesn't see how much she needs me. I pay half of my mom's bills. She's all I have left. 4:28 PM
Rudydrewex: So, when you ignore my mom... 4:28 PM
Rudydrewex: You're really hurting me. 4:28 PM
Me: wowowowow 4:29 PM
Me: major major major super major mistake 4:29 PM
Me: by drew 4:29 PM
Me: he really fucked up there 4:29 PM
Me: the subcommunication is selfish, uncaring, i can go on and on 4:29 PM
Me: in this one you are right 4:30 PM
Rudydrewex: Yeah... 4:30 PM
Me: he really fucked up 4:30 PM
Me: i did not know this 4:30 PM
Me: when you get a serious gf you are not only getting the girl you are also getting the family 4:30 PM
Me: my ex family loved me 4:30 PM
Me: and loved them too 4:30 PM
Me: it was super hard cause i also broke up with all her family 4:31 PM
Me: which i loved 4:31 PM
Me: :-( 4:31 PM
Rudydrewex: I am selfish like he is. Yes. I lied. I hid my conversations from my ex but, this only happened in Sept... I had never spoken to him before. He's not even in the same country as us! 4:37 PM
Rudydrewex: Aw... 4:37 PM
Rudydrewex: Did you have plans of marrying her? 4:37 PM
Me: yes and no 4:38 PM
Rudydrewex: Has she moved on? And tell me, why did you not take her back when she reached out to you? 4:38 PM
Rudydrewex: (If you'd like to share) 4:38 PM
Me: yeah definetly she has a new bf 4:38 PM
Me: i had a new gf to for a year 4:38 PM
Me: i don't know if you noticed but for a whole year i did not go clubbing 4:39 PM
Me: it just did not work out 4:39 PM
Rudydrewex: Yeah, I remember. 4:39 PM
Rudydrewex: Not this ex (2) for a year. 4:39 PM
Rudydrewex: I'm talking about the one you were with for 10 years. 4:39 PM
Rudydrewex: ex (1) 4:39 PM
Me: the 10 year one we were practcally married 4:40 PM
Me: we lived together 4:40 PM
Me: so i did not see a reason for a piece of paper 4:40 PM
Rudydrewex: I understand.. 4:40 PM
Me: we had a really good relationship 4:40 PM
Rudydrewex: And where did it all go wrong? 4:40 PM
Me: but her friends got into her ear 4:41 PM
Me: and her friends were all breaking up 4:41 PM
Me: she was easily influenced 4:41 PM
Rudydrewex: About your partying ways? 4:41 PM
Rudydrewex: Was she starting to control you? 4:41 PM
Me: women have a group mentality one girls get the period they all get the period 4:41 PM
Me: one breaks up they all break up 4:41 PM
Me: a friend of her sabotage our relationship 4:42 PM
Me: got a dude to seduce her 4:42 PM
Me: i try to save the relationship but it was too late 4:42 PM
Rudydrewex: Um... So, she cheated on you? 4:42 PM
Me: well yes and no 4:42 PM
Me: we were kind of open 4:42 PM
Rudydrewex: explain. 4:42 PM
Me: but she lied 4:43 PM
Me: see the lie is the problem 4:43 PM
Me: is not the ceheating 4:43 PM
Rudydrewex: I understand. 4:43 PM
Rudydrewex: So, she lost the trust you had for her. 4:43 PM
Me: exactly 4:52 PM
Rudydrewex: Now I understand. That's why you are adamant about moving on because Andrew will never forgive me and trust can never be fixed at this point. 4:55 PM
Me: exactly she was the love of my life 4:55 PM
Me: 10 years 4:56 PM
Me: and i would never take her back 4:56 PM
Me: i told her not to contact me ever again 4:56 PM
Me: and hung up on her when she was trying to reach me 4:56 PM
Me: she got the point 4:56 PM
Me: and she was trained by me 4:56 PM
Me: so she knows 4:56 PM
Me: is useless 4:56 PM
Me: the problem me you and andrew will have 4:57 PM
Me: is the holidays 4:57 PM
Me: being alone on the holidays 4:57 PM
Me: is a bit tough 4:57 PM
Me: i may get me a holiday gf 4:58 PM
