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Hypnotica and upgrading your brain


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 8, 2021
What I am seeing as I read up on hypnotica is what appears to be an alternate route of learning PU.
It's where you listen to special tracks and it changes the way you act, to put it simply. It makes effects on your brain.

This is what I am interested in, because I am sick of reading and reading articles. I understand what is written in them but they don't really help me, and when I do go out trying to snag girls I seem to be mentally in the wrong place or just flat out confused. I can and do talk to them without fear, but I seem to misunderstand the entire interaction. I really can't come up with the right thing to say or the right move to make. I end up saying the wrong things at the wrong times and it all doesn't make sense to her, or sometimes even to me. I feel like a guy who knows how to throw punches and kicks but when he gets in the ring he has no concept of, or grip on strategy and just throws everything wildly, hoping it'll work.

If I can use these tracks to change my brain, then I can snap into the correct way of being, and finally everything will flow properly from there.

It's also hard because I lived nearly my whole life as a nerd in isolation and it's hard to pretend to be like the "normal" people who are highly social. I don't understand "their world" and what would make one of their female kind take a liking to me.

I can pop the hood of my brain, repair my brain and/or enhance it to godly levels, and then come back and do PU easily.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2021
What will change your brain is going out into the real world and taking action. Not living in fantasy land and thinking you can improve by only listening to a few tracks or reading some articles without doing any real work.

You will not get good at PU without experience. And sometimes you'll need to experience bad outcomes multiple times before it finally clicks.

It's like learning how to play a sport like basketball

You can watch countless tutorials, and read many books on how to perfect your 3 point shooting. But you'll never become exceptional without putting enough time on the court

PU is no different


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 8, 2021
Is that what I wrote, you internet dipshit? No, so clean the cum out of your eyes, internet jagoff, and it read again. Carefully this time. I know it's hard for you brain-damaged americacas.

If you don't have anything to say about Hypnotica's works, go back to watching your anime porn. You "big badass action taker" who makes over 200 posts online and then bumbles about "taking action in the real world".
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2021
Is that what I wrote, you internet dipshit? No, so clean the cum out of your eyes, internet jagoff, and it read again. Carefully this time. I know it's hard for you brain-damaged americacas.

If you don't have anything to say about Hypnotica's works, go back to watching your anime porn. You "big badass action taker" who makes over 200 posts online and then bumbles about "taking action in the real world".



Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 8, 2021
Alright, so nobody on here knows anything about Hypnotica's works. All I got in reponse was just one nerd dipshit trolling with one of his dozens of phony profiles.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2021
Alright, so nobody on here knows anything about Hypnotica's works. All I got in reponse was just one nerd dipshit trolling with one of his dozens of phony profiles.

Cool story