Hello to all. Wanted to ask you guys something. I noticed one thing that's been holding me back from taking interactions with chicks to the next level is the fact that I am not certain whether I'm good enough for them or not. Until a couple months ago I never spoke to women because I was convinced they wouldn't like me. At this point I've spoken to enough of them to begin seeing myself in a different light, but I'm not 100% there yet. When I look at myself I look at all the ways in which I am fucked up. I'm ugly, I'm short, I'm a nerd, I don't make much money, I live in a shabby apartment, I have no experience with relationships. That being said, I have good interactions with chicks when I go out and to the contrary, they keep telling me that I'm really cool. And you know what? I totally believe them, but I just can't bring myself to believe it. Instead I think to myself, "why the fuck would a woman want a relationship with ME?" It's hard for me to believe that I really am that attractive. I don't picture myself as attractive. That's why I haven't been taking interactions to the next level even when the chick was open to it. Have any of you guys ever felt like this? And what did you do?