Me: :) 4:58 PM
Rudydrewex: Oh, man. That's how Andrew treated me last time. He told me to fuck off, curse me off and told me to leave him alone. This time arund, he just got physically aggressive and kicked me out like an animal. Then, he felt bad and we ended up hooking up again. But, I'm not allowing that to happen anymore. 4:59 PM
Rudydrewex: Smh, holiday girlfriend. 5:00 PM
Rudydrewex: Don't give me no ideas.. 5:01 PM
Me: hehe 5:02 PM
Me: if i don't find one we go together to each others family :) 5:02 PM
Rudydrewex: hahahaa. okay, we'll pretend. 5:04 PM
Me: that is if drew does not kill me first 5:05 PM
Me: :-( 5:05 PM
Me: the thing about you 2 is that you BOTH are really cool people 5:05 PM
Me: drew is an amazing dude 5:06 PM
Me: i kind of have a bro crush (no homo) 5:06 PM
Me: he is a good guy 5:06 PM
Me: You are such a sweet girl too with a big heart 5:06 PM
Me: you just make silly mistakes 5:06 PM
Me: cause you are young 5:07 PM
Me: and you are hot you have many options 5:07 PM
Me: you are only as faithful as your options 5:07 PM
Me: lol 5:07 PM
Rudydrewex: Andrew isn't going to kill you unless you open that delicious mouth of yours. And don't give me that bro crush bs. You sound like you're offering yourself to a threesome or something. 5:13 PM
Rudydrewex: How long do you think it'll take before Andrew gets a new girlfriend? 5:14 PM
Rudydrewex: I feel like that's his objective to get back at me. 5:15 PM
Me: no he is not getting a new gf 5:25 PM
Me: he is going to be single for a while 5:25 PM
Me: he is a cool guy i don't need to have a 3 some to tell you he is a cool guy and you are a cool girl 5:26 PM
Me: if you 2 were not you would not be my friends 5:26 PM
Me: and i would not have gotten in the mess lol 5:26 PM
Rudydrewex: Lol, it was a joke.. 5:26 PM
Me: :) 5:26 PM
Me: sometimes i wish i had dated you :-( 5:27 PM
Me: *wished 5:27 PM
Rudydrewex: I understand the feeling.. 5:27 PM
Rudydrewex: I wish you were coming to EDC with me. I have no dancing partner. 5:28 PM
Rudydrewex: ☹️ 5:29 PM
Rudydrewex: We would have so much fun! Dios mio, I'm gonna come back different lolll 5:30 PM
Me: where is that at? when and how much? 5:39 PM
Me: drew is going anyways 5:40 PM
Me: right> 5:40 PM
Rudydrewex: No. He canceled on me. $150 for two days. Friday, Nov 10th and Saturday, Nov 11th. 5:59 PM
Rudydrewex: MMS Received 6:00 PM
Me: what is that a rave 6:03 PM
Rudydrewex: Yes 6:12 PM
6:13 PM
Me: https://boldanddetermined.com/pick-the-right-wife/ 2:21 PM
Rudydrewex: Thank you for sharing. 3:40 PM
Me: thought you like it mami... you were talking about marriage and shit lol 3:41 PM
Rudydrewex: I'm not in any rush lol 3:42 PM
Rudydrewex: It'll all happen a su momento. 3:42 PM
Me: oh mama, listen about the concert, i am a little scare due to what happened in Vegas :-( 4:08 PM
Rudydrewex: No te preocupes, jajaja. If I go.. Give my mom some sunflowers, okay? 4:11 PM
Me: no mami, don't say that 4:11 PM
Me: you were not go 4:11 PM
Me: :-( 4:11 PM
Rudydrewex: You never know. 4:11 PM
Rudydrewex: I'm getting my outfit ready... I'm gonna have so much fun. lol gonna start living it up, como Dios manda. 4:13 PM
Me: yeah have fun, you need to take a break and live life 4:17 PM
Me: you are young and beautiful 4:17 PM
Me: and we all make mistakes that is life 4:17 PM
Me: and relationships are not forever 4:17 PM
Rudydrewex: Si 4:17 PM
Rudydrewex: Friendships last longer. 4:18 PM
Me: the end of a relationship is time for growth 4:18 PM


