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FR++  Ice Cream Date and Last Minute Fucking Resistance!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
Met a girl last week. I scheduled the date for today at 7.

The Date
We leave our residence hall and start heading to Ben & Jerry's. I pay for the ice cream and we sit down and start talking. We're there for about 1hr. I'm deep diving her and trying to use sexual frames (still a little uncomfortable with sex framing, need to practice this some more). I say she has the body of a dancer. She says she is a twerk master. I tell her I need to see that for myself. We finish our ice cream and head back to the residence hall. I invite her to my room for a movie to which she accepts. When we get to my dorm, I tell her to kick off her shoes. She does and we start to watch Tropic Thunder. I start to physically escalate, and I got her to remove her jacket, shirt, and bra. I'm in! I pull her on top of me and start making out with her some more. She has a great body! Very slender, nice boobs, and long hair. She suddenly stops and looks at the t.v. I can tell she's not into it. I ask her what's wrong. She says she wanted to stop before we go to far. I say "Look I like you and you like me, so why don't we just do it?" She says she wouldn't feel right about that in the morning. She starts to put on her clothes. I walk her to her dorm room and she says she had a good time tonight. I say OK and we should hang out next week. She says Ok.

The Aftermath
I'm pretty disappointed to say the least. This would have been my 1st new lay of the semester. I've been at a sticking point (one of those comfort zones that PrettyDecent and Zphix mentioned in their post) and only been sleeping with a few of the girls I met last year. I might have been able to get farther had I persisted but last minute resistance kills my momentum plus I told my roommate I'd be done by 10 (it was 10:15 at the time). I might need to get comfortable being more sexual during conversation with girls maybe start using the sex talk that Alek mentioned in https://www.girlschase.com/content/how-u ... e-and-mood. Don't think I'd be comfortable using sex talk though. Well, any advice is appreciated.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Looks like everything was well played up until you ran into the resistance.

BlackBolt said:
She suddenly stops and looks at the t.v. I can tell she's not into it.

This sometimes happens... so, you just take a break, and chill while watching the TV. Then, gradually, you start escalating again. If you REALLY want to drive her crazy, see if you can get to just sitting next to her, perfectly calm and relaxed, while massaging her clitoris through her pants while watching the movie as if nothing is out of the ordinary, until she's practically soaking her pants.

Then get your hand inside her pants and continue.

Then get her pants off and continue.

She'll get interested in you again pretty fast.

BlackBolt said:
I ask her what's wrong.

The death knell of any seduction.

If you want to show a girl you have no idea what's going through her head and are likely to be horrible at pleasing her, there's no more certain way than by asking her what's wrong or telling her you don't know what's up with her.

Even if you're DYING to know... don't do this. Trust in the process, and just persist with cracking through LMR the best you can remember how from what you've done and what you've studied, until either you get it or she leaves.

BlackBolt said:
She says she wanted to stop before we go to far.

You've forced her to think about it and verbalize it, thus turning a vague feeling into a resolute position.

BlackBolt said:
I say "Look I like you and you like me, so why don't we just do it?"

This is male logic - it would work if she was a guy, and will on very rare occasions work with very high drive / high testosterone women, but with the rest of womankind, again, it's merely going to communicate that you don't "get" her and, thus, probably won't get her in bed, either. Big turn off - don't do it.

Essentially - don't verbalize there being any problems during the escalation. If you run into any, even if you want to cry out, "WHY?!" at the top of your lungs, keep it to yourself. Just take a step back, let things cool down again a bit, then start back up again. Two steps forward, one step back. Two steps forward, one step back.

Slow and steady wins the race.
