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How to start an affair?



First of all, many thanks for a great site.

Not sure where to go with this, would appreciate some advice please.

I really like this (attached) woman at work, she was a new starter a few weeks ago, and there was instant chemistry when we were introduced to each other.
She does all that stuff when we talk to each other, twirls her hair, bites her lip, she's even winked at me. When we walk past each other, she will often just give me what I call the mona lisa smile, (you know the one) and won't say anything.

To add to the problems, her boyfriend is one of the bosses, so he's not always around (Now I know how she got the job!). I've watched and notice she is less flirty when he's around, understandably.
I also notice that she's different with me, than other men, she doesn't flirt with other men, that I've noticed, anyway.

Do you think she is really interested in me? I can only assume she is, as she is not flirty with other men in our office.

So, how do I take it further?, obviously, I would normally ask her out for a drink, but that doesn't seem like the right thing to do.

What do you guys think?

Strange, I've never been in this situation before.
If you have been, how did you get the ball rolling?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
I suggest leave it alone and go get an abundance mentality. I have girls that flirt with me every day, do you think I fuck all of them? Hell no. Take that feminine energy and put it towards finding a quality woman that doesn't have the potential to fuck up your professional life.


Where have all the superstar players and puas gone?

Thanks for your advice Tyme2k, but, well, yes I have got an abundance mentality; I'm always on the lookout, and yes, women do flirt with me all the time, including several other women in the office, but this one intrigues me, and of the women in the office, there seems to be a lot more chemistry between me and her, than any others.

Another week has gone by, and she's very flirty, another (female) coworker has, judging by how she looked at me, I think picked up on how we are with each other, well, you know how women are, they're more tuned in than us men, they pick up on this stuff.

So, what do I do, I want to take this further, and her body language makes it like she wants to take it further, what should I say to her?

Come on superstar players and puas, where are you?
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Honestly bro, I wouldnt touch that women with a 10 foot pole. YOU DO NOT BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU!!! I.E if you care about having a job you will not mess with your boss's girlfriend. I'm sure even Chase would tell you the same thing..

If you have that abundance mentality then you can just skip this all togeather and find another girl. Is losing your job really worth it for some sex? If yes then here are the ways to go about this...

Casually ask her out to coffee. "I notice you always smiling at me, you know what would make you smile even more? getting some coffee with me. Whats your schedule like this coming week." then you get the schedy and her digits (natural number swaping) and you go from there.

Deep Dive. relate. Invite her home. Take her as your lover. Its that easy. Theres no cheat codes, special tricks, hidden things to say you just follow that process...And if your looking for an idea of how a coffee date goes Check out my LR report in field reports, Titled LR: Date went Great https://boards.girlschase.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=350


Sound advice, Tool, thanks.

I know all this ofcourse, but she's just fucking with my head.

I think she's just thinking with her vagina, and, well, I just see an opportunity, I guess.......

Let me explain..............

She started end of January, and I was introduced to her, and well, sparks flew.....

From early on, she was quite flirty, then, a few weeks back, me and a friend were talking about Django Unchained, she walks by, hears us, joins in, and says directly to me, (something like). "......hey, me and my boyfriend caught that at the weekend, it's cool, blah.."

And I think, fuck, she's flirting with me, she tells me she's got a b/f, wtf???

But then......she ramps up the flirting, big time, and this is just fucking with my head.

Chase, what are your thoughts on this?

So, yeah, Tool , thanks, I know I should just leave be, but, well, I just think I've found a woman thinking with her vagina, and, well......


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Sorry to break it to you, but carrying out with bedding her will bring problems to the workplace. Leave her be even if there is attraction between the two of you, spend your time gaming other women, not only will you find another that intrigues you, you'll also most likely still have a job. aha good luck.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
I think even I would leave this one alone :)

That being said give it some time and see what happens, she may be just about to leave him, but again its your boss......


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
The Tool said:
I.E if you care about having a job you will not mess with your boss's girlfriend. I'm sure even Chase would tell you the same thing.

Yes - I'd definitely say the same thing.

erniem, you can get this girl like any other - flirt a little bit, tell her the two of you should grab a bite or a drink sometime, grab her number, tell her you'll text her to sort out the details. Meet, chat her up, invite her home, take her to bed.

However, bear in mind that whether you succeed or whether you don't, your superiors are probably going to hear about it one way or another. At best, this means no promotions, and your life there gets made miserable as you get all the grunt work shoveled over onto you - you get to help everyone else get promoted while you stay behind. At worse, it means you get included in the next round of layoffs - for purely work-related reasons, of course.

An attractive woman giving you strong signals can be intoxicating, especially when you're around her on a daily basis. There are plenty of women out there who can give you equally intoxicating emotions, however, and won't risk ending you up on the poverty line.

Then again, even if you're doing hundreds or thousands of approaches a year, you'll generally only meet 3 to 10 women a year that have a profound effect on you, and you won't land all of them. So, it may be the case that you think this is the girl for you, and to hell with the job. If that's the case, then follow the normal steps with her, and don't slow down just because she's "special" - if there really is genuinely a spark between the two of you, then she wants you as much as you want her, and you stand a much better chance of landing her if you move fast and capitalize on that desire than you do if you move slow and let the candle burn out.

In fact, I'd say you probably face a greater risk to your job if you try and fail than if you try and succeed - most men have a grudging certain respect for the man who tries and succeeds at stealing their girl, compared to the man who tries and fails - that guy just ends up looking weak.
