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I have a twin.... wait I have a lot of twins.....


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
I wanted to start a post on something that was already written about but talk about my experiences a little more. How much a like we really are from.our neighbours. Well some people are just loopy, but are they?

Since I have been on girls chase over the years I've noticed a lot.in.people. I have even started club promoting because of this site and a few other ideas of travelling the world, that's not important. What is important though is the things I have seen from doing this with many cultures. Through club promoting and just mass adding people I have started to see trends.in certain people whether it be drama filled people, to people who work out and even people who like to just get around. The amount of people you see in this world who aspire to be models or business graduates is ridiculous. In a world where just being thin makes people models. Then there are people who actually work hard for it, and people who are just thin and think it should be entitled to them. Usually the people who work hard at it are the most humble, however when you really start to look at the big picture you start reading news feeds and see the teeter totter effect occuring back an fourth with people arguing about who is right and wrong. Thanks chase forbthat article. My fav thus far. Or the posts of people posting.motivational shit, suicidal shit, and just working out. Everyone wants to feel they are unique. I love to travel, and fortunately if I dont see myself interested in a person I dont even acknowledge them. Even if they are with a celebrity, or have the pyrimids in the background. Usually the things that catch my eye are the things im just beginning to do and am.excited about and I just want to fill my brain.up with as.much information as I can and want to talk to people who are interested in the same thing and yet to them.it seems boring at that point. I even sat at a bar with a couple buddies meeting a guy through my friend who was a pilot and his dad paid his way through school. He talked about how annoying it was that people asked him questions about it. However he understood that he was like that when he was starting.our and would just grin and bear it....

It brings me to the thought that, im starting to see why conversation about weather and jobs becomes boring even tho everyone can relate to these things you can actually see the autopilot kick in. Its funny to see that talking about yourself is almost utterly pointless and why chase can pick up girls with them not even know his name. In a society where the majority of.pictures are selfies we only really care about what we want to do. I persobally have noticed that if you just probe until someone opens up enough with no opinion.of your own.unless it strengthens their belief you can almost win any person over.

No body cares about what you are doing, they really truly dont unless they are new to it. So when chase reads these articles about.pick up in thebfield report section I can almost guess he is bored about it. Unless someone tries something completely new it might catch his attention. Try it sometime scroll through the facebook or talj to people you truly arent interested in.and they could tell you they plan.on going.to.mars on the fifth I would be like dope and move on. Now if a hot chick I wanted to sleep with told.me that five years ago id be lije omg.omg I wanna go to.mars too lets go together. Or starting out in.club promoting.its exhilirating especially after only.making six dollars profit for the first time.its a new challenge. However still in the back.of.my.mind I know I one day will.conquer this goal and be bored of it just like the promoters before me. Or talking.to a girl about a trip and she has.no desire to travel. It really was a slap in the face and a wake up call to talk to people and not have to say one word about your self.... or self cold read like yea I like to get down and dirty then again sometimes I just want to stay at home and watch a movie. Then either they can relate to both seeing as it doesnt really say anything about you as everyone can relate to.one thing or the other then tell you stories about it. Then they say oh uea I do sky diving. When.net I sky dived for my first time I tried asking the guy about getting started and he answered me but he was bored. It wasnt until I asked about his future.goals.with sky diving that he got a little.excited and started talking.more. it was new and fresh in his head he was thirsting.for.knowledge and trying to understand the puzzle and fear of.going.to.europe to wing suit along with the other guys.

It been written about everywhere on this site. I still wanted to put my experience down and maybe other.people can start talking about it or maybe see the understanding of conversation. Just go and look at how many men are good looking workout are terrible with woman but still think they are the shit and the only good looking guy who.models. its ridiculous. As with woman, the amount.of woman who are trying.to.model, the statistics of business school graduates. Shit even look at everyone on here. The number.is greatly.smaller maybe thousands of guys bettering.thenselves in a sea of qoman.of a multi billion world population so it puts the odds up a little bit. Then look at the amount of woman doing the same. I havent met a woman who rrally stands out from the rest. All model, want to.go.to school. Or girls who travelled to Europe and lived in tents partying a long the way who were cute and very smart. I look back at the girls.I have been with, and everyone of them that I thought I would still be with im not, and met.some.more.amazing.girls.along the way. I talk to.older woman.who.were with crazy guys like us and regret not doing it but knew they wouldnt be able.to.be with them because it wasnt a good decision to raise kids. These woman get off with flirting.with me and seeing my adventures. Badically, being different in.my eyes is having a blank.slate, then finding out what the other.person.likes and adjusting.your experience to.meet there's. In.my.books that is the person.who.is different, and yet sales people do it, girls chase.members.do.it. so everyone is really a twin.of yours..... in the sea of faces where we think.people are different they just choose different.lives to.follow, and of.course we truly arent that different at all. Like.little wayne said. We walk the same.path, but got.in different shoes. Live in.the same building.but got.different views.

lao che

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 21, 2013
yeah, this is something i only realized as i got older, i notice more and more how similar people are. i look at sports stars, celebrities, CEOs, read about people in the news or whatever and i just think "he's just an ordinary guy" i watch a show or read something and i might have at one point thought, wow whoever wrote this is amazing, a genius, but now i realize, he's just an ordinary guy. just ordinary people who made some decisions or did something cool, that's all. not much different from anybody else.
i think that's your gist, right?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
Exactly is. I guess when you start to do amazing things with your life thats what differentiates you. If you do it first you will always be the first pioneer of that craft. However its funny though at the same time that anyone can do those things and be that motivated, yet, they dont. They give up or believe they cant do it.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake