- Joined
- Sep 27, 2013
- Messages
- 292
There's a fire under my arse. Rob's tying lassies up and spanking them (!). Barry's going Liam Mcrae on the foreign ladies. Marty's dating 18 year olds.
WTF, It's time to race the car. Maybe if I put my competitive pride on the line, it'll give me that extra motivation to keep at it. Game is a grind
I did a ton of approaches last night. One sets, two sets, a mother daughter pair, fast walking women, etc. I ask for 5 or six dates. Two agree and I take their numbers. Only one replies:
*There's more later*
I have her attention instantly. We shake hands during the name exchange. I hold it for a while and pump up and down maybe 20 times.
Display of Intent
The eye contact is...oddly comforting. Her eyes are "smiling" at me. I comment on it as I look into her eyes:
Looking back, I should have moved closer and tried to kiss her there. Even though she wouldn't have accepted it (at least I don't think so) there's no way she would have punished my attempt by leaving. This was maybe 3 minutes into the conversation. I should have crashed the car right then and there. For science.
The Ask
Franco charged me with being more specific with my date requests. It's near midnight and I checked her logistics - they're a no go and she needs to leave. I suggest:
Despite her agreeing to the date, I missed something. I was in the middle of telling a story when I checked her logistics. She said she had to go to get back to a visitor but that I could finish the story. The visitor was a family member so I said well let's meet up again later instead. She expressed a bit of surprise that I didn't finish the tale
In retrospect, you guys, she was saying one thing but I don't think she cared at all if I blabbed on with her for another hour on the street. I did ask her for an instant date before suggesting the tea date at another time. What I didn't do was insist a few more times (the objection seemed legitimate)
It's almost midnight so I send the opener text the next day around lunch time. She replies 3 hours and 30 minutes later. I send a response around a hour and a half later. However, after Eric's article I decided to see what would happen if I shot another text out asking for the date logistics earlier than I usually do. Surely if she's interested I wont be punished for that. Right? Right?:
No response.
So since she responded to the first message, I'm curious as to whether the double text spun me out, or she wasn't keen in the first place. This is good though since now numbers are responding back more consistently. Usually none reply.
The Other Girl
I spat the best game in my entire life on the other girl who's number I got. I kid you not. She fell into my qualifying statements. She was extremely compliant. She enthusiastically agreed to my specific date offer at the high point. She held hands with me and squeezed back. She told me three times to make sure that I call her for that tea date (red flag, I guess??). She couldn't stop smiling and lit up like a bulb when I commented on it.
I then texted her the exact same message that I sent to the girl above at the exact same time . No response.
Chalk it to the game
WTF, It's time to race the car. Maybe if I put my competitive pride on the line, it'll give me that extra motivation to keep at it. Game is a grind
I did a ton of approaches last night. One sets, two sets, a mother daughter pair, fast walking women, etc. I ask for 5 or six dates. Two agree and I take their numbers. Only one replies:

*There's more later*
Me: Hi.....(out of breath because I chased her down maybe a quarter mile while she was speed walking up hill)...I have to tell you something...Hang on, I'm a bit out of breath. Okay, I just saw you a second ago when I was going in to grab an umbrella and noticed you walked out. I almost didn't do this but you looked pretty cute so I thought I'd come say hello
Her: Oh, okay! Hi!
I have her attention instantly. We shake hands during the name exchange. I hold it for a while and pump up and down maybe 20 times.
Me: Do you always shake like this? That's intense
Her: What do you mean?
Me: (I take her hand again and start shaking it wildly)
Display of Intent
The eye contact is...oddly comforting. Her eyes are "smiling" at me. I comment on it as I look into her eyes:
Me: You have a very soft and steady gaze. It's like you're lulling me to...you're lulling me..you're lulling...(I resist the joke I was going to make to break the tension and just stare)
Her: (Smiling brightly, staring into my eyes, says nothing)
Looking back, I should have moved closer and tried to kiss her there. Even though she wouldn't have accepted it (at least I don't think so) there's no way she would have punished my attempt by leaving. This was maybe 3 minutes into the conversation. I should have crashed the car right then and there. For science.
The Ask
Franco charged me with being more specific with my date requests. It's near midnight and I checked her logistics - they're a no go and she needs to leave. I suggest:
Me: Hey do you like tea? You seem cool. I'd like you to join me at (I name the exact place) so that we can chat some more and get to know each other.
Her: (She nods) Yes, I've never been there but I've heard good things. (Then she says some other stuff, blah blah blah, I'm not listening)
Me: Great, so would you like to come out (I cut off her blabbering haha)
Her: Okay, sure (I take out my phone, she plugs her number in). I called myself
Despite her agreeing to the date, I missed something. I was in the middle of telling a story when I checked her logistics. She said she had to go to get back to a visitor but that I could finish the story. The visitor was a family member so I said well let's meet up again later instead. She expressed a bit of surprise that I didn't finish the tale
In retrospect, you guys, she was saying one thing but I don't think she cared at all if I blabbed on with her for another hour on the street. I did ask her for an instant date before suggesting the tea date at another time. What I didn't do was insist a few more times (the objection seemed legitimate)
It's almost midnight so I send the opener text the next day around lunch time. She replies 3 hours and 30 minutes later. I send a response around a hour and a half later. However, after Eric's article I decided to see what would happen if I shot another text out asking for the date logistics earlier than I usually do. Surely if she's interested I wont be punished for that. Right? Right?:

No response.
So since she responded to the first message, I'm curious as to whether the double text spun me out, or she wasn't keen in the first place. This is good though since now numbers are responding back more consistently. Usually none reply.
The Other Girl
I spat the best game in my entire life on the other girl who's number I got. I kid you not. She fell into my qualifying statements. She was extremely compliant. She enthusiastically agreed to my specific date offer at the high point. She held hands with me and squeezed back. She told me three times to make sure that I call her for that tea date (red flag, I guess??). She couldn't stop smiling and lit up like a bulb when I commented on it.
I then texted her the exact same message that I sent to the girl above at the exact same time . No response.
Chalk it to the game