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If you are teased and the momentum gets faster, What did I do at that time.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
i'm an Asian brown guy,

When i sweat, or when i get tired, i turn black. For some reason i do not know why, but i go get darker. I have no problems getting labelled darker or black because i used to be fair, and i can be fair, provided i am under air-conditioned area for months, and also using cream to protect my skin, (which i don't use often but now i need to, because of dry skin, too)

So what do you do when you labelled "Black"? For some of the black guys out there, let me tell you, People are not racist. Honest, most people are cool. However you would not reward this behavior when you one on one or when you first meet them. But occasionally, you meet people where one guy teases you, and the fun gets started so fast you can't even do anything. So what do you do?

Watch what the guy does all the way. (It's a funny video, but really, look at the guy)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9sEkLG8X8k , "Russell Peters (David and Vickey)"

It never happen to me again, The guy that tease me one time, never ever did that again, We are cool.

p.s (For the revengeful guys, i guess i can kill him now. Kidding. :) )

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 28, 2013
Hey Zac,

I'm middle-eastern with brown skin, so i can understand where you're coming from. When i don't shower for that day, or i get hot, my skin gets darker (don't know why). When i was in China, i got labelled black, and someone with black skin(!), when in reality it's lighter than a lot of chinese.

However, i find most dark guys like us can be sexier than the paler guys, as long as we work on our fundementals. If we do, our sexiness becomes huge because darker skin is connected to masculinity. If we don't work on our fundementals, or are too fat/skinny, then our dark skin makes us look much worse and unhealthy. Just my observations.

In reply to your question, i don't know if that's teasing, but i usually just ignore of go along with such things. It's a small thing, than deserves neither reward or punishment, otherwise it gets too serious.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

ryan said:
In reply to your question, i don't know if that's teasing, but i usually just ignore of go along with such things. It's a small thing, than deserves neither reward or punishment, otherwise it gets too serious.

It depends, Because you don't want to appear "sour" in a group of apples. There's a saying "If you can't win them, Join them" and it's partially true. One point, you do not want to reward it and make it carry on. Another point, you do not want to stand down there looking at everybody like it didn't affect you or anything, (unless you're really the kind of guy who is either strong or don't know what they trying to do,that is if you in a foreign country).

Otherwise, for me, i would just laugh a bit with them, make exaggerating gestures. I mean that's how people lose interest in a topic right? By SUPER-exaggerating interest, people lose interest fast. :) There's no journey in hitting the right notes, for them, here.
