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FR  I'll call the police


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 10, 2013
I saw a very pretty small girl amazingly dressed.

I sided up and asked if she spoke English. No reply, didn't even turn. I asked again, no reply, not turning not even this time.
We were nearing a crowded area and she was at a brisk pace, I thought she had friends/BF to see there so I stopped.

But she kept going so I said "fuck it, it's either she will scream believing I'm a stalker or smt will come out of it".

So I kept going and talking at intervals... Till she takes her heaphone off and I say something like

"Uff, finally, I thought you were super pretty and I just loved the way you dress and wanted to say hi".

A very annoyed thanks from her and then.. Then she raises her phone and says "I will call the police".

The interaction had already been lost long before, but I make a further mistake. Rather than staying cool and saying smt like "for what, because I thought you were a person worth of getting to know and I wanted to meet you?".

But I just say there's no need to to call the police and wait those awkward moments at the traffic light till our ways part :).
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Re: FR - I'll call the police


lucifer7 said:
The interaction had already been lost long before, but I make a further mistake. Rather than staying cool and saying smt like "for what, because I thought you were a person worth of getting to know and I wanted to meet you?". But I just say there's no need to to call the police and wait those awkward moments at the traffic light till our ways part :).

Ewww. what kind of girl is that??? GO fuck herself. There many more great girls out there, man.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Re: FR - I'll call the police


Good job on not being fazed here. A girl won't realistically call the police unless she actually feels like she's in significant danger, so that was just her way of saying she wasn't interested. Sounds like she might have just been in a bad mood, and when a girl is in a bad mood, it seeps through in all of her actions.

On to the next one. =)

- Franco