I am following this article which lays 5 day formula for fucking a virgin.
How to Manage the First Time with a Virgin
Today was day one so I got used her used to touching and kissing me.
Now some fun in room and after our date.
She mentioned she will need to ghost some guy
She said she was talking to someone and me simultenously and liked me better.
She was resistant to kiss on first date.
But I pushed coz she was in room and got her comfortable with it.
Now the things is I dont have much feeling for the girl herself.
But yeah I wanna lay her.
So she is asking normal bf screening questions.
Like how many girls I am seeing.
Am still using dating apps etc.
And I am in dilema she admitted that she is a virgin and is waiting for someone right someone who just dont want to hook up etc.
Yeah and doing future projection
How should I set the expectation and get the lay.
I like her tiny body.
But otherwise she is a shy kind of girl not convservative i guess but yeah shy and inexperienced and should I take it as well.
Basically she is aiming to be my gf. Yeah and I dont want to use bf disqualiers knowing her I know i will lose the lay.
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Today was day one so I got used her used to touching and kissing me.
Now some fun in room and after our date.
She mentioned she will need to ghost some guy
She said she was talking to someone and me simultenously and liked me better.
She was resistant to kiss on first date.
But I pushed coz she was in room and got her comfortable with it.
Now the things is I dont have much feeling for the girl herself.
But yeah I wanna lay her.
So she is asking normal bf screening questions.
Like how many girls I am seeing.
Am still using dating apps etc.
And I am in dilema she admitted that she is a virgin and is waiting for someone right someone who just dont want to hook up etc.
Yeah and doing future projection
How should I set the expectation and get the lay.
I like her tiny body.
But otherwise she is a shy kind of girl not convservative i guess but yeah shy and inexperienced and should I take it as well.
Basically she is aiming to be my gf. Yeah and I dont want to use bf disqualiers knowing her I know i will lose the lay.