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How to tell whether a girl is hard to get, or not intrested?

Brian M

Jan 4, 2013
Hey guys,

Further to an earlier post I wrote, I was wondering if any of you guys have any tips on how distinguish between a girl that is either (playing) hard to get ...... or is just not interested??

Personally, I have always found these types of situations a difficult one to call - because there is lots of advice out there and I have tried different approaches in the past, some successful and some not. However, I have noticed that an approach that works with one girl will not work on another. It seems to me that there is no "right tactic" in such a situation and every girl is indeed different, and therefore there is a need to approach it differently depending on who the girl is.

For example, I chased a girl before quite hard and she withdrew and then so did I, and then, out of the blue, a few months later she began showing strong interest in me - but funnily enough, by this stage, I had actually went into auto-rejection with her. There have also been times where a girl has been hard to get and then I withdrew but got nowhere, no contact, nothing - only to find out later that she liked me.

So I am really curious about this one....

If you are neither sure whether a girl is hard to get or just isn't interested, what are the signs to watch out for?? Do you think it is best to:

1/ chase her (a little)


2/ go no contact, cold on her.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!



Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Re: How to tell whether a girl is hard to get, or not intres

Hey Brian

I think that a girl that is playing hard to get would still invest in you a little and a girl who is plain not interested won't at all. you can find out by testing to see if they invest.
An example I have is an interaction that happened today: I approached a girl and complimented her beautiful eyes.
She said thankyou with a light smile and kept on her way without really even noticing me...as if she gets it a lot.
I don't think she was playing hard to get, I think she was genuinely not intersted.
I think the same goes for girls in any interaction you have with them...if they are plain out not investing or showing any interest at all, they're not interested.
As long as they are still around talking to you, allowing the interaction to continue, not straight up trying to get away...they may be playing hard to get.

Hope I helped.
Peace man
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
Re: How to tell whether a girl is hard to get, or not intres

Body language and EC is the biggest give away, mirroring maybe?

What Wes said about investment, if there's any kind of investment at all (and there will be only If she's interested) then she's playing hard to get.

What you do about it is upto you, but I'm of the philosophy that I'm too old to be chasing now, so I let them come to me, which works well it seems (at least for me)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 7, 2012
Re: How to tell whether a girl is hard to get, or not intres

Hey Brian,

Both Wes and Flames have already mentioned the key word. Its Investment.
You can get girls who plays hard to get, or simply shy. However, they will always be investing in you.
You can simply ask them to move with you, and see what their response is.

A shy girl will probably not initiate anything, but will always follow your lead, and will always ask questions.
A girl who is hard to get will still flirt, give you strong eye contacts, be touchy, follow your leads, and even challenge you.
A girl who is simply not interested will show you no signs at all. Only a simple genuine smile for politeness. She will not ask you questions. She will not even follow you. She will just be smiling... and leave. *Meh*