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If you a coffee lover, Tell me if you experience the same


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

I love coffee, but the problem with coffee is the same as redbull. Too excessive per day and it be trouble. One redbull or one coffee per day is well recommended rather than three servings per day. Although your body can take coffee, it is highly recommended you only drink once per day compared to more.


I feel more prone to anger when i drink coffee. I feel more sensitive, i can feel abit irrational behavior. So how i do counter this caffeine effect? By adding 1 or 2 icecube for every hot coffee. IT helps curb that "prone to anger effect".

My body can't take coffee, How's yours? You might need a few icecubes to curb that effect?



Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 28, 2013
I could have an espresso right before bedtime and sleep as deeply as normal. Coffee/red bull never affects me for some reason. (Maybe that's my superpower?) :)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Ryan said:
I could have an espresso right before bedtime and sleep as deeply as normal. Coffee/red bull never affects me for some reason. (Maybe that's my superpower?) :)

I drank coffee and redbull, and felt asleep because of fatigue. Definitely not recommend those two together. :) IT's good to know that some people can sleep as normal.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Kinda funny I'm the exact opposite - I'm aggressive when I don't get coffee. But then again my daily caffeine consumption is sky high and can't be healthy anymore. Two failed attempts to get off it thus far.


Oct 4, 2013
I have trouble dealing with coffee too. Probably because my body is used to chilling and staying still most of the time, so whenever I've myself a cup it's like there's this whole wave of excessive energy flowing through, and I've to find an outlet through physical activities (basketball...) or else my body won't let me concentrate mentally. So as much as I love coffee, I restrain from having it more than once in a while.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
I've tried replacing coffee with apple juice, but I slowly went back to coffee.

Unfortunately, I'd say that most office jobs have forced coffee upon us. Doing repetitive tasks. High stress. Low pay. Many hours and overtime without pay. Few vacation days.

Our ancestors worked less hours and had more vacation days and accomplished just as much. I believe that "work" should be measured when the task is accomplished, not by hours. But because of slow workers, businesses have forced 8 hours to ensure that all workers get their tasks done.

My job isn't this bad, or I would have left, but I do feel that at least 1 cup of coffee is *almost* a requirement per day, except for Fridays.

Anyway, if coffee makes you this jumpy, I'd suggest lessening the amount of coffee and adding (soy)creamer. I've had it so much that it just wakes me up, doesn't get me jumpy. And, I never drink redbull anymore, as I feel that coffee is more "natural" than it. I also don't drink soft drinks (coke, pepsi, etc.), except for maybe once in a blue moon for enjoyment.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

PinotNoir said:
Our ancestors worked less hours and had more vacation days and accomplished just as much. I believe that "work" should be measured when the task is accomplished, not by hours. But because of slow workers, businesses have forced 8 hours to ensure that all workers get their tasks done.

In fact, most self-made millionaires and billionaires are work by results, not hours. They love their job too.

PinotNoir said:
Anyway, if coffee makes you this jumpy, I'd suggest lessening the amount of coffee and adding (soy)creamer. I've had it so much that it just wakes me up, doesn't get me jumpy. And, I never drink redbull anymore, as I feel that coffee is more "natural" than it. I also don't drink soft drinks (coke, pepsi, etc.), except for maybe once in a blue moon for enjoyment.

I understand. I use creamer (condensed milk) occasionally. On the soft drinks part, yea i cut it by half. I used to drink one to two bottles of soft drinks per day.

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take