Thx, I've now scheduled an email bringing it up . The email will reach her later
For the future, this is probably the kind of conversation that you want to have live, over the phone.
One of the marks of being a mature, masculine man, and something that's incredibly attractive to women, is a man's willingness to face confrontation and own up to things that are yours.
Sending an email is chickening out of that... which isn't a big deal, most people are scared out of their minds of conflict and avoid it at all costs... which is what you're doing, avoiding it.
Most men out there are pussies and cowards, running around through life, trying to avoid facing reality. If conflict shows up, they run the other way.
That's just where we are, for the most part, as a society atm.
I don't know about you but I don't want to be average. I don't want to be like all the other guys she meets. I want to be exceptional. Because when you're exceptional, just about every woman you date will want to have your babies, get married to you, and will never want to leave you.
Being a strong, masculine man, is one of the most attractive things that you can be to women... if you put aside all of the tricks, magical phrases, secret techniques, and manipulative text messages, being a strong man is what women are biologically attracted to. It's a panty dropper.
Shit, I don't know should I pre-emptively bring up "i'll help clean/cook" in the same email? I was going to do it w/o being asked but I wonder if I should keep my mouth shut in case she had no expectation of this
Philosophically, the difference between children and adults is that an adult has the ability to take care of themselves and add value to the world around them and children just take from the world.
You can be a 50 year old man but still be a boy or child mentally if you've never learned how to become independent and add value to the world. And we have more adult children now than there has probably ever been in human history since so many kids are being babied well into adulthood these days.
Value can be seen as a lot of things... she will be adding value to your life by allowing you to stay at her place. Usually, the person staying then gives value back in the form of money but there are many other types of value out there that you could be giving to her.
I'm not trying to be a dick but I do want to let you know about this in case you're not aware.
You're being a child with her in a number of different ways here... you're expecting to show up without even discussing the fact that you have no money to pay for your spot in her home.
You were planning on avoiding the conversation altogether even though you knew it was probably going to be a problem.
You're sending her an email instead of having a real conversation with her about it.
You're attempting to figure out a way to avoid doing anything and still staying and living at her place.
These are the actions of a boy, not a man. They're the actions of a child, not an adult.
My suggestion is that you start studying what it means to be a man and an adult and start figuring out how to get your actions in alignment with that... not only so that you're a better human being, in general, but also because it's FAR more attractive to women than acting like a boy.