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FR  I need to learn how to "eye-fuck" properly

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Hey guys, it's been awhile since I dropped a field report on here. I've been learning a lot of things recently and haven't gotten to test things infield. It's been awhile since I've done some legit cold approaches.
This time I was trying out new ways of opening so that I could be flexible and adjust to certain situations.
I normally only use one style of approach which is : girl walking towards me going in opposite direction style.
I've mastered that, but when it comes to other situations, I still look awkward and creepy.
The past two days I was running up beside girls and trying to talk to them but they'd continue to walk while we talked and it just felt off

This time I was in Walmart with a couple of friends shopping. They were looking for foods to cure their munchies while I browsed the store. I somehow found myself standing in place looking towards the front door of Walmart watching as this goddess walked in in what seemed like slow-motion. She had long light brown hair down to the small of her back. Very feminine. Her hair was so silky that it bounced and flowed behind her as she walked. She could model for those women's shampoo commercials. To top off her femininity, she was physically fit, with attire that showed that she obviously works out. A tank top, sports bra, and black leggings hugged her smooth and tight thighs. she walked in fast, made eye contact with me from far away noticing that I was watching in awe.
I held the eye contact for as long as I could. We looked into each others eyes and explored. I spread a slow smile and somewhat submitted by looking down at her lips. (the pressure still gets to me)
I think she had a slight smile as well but I wasn't sure. Then she went about her buisness and quickly shopped.
I went back to my friends on the grocery aisles and kept myself aware of my surroundings.
Two times she walked past an aisle I was on and made eye contact with me. I tried to hold it for as long as I could. Trying to express interest through my eyes. (a lot of times I don't show interest and the girl obviously auto rejects because I look like I'm ignoring her approach invitations)
I finally decide to take action and run into her. I left my friends and walked to the front of the store after her to "go to the bathroom". She was standing in line for checkout with a small amount of supplies that I didn't pay attention to.
I walked past her heading towards the bathroom then turned my head around and made eye contact with her again as I walked away. I wanted to know for sure.
The whole eye contact exchange went something like this:
Me: I'm interested in you, you're pretty.
Her: oh it's that guy looking at me again, let me get a read on him.
Me: don't worry, I'm not a creep (slight smile) you're cute and sexy and I want to show you that.
Her: aww I like the way he's looking at me (pushes hair back and smiles)
Me: alright, I'm going now but I'll get you when you come out of line.

All that in in few seconds of eye contact. Eye contact communication is a wild thing that I definitely need to get the hang of. I wanted to eye fuck her but I've never done it before and I freak out when I get close to doing it. I feel like girls will be disgusted by this.
Then I walked in the bathroom, stalled a bit and walked back out.
She's now paying for her supplies and she doesn't notice me walk out. I continue walking and sit down at a bench close to the exit to wait for her. (good and bad idea)
Here's where I get stupid and I can probably blame it on me being under the influence.
I somehow thought in my mind that this was going to work...I really needed to think more clearly about how I come off.
She finished and headed towards to exit to walk past me sitting down. I watched her approach with my peripherals and then turned my head to look at her. She smiled and looked down.
Me: hey!
Her: bigger smile and looks up at me.
Me: come sit down with me really quick!
Her: oh that's okay! I gotta get going.
And she kept walking.
I immediately got up and walked after her to try to save the interaction but she was walking too fast. I felt like I was chasing so I slowed down and let her go. Damn...haha

Immediately after that, I thought about what I did wrong.
After ALL of that eye contact I went and acted like a pussy and did an indirect style approach.
I could've made the "sitting on the bench" thing work but I sat my ass on that bench and didn't move a muscle.

Here's how I think I should've handled it (and make her chase me as well)
While she's walking to the exit and sees me on the bench, I get up and walk towards the exit as well so that I reach it first.
To her it would look like: hey, I'm waiting for you...oh wait no, you better follow me to the outside of the store. I'm not waiting for you. To which if she was interested she'd feel like she was about to lose me and she needed to catch up to me if she wanted to catch me. Then when she gets closer I slow down, make eye contact as she comes up beside me and open with a simple: hey

Who knows where that would've gone.
Instead, I looked kind of creepy and that turned her off.
Lesson learned: be direct with my intentions on most approaches and be smart and calibrated on how I do them.
I cannot just rely on girls who are walking towards me going in the opposite direction. That's awesome on college campuses but real life situations are slightly different.
Unfortunately, I missed out on this beautiful girl and learned a good lesson from it. Be direct.
Also, hold eye contact longer and don't submit. Dominate her with my eyes until she looks down. And eye-fuck the shiz out of her.

My friends ended up telling me how I was coming off in the store. They said I was quiet and brooding but didn't seem depressed and kept my eyes on things longer than usual. They told me that some people could find that creppy. Lol
It's all good though! My inner game is improving rapidly and I love how far I'm coming.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take