Rudydrewex: lol, I agree with you. 12:17 PM
Rudydrewex: life is good. I'm happy and I have alot going for myself. 12:17 PM
Rudydrewex: I'm also happy for you too. You've come a VERY long way and you still help others with their "issues." 12:18 PM
Rudydrewex: 12:19 PM
Me: why are you sending me treessss 12:45 PM
Rudydrewex: I was trying to imply that like the leaves fall from the tree, you have to reblossom. 12:47 PM
Rudydrewex: It's the season of changes for me. 12:47 PM
Rudydrewex: Now do you understand bobo? 12:47 PM
Me: my name is not bobo 1:00 PM
Me: is felipe aka skills 1:00 PM
Me: aka latin diesel 1:00 PM
Me: aka pingatron 1:00 PM
Rudydrewex: BOBO aka my therapist / aka latindancer / aka latin diesel / aka mindreader / aka my friend 1:03 PM
Rudydrewex: = felipe 1:03 PM
Me: awwww 2:03 PM
Me: that was sweet 2:03 PM
Me: :) 2:03 PM
Me: so give me an update 2:03 PM
Me: you and drew sup 2:03 PM
Rudydrewex: too much to explain. he agreed to go to therapy with me and like I said, we're just going thru this "feels like a relationship and it'll eventually stop happening on it's own" phase. 2:07 PM
Me: so you 2 are semi back together 2:08 PM
Me: you know therapy is a step above break up lol 2:08 PM
Me: once you are in therapy is like a hail marry 2:08 PM
Me: but it never works 2:08 PM
Me: but is good cause once you break up after therapy is easier 2:09 PM
Me: though i am talking about "couples counseling" no theraphy per se 2:09 PM
Me: you got some game too 2:09 PM
Rudydrewex: No, the therapy is for me. He's just going to be like a witness to my personality and behavior. 2:09 PM
Me: you knew all along you may get back 2:09 PM
Me: which is why you did not risk having sex with me lol, i kind of knew it 2:09 PM
Rudydrewex: No, we're not. 2:09 PM
Rudydrewex: I "know" we're not. 2:10 PM
Me: yes you are watch 2:10 PM
Me: you will get kind of back 2:10 PM
Me: like some sort of open relationship 2:10 PM
Me: without implying it 2:10 PM
Me: so the pain is lesser 2:10 PM
Rudydrewex: I'm just bettering my life and he sees it. So, he feels more comfortable about my state of mind. 2:11 PM
Rudydrewex: No, I'm going cold turkey after I turn 26 in two weeks. I have to do that because being in an open relationship is NOT something that me or Andrew could handle. He was texting me I love you during the club when I walked out of the same floor as him because he though I was upset at seeing him talking to this one female. ( I sent you those texts) But, I wasn't bothered. Iol I just didn't have someone decent to dance with. 2:14 PM
Rudydrewex: thought* 2:18 PM
Me: i did not dance with you cause i felt sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo uncomfortable 3:05 PM
Me: that i could not even dance at all 3:05 PM
Me: i was so stressed out 3:06 PM
Me: cause i can see dynamics beyond normal people 3:06 PM
Me: i can feel people beyond normal people 3:06 PM
Me: i can break down interactions beyond normal people 3:06 PM
Rudydrewex: But, why? 3:25 PM
Rudydrewex: It's okay though, you ignored me and I'll never forget that. loll 3:25 PM
Rudydrewex: So, me and Andrew weren't more calm than you anticipated? 3:26 PM
Me: no 3:46 PM
Me: both fake 3:46 PM
Me: acting to cause each other a reaction 3:47 PM
Me: needy behavior from both of you 3:47 PM
Me: and calculated 3:47 PM
Me: i wanted no part in that mess 3:47 PM
Rudydrewex: He was in the VIP section focused on them girls. He wasn't worried on me. 3:49 PM
Rudydrewex: And I was just focused on having a good time. I looked really nice that night. lol 3:52 PM
Me: ok whatever you say 3:55 PM
Me: that is what you think 3:55 PM
Me: yeah you did 3:55 PM
Me: look good 3:55 PM
Me: very easy access :) 3:55 PM
Me: trust me he was putting on a show for you 3:55 PM
Rudydrewex: Okay, okay. I'll admit you're right. I was more fake but, he was in a better state than me. lol.. not uh, aver dime... how was he putting on a show? So, you did notice my accessible dress. It was a zipper in the front too, lmao. 3:57 PM
Me: i wanted to take off that dress 4:11 PM
Me: :) 4:11 PM
