I always send a morning after text. Always. I keep it short and sweet, and pet her know that I had a Good time with her.
There is no need to play it cool, but at the same time no need to be overly eager.
What you say really depends on the tone and nature of your connection, but it can be anything from a simple "fun times last night" or "last night was
" to something more sincere "we really made the most of things. Good spending time" or something slightly more tailored to the connection you shared.
Overall just keep it simple, and be straight forward.
Leaving her hanging or acting aloof will just make her second guess things.
Then, in subsequent texts pace things and let the invite to go for round two come naturally.
You will have to subtly lead the conversation in that direction. Just stay engaged and not overly eager and she will bite
Honestly, if the connection was solid, and you just pace things right, she will more often than not make the suggestion herself.