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I just couldn't be bothered making the effort with my niece


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 17, 2015
There's three siblings in my family which include me and my two sisters. I don't get on with the older of these two, and this sister also happens to have a two year old kid. I remember the night of the birth feeling obliged to make the awkward phone call just to tick that box. Then of course I had to go along to the baptism. And there's the confusion for each birthday and Christmas as to whether I should get her a present?

What makes it awkward is the fact that my other (younger) sister is the god mother of the child, and gets on well with my older sister. So that kind of makes me the odd one out in the family for the occasion that involve the child. If it were a bigger family you see it would be different. But at the moment there's situations where it's a case of "It's the child's second birthday this weekend so we're all invited over to their house for dinner". Did I go?! Well I won't be going to the next birthday, that's for sure. I was tired after work that day and then I'd to buy some stupid piece of plastic on the way there just so that it wouldn't look like I was showing up for the free food... which I didn't like anyway. Then they just talked about the royals and shit which is difficult for me to get in on. For her next birthday I'll make sure that I have something else on.! I don't care what they say about me. I know for a fact my own uncles would not have been at my birthday parties.

Given that I have no relationship with her, I know this means she'd never let me look after the child. This of course suits me. Interestingly my younger sister doesn't seem to realise that I'd never be asked of this by her, and sometimes younger sis will say something like "would you mind the child if it came to it, and change its nappies and all that?" I always answer "absolutely, I'd have no problem with it". This kind of confuses her, and of course the only reason I answer in such a way is because I know I'll never be asked!

Now she's pregnant again. I don't think I'm going to bother ringing whenever she gives birth. I just couldn't be bothered. There's been times in the past when it was my time to shine and she'd always make sure to make herself scarce so as to avoid making any obligatory compliments.

Does anyone else ever feel this way about a new born niece or nephew that's the child to sibling you don't get along with?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
In Asia, this is common. We just go about do our own things.

At start, there's drama. but overtime, there's an undertone that we all know who we are, and we don't like each other, whether that's family or relatives.
Your younger sister has not grown up yet. This is family politics. It always feel unspoken, distant and manipulation by using moral highground. "This is your responsibility".

Which Asia are champions at it, until Asia will die from 2020-2100. Because they keep hiding more skeletons than Westerners. They deserve it.
I love to give you a happy answer but I wish that things are easy and everyone can be happy, where Communication is possible.


p.s: some of my painbody there. HAHA
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a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers