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Openers  I hate you! (Night)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 22, 2012
This is something girls never hear so it gets their attention,
NOTE that this has to be said with confidence and good body-language or else you'll be perceived as an idiot.

Preferable a girl with her friend or in a group where she is easy to come in contact with.

guy: "(Fuck..) I hate you! :)" with a smile and grounding

girl: "why?!" or "what have I ever done to you?!"

guy: [insert something fun and innocent that it was her fault] I usually respond something like: "because you forgot to feed my turtle this morning"
(One of my friends suggested something more direct like "because why haven't I ever seen you before?!" but haven't tried that one out)

Then if she's emotional mature (used to talk to guys), she will play along with you something like, "Ohh.. I'm sorry.. I'll remember to do it next time" and some fun can be added with creativity and imagination.

I've had girls just look at me like they want to be ravaged by me because I was bold enough to start out like that and keeping my ground...

Try it out if you want and report back! :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
Haha, I'm gonna try this out. It certainly is a change and would get them out of autopilot
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013
This works like a charm!!!!! when you know the girl is interested in you! I recommend never saying this to a girl your meeting for the first time, and highly recommend only saying when you've tested out her humor, a girl without a good sense of humor will likely take it the wrong way, and it will backfire. Just a few variables to be cautious of, given that the circumstances will allow you to use it, then by all means, USE IT!


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 5, 2017
Yeah, I find this phrase and the the other one(The "L" bomb) instills certain emotions in females even if you don't mean it.

Saying the word "love" in the context of a casual relationship between a girl and you and her eyes will get an alarmed reaction, whereas if you say you "hate them" will bring a devilish grin to their face no matter how serious you are. One time I was at work with this pretty girl and she was being a butthead so I told her "I hate you," and her eyes perked up like she might want to chase me romantically. Women are nuts.