Is there a chase article which covers these 2?
This article assumes it is hostile.
I am aware I should be saying any other thing but, it just slips out.
When I was starting, this was an issue too. Actively stop yourself from qualifying yourself until you successfully stop and eventually forget to qualify yourself.
- Ask an "advanced" question only an expert would ask. This implies knowledge and taste. For example, instead of "I like rock music" ask "What's your favorite post-punk album?"
- Male a precise observation on the human experience rather than just yourself. This indicates experience without being try-hard. For example, instead of "I'm an innovative chef" say "Nothing beats the feeling of designing a recipe and having it change your entire evening."
- Tell a cool story. It establishes credibility and paces the mood. For example, instead of "I like art too!" say "Art has always been a part of me. Back when it'd get cold and lonely, I'd brighten up the day by drawing my dream destination. One day, a friend told me to enter a contest and I bonded with someone who saw my drawing and had the same dream. We talked about how the second we left that town, we'd test our freedom by going there and exploring a new side of ourselves away from the people who put labels on us."
- Tease. This could create a high point and get her qualifying instead. For example, instead of responding to her saying "I'm a good girl" with " well, I feed orphans" tell her "I'll bet you're the kind of girl who says 'Aw shucks' and goes to bed at 8pm" to get her in a naughtier mood.
I know your suppose to stay mysterious but how do you do that exactly?
Being mysterious means 2 things:
- Not giving information no one cares about.
- Giving information people care about in a surprising way.
First, avoid giving your life story to someone who just met you.
Don't overexplain things or add needless backstory. For example, have you ever seen an unnecessary prequel movie that wasted time without improving the character (ex. Solo spending time on Han Solo's name)?
Second, keep her guessing but interested. Give insight that she does not expect and keep answers short so she asks herself, "Just who is this guy?" For example, imagine you present yourself as a rocker but on a date at a bar you two just found you seem worldly and talk about wines from different countries. A rocker who knows wine? There is probably a story here. And he has a refined side despite seeming raw?
What else does he know and what else has he seen?