Day 2
Before i begin, i just want to clarify that i've decided to do one newbie assignment once a week. I've got my final school exams this/next month, so it'll be plain stupid to invest time in anything else (unfortunately).
Spend at least twenty (20) minutes walking about with improved posture and get a feel for the difference in how people react to you.
My day
This assignment didn't seem so bad, and of course it wasn't. I read Chase's article on how to walk properly, and various articles on how to keep your posture before i went out.
Honestly as i was looking around, i didn't really see how posture was an issue. Few guys had good posture, few guys had bad posture. 90% of men were walking around with very neutral, average postures. The ones who did have bad postures all had a fairy good looking woman with them (maybe they were too relaxed in their relationship? I don't know).
However, I noticed that when i straightened my back, stuck my chest out, and walk how Chase advised, i got more looks from people. They were just glances, but it was noticeable. It wasn't just young women (older women seemed to look also), but men seemed to shy away from eye contact and seemed to react very slightly more negatively to this (oh well, can't please everyone!).
To finish my day, i thought i'll play a little game with myself.
I would start from one side of the town centre, and walk to the other side in a totally straight line (about 800 metres) without stopping or deviating from my designated line (unless there was a tree or a guy in a wheelchair).
To my surprise, everyone seemed to go around me. I found some people were more difficult to persuade than others, but a suitable amount of eye contact before i passed them was enough to convince most of them to move out of the way. There were one or two difficult men who i had to get out of the way for otherwise it would have been a collision. But other than that, it was a success
Can't wait for the next assignment next week. Later
Edit: I just remembered something quite awkward when i was out there. When i finished my assignment, i treated myself to an ice cream. As i was sitting in the sun on a bench, i saw a woman about my age with the sexiest body i've seen in a while with skin tight clothing. As i was looking at her, i looked into her eyes while slowly licking my ice cream with a hint of sexual intent. It lasted for about 5 seconds until she looked away, and i couldn't stop myself laughing from the awkwardness afterwards!