I'll have to second what Troy posted above. If your fundamentals suck, you'll get yourself in trouble in the third world. Women will get with you but they will consider you a "mark"... they will often have ulterior motives (sugaring, passport, etc).
I spent 3 years enjoying the pussy paradise life after I quit PUA, from 2011-2014. I was ripped, young, and had great game. It was a free for all. Daily. Twice a day if you wanted it. Quality... very pretty girls. Chase saw pictures and read reports. It was a wild time.
Then in 2014 masses of Western men arrived and ruined the SMP. It became almost pointless even living in shit hole countries. Finally the smart phone killed the scene
dead in 2018. By 2018 I couldn't get much above a 7 in former paradise, at least on the apps.
The smart phone plugged all these women into the global dating market. It's almost a level playing field now globally, especially if you use apps or try to simp in any way (impressing with money etc.)
Solution: get off the screens
The reason everything is such a mess is the screens. The more people get off the screens, the better life will get for everyone (we can always make the first step by getting off the screens ourselves).
I check my phone once a day now. Often I go without one at all for months. I check personal email once a week. News once a week. Ditched all other social media. Barely on forums anymore. Never chat (whatsapp, messenger, all that crap. FAKE socializing).
It has changed my outlook. Life's better. Politics no longer seem like something I need to follow daily. A lot of wasted time is directed to more productive pursuits. Colors are brighter. Food tastes better. People seem friendlier.
Most importantly, girls seem far more approachable. Whenever I talk to them I get good vibes. Instagram and tinder erect a giant wall. A wall which is pure illusion. Read post #38 here (click). Also note Teevster's quote in that post. If he has that problem. Man. How can anyone else expect much on the apps?
My female friends report tons of frustration with their dating lives too by the way. Different kinds of complaints but same magnitude and same cause of the problem: screens. Get off the screens and life gets better.
Or as someone put it on another forum once: "Put the fucking phone down and go out."
-Karea Ricardus