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FR+  Huge Attraction then Auto Rejection


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 14, 2013
I was just on a date with super hot girl , a 9 for sure. I picked her up last night and she agreed to go out with me tonight. We went to a bar for a drink and had awesome talk for about 30 minutes then she kissed me. We spent about 1 more hour talking and then she suggested we take a walk. I thought this was a sign to invite her home , nice. We went to my car and then she asked

HER: "where are we going ?"
ME: to my place for a drink , i would like to show you the balcony , it has great view
HER: im not up for going there now , let's chill out in a car a bit
ME: Sure , lets go to the beach (its winter but still nice and private)

We went to the beach , i parked in the dark and we went to the back seat. Ok , no resistance there , but after 5 minutes of making out she just shut down. Nothing , like its a different girl then the one i went out with.
HER: Let's go , can you take me home now
ME: Lets hang out a bit more , enjoy the moment
i tried to bring her back to life but nothing , she did not respond to anything
HER: i can walk from here or you can take me home
ME: i will take you home ...

In front of her building i asked
ME: You are silent , what's going on ?
SHE: I dont know
ME: You seam different somehow
SHE: You too.
ME: What do you mean?
SHE : I dont know
ME: So , did you like the evening(we went to listen to some band we both like)
SHE: Yes, up to a point
ME: What do you mean ?
SHE: I dont like to rush these things, i would like to get to know you better before doing anything
ME: I understand you , you dont have to explain it to me
SHE: What are you doing for the weekend
ME: i will be out with my friends , you ?
SHE: I dont think so , but we can meet on Sunday and take a walk
ME: Sure , we can do that

Kissed her goodbye and went home.

I think that's the end of it , what the hell went wrong , where did i screw up here ?

Do you think there is hope for it ?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 14, 2013
I would appreciate if someone can give me advice on this one . Should text her today ? what would you write ?
(could not edit original post)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
Lol I have dated some crazy chicks trust me....your probably in for a crazy one with her.she got upset most girls would tell you up front that nothing will happen she waited and yea got mad.be careful with this one!

I want there but from what I've read she is probably a little crazy keep us updated.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
This was a little bit of a head scratcher, but once you realize she's a very sexually experienced girl who's good at her game it makes sense.

The play by play:

HER: im not up for going there now , let's chill out in a car a bit
ME: Sure , lets go to the beach (its winter but still nice and private)

She's making you play by her terms, you give in really easily. If she had wanted sex then she would have just gone to your place, rather than a car.

SHE: I dont like to rush these things, i would like to get to know you better before doing anything

The token "I like you too much for a boyfriend so I'm going to slow things down, probably never have sex with you because I need you to chase and things to be on my terms"

SHE: I dont think so , but we can meet on Sunday and take a walk
ME: Sure , we can do that

Again, her terms. You gave in quickly, she gets to dictate the pace of the relationship.

Gotta be more cutthroat and dominant, and have things go by your terms not hers. Can't blame you, I'd probably let this one slip too if I didn't see it coming. You probably gave too much value as a provider / boyfriend as well, and had her like you too much because of it.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
Most woman will be up front about it in the beginning.she got mad about it.she is crazy trust me.You are right though should have moved faster she is probably one of those girls who likes really dominant and freaky sex... the way she played it though it's the crazy girl.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
my bet is you should have taken her home straight after she kissed you.

Again, her terms. You gave in quickly, she gets to dictate the pace of the relationship.

Gotta be more cutthroat and dominant, and have things go by your terms not hers. Can't blame you, I'd probably let this one slip too if I didn't see it coming. You probably gave too much value as a provider / boyfriend as well, and had her like you too much because of it

and you are `lucky` that she offered a next date. I just usually get auto-rejections after things like this.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 14, 2013
Whatever it was , we met today , like nothing happened , i did not bring it up. It's her birthday tomorrow , she invited me to a bar where she will be with her friends , i think ill show up to say happy b-day and go on my way , i don't want to provide too much attention. In he next few days ill invite her home and see what happens.

And best advice i can give to you and myself here , is always move on and meet more girls , it's exactly what i did last night.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
You should definitely read the new article posted about the friend zone.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Your case reminds me strongly a similar girl I met last year.

She is experienced, cynical, bitter and crafty. She wants to call the shots. My take is that this type of girl would hate you if you followed her lead, but would also hate you if you didn't. Contrary to your choice to do the former, I did the latter with the girl I have in mind and the whole thing just crushed and burned.

So, don't really beat up yourself for falling to her frame because even if you didn't you wouldn't have better results with her. Try to make a "Hail Mary" proposal to her of the kind "Hey, come over to my place and let's cook something together". If she comes, great. If not, at least you ended the chasing on your terms with a proposal that matters to you and your true desires as a man.

Inform us if you have any news.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers