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How to stop being easy to get


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 11, 2012
Hi, I seem to be too easy to get, and not enough of a "bad boy".
I've read a lot about the attitude when dealing with questions, and how to screen and get to know a woman.
But what about if you already were too easy to get? how do you recover?

In particular I would like to know how to make her put any effort to get me when she is currently putting none, if I don't talk her she won't talk to me, etc.
What are some ways of subtly making her remember I exist and talk to me?
After that, what is the best way to make her keep investing?
I Avoid the 3 things chase mentioned (as described here: https://www.girlschase.com/content/book- ... enge-women)
But have problems with number 3, if i show less interest than her that would mean 0 interest, which is bad as well.

I guess creating some intrigue might help to make her start talking, and once she does, putting a bit less effort than her should keep her coming and start a circle. Do you think this would work?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
But what about if you already were too easy to get? how do you recover?

Here's the catch.. It's significantly harder to get a woman if you screwed up early on. First impressions mean a lot, and it'll take some framing to change ideas, but keep in mind that even this has a very small chance of working.

In particular I would like to know how to make her put any effort to get me when she is currently putting none, if I don't talk her she won't talk to me, etc.

It sounds like you are basing this off a woman that you seem to be focused on.. One thing you have to do is to let it go. Women aren't going to do anything with a guy that they have no reason to be around. She may also just seem off-put by you and a little unsettled. There are a lot of factors that go into such a thing.

But have problems with number 3, if i show less interest than her that would mean 0 interest, which is bad as well.

If a girl has no interest in you, you can't make interest come out of nowhere. Most girls are at least a little interested by men they haven't met, because they have no idea what they are like or who they are. They may try to guess, but they really don't know. Once she knows you, her interest can reach next to nothing. Trying to create a relationship when there is no initial interest is impossible. It's like looking at some girl you may have found a little attractive at first, but then her attitude totally removed that attraction. There's practically no way you are going to sleep with her, so how can you expect the same out of women?

Luckily, we can prevent this by not being too easy to get. The first thing I would have to tell you is to get goals and stay busy. When you are busy and don't have time to go around doing nothing, your time becomes more valuable and you are thus harder to get as your time is worth more.

The next thing to do is to create a little intrigue. Simply laying yourself out there for all eyes to see isn't the best idea, but it's also smart to not blatantly hide things. When I see guys try to create intrigue, they'll usually answer in the completely wrong fashion. They'll say something like, "I'm not telling you where I work" or "I work with tools" when answering with what their job is. Not very intriguing. You aren't revealing very much, but there is no reason for intrigue. It's just boring. Answering along the lines of, "I don't really have a set job; I get things as they come and go" allows for much more intrigue and makes her work to find out the actual truth. Another thing is that you don't want to get caught trying to impose intrigue; it needs to feel completely natural otherwise she's just going to see right through you. Here's a great article on intrigue: https://www.girlschase.com/content/using ... hasing-you

Combine lack of time and intrigue and you're suddenly not too easy of a guy to get. Of course, these are just a few tips to get you started. Reading and absorbing the information from the blog and Chase's many products will guide you to absolute success from women. Like all skills, it just takes time.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 11, 2012
Tank you, that really helps.
Some stuff I didn't mention,
The problem about girl not talking to me first happens with any of them. It's like any girl I date or want to date forgets I exist if I don't go and say hi every time, even after that they dated me a few times (even with good sex involved).
Should I just stop contacting them and wait? waiting for more than a few days seems like a really bad idea, I feel it kills the emotions that she might feel.

Also, most times there is initial attraction, but then maybe I give too much information about myself and that kills intrigue.
I think that If I grow as a person I can generate new intrigue no matter what, but I'm not sure how it works.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 27, 2012
TylerDurden said:
Hi, I seem to be too easy to get, and not enough of a "bad boy".
I've read a lot about the attitude when dealing with questions, and how to screen and get to know a woman.
But what about if you already were too easy to get? how do you recover?

In particular I would like to know how to make her put any effort to get me when she is currently putting none, if I don't talk her she won't talk to me, etc.
What are some ways of subtly making her remember I exist and talk to me?
After that, what is the best way to make her keep investing?
I Avoid the 3 things chase mentioned (as described here: https://www.girlschase.com/content/book- ... enge-women)
But have problems with number 3, if i show less interest than her that would mean 0 interest, which is bad as well.

I guess creating some intrigue might help to make her start talking, and once she does, putting a bit less effort than her should keep her coming and start a circle. Do you think this would work?

When it comes to 'being too easy to get' and how to deal with that problem, the answer is relative to your individual situation. thats the thing with seduction, there are so many small situational/circumstantial differences among people that call for different ways of dealing with certain problems, people tend to generalize things too much, theres a lot of finesse to it all.

if you believe you are coming across as too easy to get consider the following;

- is it really you being too easy to get, or is the girl putting in no effort because your attainability is too low, is she in auto rejection, has she given up?

- consider yours and the girls fundamentals and how she views them. where do you believe she sees your level of attainability. the ideal position is always 'slightly out of reach, but within an achievable distance' bit of a challenge but certainly not too much.

- if you really are acting too easy to get, start by revealing less about yourself, talking less, becoming more mysterious. try not to show signs of finding her impressive and beautiful. don't put her on a pedestal, more importantly make sure she doesn't believe you have put her on a pedestal. focus of interacting with other people and things around her, devoid her of too much attention, perhaps use other girls to evoke the powerful emotion of jealousy in her, but be careful with that.

of course for any of the above to have any effect and certainly when it comes to 'getting her back' you must have solid fundamentals and a sexy vibe. their must be something about you that she desires. its all well and good 'playing hard to get' in seduction but if you do that and have nothing to offer, why will she take your challenge? every girl needs a reason to accept your challenge. this reason is largely made up upon your core fundamentals, which is why they are so important.

so before you do any of this or try to play the game, please have solid, better than average fundamentals.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers