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LR  "I have a rule"


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
This one is one of my longest LR's since it has to do with fucking a coworker. If anyone reads this wanting to know about workplace romance, don't be afraid to ask questions on work dynamics and signs of interest in the work place that I don't already mention.

Okay so I had decided which girl at work I want about halfway through November, she's a pretty hostess with nice tits, a tight waste, and a pretty big ass. A little thick, how I like them, and the overall shape of her body is solid. My coworker who's a life coach "went" for her and got turned down, even though he's charismatic and nearly self-actualized. She tells me about this later.

The first day we met I had flirted with her doing the usual shit I say to the new people. "What's your favorite part of the job, besides me?", deep diving them and try to get to know them before anyone else (so then you're the closest connection they have at their new job), teasing them about their lack of competence in adjusting, and occasionally helping them when they seem stressed or something.

I would stop by her hostess booth every now and again and try to get her talking about more fun / adventurous topics.. eventually getting her to throw some sexual frames up, but I could never kick off a solid vibe in the little bits of convo I'd get going in between checking my tables.

When I found out she was quitting I had determined I'd be asking her out, since, I no longer have any reputation to worry about if it goes good / bad. The first day I tried this I misfired pretty hard, and had taken medication that made me feel super anxious, so the anxiety had me thinking all was fucked. Luckily, I worked with her for her last shift (a benefit from social circle - you'll see them again).

There are risks work social circle too, as I wrote earlier this month,
I have to balance the principle of moving fast with the principle of not chasing and being socially calibrated to the work place. Then there's the reputation to consider. If I fuck up and actually ask her on a date, the entire workplace will know, and that's very damaging to value. That's why you really gotta be careful with work romance.

So for her last day, I screened to see if she was going to be here for winter break (she was) and if she was free over this week (she was). I chase frame her for coming to visit me since she misses me so much after she quits and she accepts it, then takes it a step further saying she'll be stalking me. I ask her how far she'll take it, and she says she's gonna be stalking me in the chips, being so disappointed when I'm not there, and take breaks in a bed of guacamole, to which I sexual frame and she again accepts. It was weird, kinda, but some under the radar innuendo that she basically instigated - I think she's on board.

I tell her now that she's quitting we should grab a drink (which she might conclude why I might not have gotten a drink with her in the past). She says she's down but doesn't seem incredibly interested. I bounce from doing my job to talking with her and then figure out logistics, and get a little physical (every time I touched her she gave that little glimpse of attraction - she's just not one to hand it out, kind of like Mini). Texted her after work and got some good signals.

The Date
After a long day with school. I take a nap, wake up, drink green tea, and meditate after class. I had texted her earlier today to see if we were still on for the date and she's down still. Here's our texts:

Me: hey Stripes still on for tonight?
Her: Yes! I'm still down
Me: sweet. 7~ sound good?
Her: Would 7:30ish be okay? I just finished up class for the day and I still have to write a couple of short papers beforehand *cringe emoji :0*
Me: no biggie, gives me some time to run errands
Her: Perfect!

3 hours later

Her: So do you want to meet at [bar]? Or what's the game plan, Stan?
Her: (15 minutes later) I think I'm gonna be there more around 7:45
Me: why don't we meet at my place the walk over, it's not crazy far
Me: just got up from a power pwer
Me: lol power nap (typos were accidental, for all you sociopaths out there)
Her: Haha okay what time you think? And what's your address?
Me: [address]. 7:45-8's cool
Her: Okay I'll let cha know when I'm heading out
Her: Mmkay I'm on my way
Her: I'm here?

If a girl's ever texting you like this it's a pretty good sign she's excited to see you, no matter how the date starts off. She's been thinking about you. So, if you slip a little on the date, the preconceived notion in her head of what you are is your safety net.

I roll up to her and give her a hug and immediately get excited about how tight her waist is. I ask her what trouble she's gotten into today and she starts telling me about going to class. I blow it out of proportion by saying that she was probably arguing with the teacher the whole time, proving him wrong with her genius. She goes along with it in a lightly sarcastic undertone, then asks me what I've been doing all day.

My research lab has actually been pretty insightful recently with clients and so I take a straight dive to the deep and tell her about a question on our interview questionnaire that we use that troubles me in the interview execution. She relates it to her internship experience and I tie it for us to connect a bit about client relationships as undergraduates and how what we can do / know how to do is still quite limited to the tools we have available to us.

I segway this into what she wants to do when she's older and find out some more about her passions. Turns out she actually had a pretty bad concussion when she was training for an event in the water Olympics and we talk about the aftermath of that for a bit.

Then something comes up about my history in greek life and I joke then turn it on her asking if she ever considered it, if her friends did and how that played out with her friends going / not going. I get to know her social life a little better from this, and explain how I got out of greek life and prefer having a few closer friends instead now (a half truth). We chat and then arrive at the bar.

The bartender recognizes me immediately and ask if I want the usual. I do, and then we get our drinks. He thought I was paying for her, and so did she! I underpaid him actually, and didn't notice that she hadn't paid for her drink. Perks of being a regular! Hahah. Looking back at this though, he gave me somewhat of an odd look when I walked in with her - most likely because he knows I date girls and go out with pussy on my mind.

We play pool upstairs (we're literally the only people in the bar at this point) and it involves a mix of teasing, deep diving, me teaching her how to play pool, light physical escalation, and innuendo. The pool game was helpful because if I ever didn't feel like talking or needed to change subjects I always had that as a fallback.

The Pull
After we play two games (I won one and she won one, after I had made an open ended comment about the winner getting something) we sit down and talk a bit more. During us playing I sexual framed with "so.. what do you think the winner should get?" with a sexy look and got a good, giggly response from her. We get a little closer while talking and then I invite her home to play mariokart and settle this competition properly (lolololol). She agrees and we head to my place. I make a joke on the way out about not being able to have her out in public with how naughty she's been.

On the way back to my house we lock arms and something about HS prom comes up. She says she had an awkward date and I had her explain it. Afterwards I ask her what a good date is for her, other than this incredible one she's on right now. She tells me what an awkward date is and I joke about it, but then say, really, what do you enjoy on a date? I think this made clear that I date people / have dated a good amount of people, as well as normalizes what we're doing right now. She says that she likes cool, casual dates, not some big get-up like dinner or whatever. I agree and then she asks me what I like, and I give her a ridiculous answer,

Her: What about you? What's a perfeect date?
Me: Hmmm, a perfect date? I'm thinking it starts off me jumping out of a helicopter at 4000 feet, grabbing a parachute in mid air, then gliding until my partner sky dives to my level, then we burst into passionate sex while hurtling through the air, combine into one mass, and parachute to the level below onto a comfy bed surrounded by tequila, champagne, and fajitas for several hours of hedonism. Something like that.
Her: Hahaha! Wow, I like your style. How's that work with the sex in mid air?
Me: Well we'd have to get straight to business since we don't want to die.. only come close ya know? First one's for me, second one's for her.

She likes the sexual frame I throw up and then calls me an adrenaline junkie. I explain I'm both introverted and extraverted, and that would be my extraverted side at play. Also that it annoys me that people who are introverted get drunk and then talk more, so they assume they're both, when in reality they're just drunk. She qualifies herself (she's a total introvert) as being legitimately both too, but mostly an introvert (not saying she's lying I just haven't seen any extraversion out of her).

Bust A Move
We get back to my place, I ask what she wants to drink and remember I have some wine. She wants wine! So I pour us two glasses. I put on music and immediately sit next to her with my arm around her. We chat some more about a couple things and I kiss her about 10 minutes into her being there. She goes "Oh, alright then" and is somewhat taken off guard, probably because I just did it, without building a shit ton of tension. That was actually my main flaw of the night. Most sexual jokes / talking was innuendo and didn't build a lot of tension - more just a subtle tension that held the sexual string together.

Last Minute Resistance (LMR)
Pretty soon I go in for a kiss again after a deep dive and we start going at it. She's quickly turned on and I move her on top of me. I try to pick her up and take her to my bed but she doesn't want to be picked up. We start hooking up harder and I do my move of going from neck (very receptive with her) to titties, and for the first time ever get denied from the nipple make out. I back off a bit, and then entirely and ask her if she's comfortable. I use a yes ladder to get her saying she likes me, she's comfortable with me, and she's having fun in the current moment, then say let's keep having fun and go back for the makeout.

We start going at it again and this time I focus way more on getting my leg / dick rubbing on her pussy through the pants barriers. At one point I smell her musk so I know that this will eventually work. I go for tits again and she tells me she just got them pierced. I use this to avenue us to sexual talk and sexual preferences. She tells me that she has a really high sex drive, actually. I knew this meant I just had to pass any test she through up and persist. After 5 minutes or so of talking about this we start going at it again and I slip my hand beneath her pants - but they're so damn tight!

I tell her to take off her pants, they're too tight, and she says she can't. I ask why and she says,
Her: I have a rule
Me: What's your rule?
Her: I don't have sex on the first time
Me: Haha, well Stripes, I'm just asking to take off your pants, I never brought up sex
Me: Actually, you have been the only one to bring up sex (;
Her: No haha
Me: *stares at her with a mischievous smile* K.
Her: *stares back*
Me: *starts undoing her pants*
Her: *starts pushing my hands off, smiling*
Me: What? (; *keeps undoing her pants*
Her: *let's it happen, then eventually takes them off herself*

After this, she actually bends over and shows me her sexy ass body, while I'm changing the song on the speakers. I ask her, "are you trying to do that?" and she says "yes" and I go up behind her, put my dick on her ass, and start kissing her neck and feeling her up, making my way to her tits and giving them a good squeeze, then start making out with her like this. She starts to get really turned on and I throw her down on the bed, getting our bodies touching a lot.