Rudydrewex: Pero dime! How was he putting on a show? 4:13 PM
Rudydrewex: And oh, really.. 4:13 PM
Rudydrewex: But, you had prepussy waiting fr you. I was like, this guy got game. She was pretty too. Did she take good care of you that night? 4:14 PM
Me: yes she was not as pretty as you though 4:21 PM
Me: my holiday gf 4:22 PM
Me: rudy 4:22 PM
Me: :) 4:22 PM
Rudydrewex: What is your home address? 4:48 PM
Me: you cumming over 4:48 PM
Me: lol 4:48 PM
Rudydrewex: I wanna see how far it is from my job. 4:49 PM
Me: @$#%$#%$%@$#%$#% address 4:49 PM
Me: is a house i rent some rooms $$$$$, but mine is apart :) 4:50 PM
Me: nice and modern and neat and clean 4:51 PM
Me: :) 4:51 PM
Rudydrewex: I just need to see tonight. Talk and nothing else. I night stay the night on your sofa and leave to work in the morning. 4:52 PM
Me: lol! ok 4:53 PM
Me: always welcome 4:54 PM
Rudydrewex: Thank you. 4:54 PM
Rudydrewex: I was wrong and refuse to fuck up again. I don't deserve to be used anymore. 4:55 PM
Me: well you need to understand rudy, drew was not using you 4:56 PM
Me: he actually really loved you 4:57 PM
Me: i am telling you the truth 4:57 PM
Me: but we went 100 times of what the problem is or was 4:57 PM
Rudydrewex: I mean now. Because his car is fucked up. But, it's okay. I'm going cold turkey now and ignoring all his calls and msgs. 4:57 PM
Me: he also changed a lot 4:57 PM
Me: he is a different dude 4:58 PM
Me: i don't know if is cause he got hurt 4:58 PM
Me: but he is hungry 4:58 PM
Me: and in hunting mode 4:58 PM
Me: his game is tight too 4:58 PM
Rudydrewex: Whatever. Andrew just died in my head. He no longer exists. We both deserve other people. Moving on. 4:59 PM
Me: okay, it sucks you were both so awesome people, unique, sweet, sexy :-( 5:12 PM
Rudydrewex: We'll be happier single. You'll see. 5:14 PM
Me: it is going to hit you later 5:14 PM
Me: don't celebrate yet 5:14 PM
Rudydrewex: Nope. No more. Andrew died like my dad did. I will overcome this. 5:15 PM
Me: hey stop that talk 5:16 PM
Me: not right 5:16 PM
Rudydrewex: Like he died in my heart. 5:17 PM
Rudydrewex: Not that I want him to die. 5:17 PM
Rudydrewex: He just used my feelings for his own benefit. He's selfish. I've been very stupid, lol. I should've listen to you! No more. 5:19 PM
Me: ok mami i understand... you will be ok 5:37 PM
Rudydrewex: So, you still want me to come over? 5:40 PM
Me: of course rudy whenever you want 5:40 PM
Me: when were you planning to come 5:41 PM
Me: i have to see a client till 7:30 though 5:41 PM
Rudydrewex: Let me know once you're done. 5:42 PM
Me: well i will finish at 7:30 5:43 PM
Me: Done 8:04 PM
Rudydrewex: I'm outside. 8:56 PM
Me: you are here altready omg 8:56 PM
Me: lol 8:56 PM
Rudydrewex: I wanted to surprise you. 8:56 PM
Rudydrewex: :) 8:57 PM
Me: well you did give me 2 seconds to put my pants on 8:57 PM

^ sHE JUST SHOW UP AT MY CRIB, she was uncomfortable gave me a shit test about "killing her" or "rapping her" she was uncomfortable as fuck:

me: yeah how did you fucking know i wanted to put clorophone on your face, then tie you up then cut you up and feed you to the dogs, fuck you are too smart now you know my plan...

^ dissarmed on steroids casue killers don't talk like this....

took her to a park, more talk about her ex, and me friendzoning myself just being a shoulder to cry off, plus cosy style of game (relating to women and understanding them)

took her back to my place, clothes on....

Say good night, kissed her, and of course my technique of pulling my dick out, jerking off, nothing is going to happen but please just let me jerk off i don't want sex....

put her hand on my dick, jump on her with a hard on but no sex everything though the clothes...

middle of sex remorse thinking about ex, so i stop and say i can't do this either... she goes but i want to promise you won't say anything....

i say forget it i don't even want sex anymore...

she seduce me again, i jerk off and tell her don't let it in, fuck her without condom i explain how to do this here....(yes i know stupid)