Just in case LMR comes up again, I used a lot of teasing including: a kneading motion with my hands to get her extra horny, going up and down the side of her leg, grabbing the opposite end of her knee cap, the kneading back down to her pussy WITHOUT TOUCHING IT, and going up the other leg, then coming back down and putting my fingers to both sides of her pussy (this drive bitches locooo) all while making out with / biting + sucking her neck and ears.

Then I whip my cock out and she starts stroking me, and I tease a bit more and start fingering her. She is SO FUCKING WET. One of the wettest I've ever gotten a girl before putting my cock in. I start blasting that pussy with two fingers and a "come here" motion after rubbing it and spreading her juices around a bit, and within like 30 seconds she goes "fuck it" and pulls down my pants all the way.

~SexyTime VerrNice~
I do adapted missionary with her and she's quite vocal and sexual, telling me to fuck her tight pussy. I bust pretty fast (she's on birth control thankfully), her body and pussy are amazing. Top 5 hottest girls I've banged, no doubt.

We mess around a while after I bust, I eat her out, all good fun. We chill and watch tunes after with a bunch of deep diving. I had asked her a bit more about sex and she openly explained shit test token resistance to me. She said word for word, that she tests guys by telling them she has a rule, and if they keep going despite that she get's really turned on. Whether this was backwards rationalization (which, I now realize is very similar to lying to yourself.. some slightly dark psychology I've been contemplating lately. that is, this can be applied to more heinous things) or not, I don't care. But very interesting.

I bust a move again and we fuck but my dick is tired and despite lasting much longer, and getting much more aggressive sex from her, (lot's of spanking, dirty talk, at one point I put some fingers in her mouth and pulled her face to the side during doggy) I can't get solid wood and cut it shorter than it could have been.

Simmer Down
Then we hang out for about an hour and chit chat, show music, and drink wine. I get to know her a lot better and ask her "what's something that most people wouldn't want to know about you" and after some socratic questioning find out quite a lot about her. She asked deeper questions about me and I gave her a good bit, but never enough to give her what she really wanted.

After hanging out I explain I've been a shitty friend to my buddy and left him waiting at a bar for me. She drives me there and I give her a passionate kiss and tell her to take care before getting out her car.

She texts me later that night,
Her: Hey I really did have a good time tonight. Thank you :) I hope we can hangout again soon. Stay safe tonight and have fun at your cousins wedding this weekend.
Me: hey me too Stripes. and thanks I'll try and behave (; I'll be sure to keep in touch
Me: sleep tight
Her: Cool Thanks, you too

Solid times. I could see us having an OR after all that post-sex connecting we did, but I'll keep expectations low.

Tread carefully with coworker's in social circle. Social calibration can be important, so if you're making moves it's better to do it when the two of you are stolen away, so she doesn't feel restricted with you moving things forward if there's other people around. She doesn't want to look like a slut to the guys/girls, and she doesn't want other guys that she might have interest in to think she's taken.

At the same time, know when you have a window to move things outside the workplace and do it. Once that's done, it's little to no different than any other date. Keep the date a secret between the two of you.

Last Minute Resistance can be purposeful bullshit by the girl to screen the guy. Just keep making her horny, make it seem like sex is her idea, and strike the iron while it's hot. Also, don't be afraid to whip the dick out. She wants to see, stroke, suck, and fuck your cock.

It can really help to deep dive after sex, since girls are so open and honest after it. Don't take too much advantage of girls during this, but if you feel that connection isn't strong enough / attainability still might be too low (which can lead to her feeling like a slut), use that post-sex period to connect.




Nov 9, 2016
Good read Hue, very informative. Seems like you have the process down with logistics and have a good intuition on capitalizing on when she qualified herself and flirted back.

Me: Hmmm, a perfect date? I'm thinking it starts off me jumping out of a helicopter at 4000 feet, grabbing a parachute in mid air, then gliding until my partner sky dives to my level, then we burst into passionate sex while hurtling through the air, combine into one mass, and parachute to the level below onto a comfy bed surrounded by tequila, champagne, and fajitas for several hours of hedonism. Something like that.

This definitely painted you in all the right ways! haha

Man, I have done work romance in the past. Im terrible because at times I can be very calculated and under the radar, or I can be carefree and spontaneous which can cause a lot of drama. Looks like you had that one lined up well. You seem to be on a roll! :)

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Im terrible because at times I can be very calculated and under the radar, or I can be carefree and spontaneous which can cause a lot of drama.

I think at something serious like work you have to ride the grey line because you don't want to be overly calculated and lack your personality / enjoyment of the pulling process, but if you're too carefree you can draw too much attention to the two of you which can fuck both of your reputations and/or cause her to think of reasons not to let herself be drawn in by you.