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I'm back, without approach anxiety this time (I hope)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 28, 2021

I don't think I have AA anymore​

I took a hiatus from these forms some months ago so I could head over to killyourinnerloser and work on the Approach Anxiety Program. Now, only 20% of the way through the program, I don't think I have AA anymore. I'm able to approach women with minimal to almost no flight or flight response. That doesn't mean I don't hesitate, bailout, or make excuses sometimes. But that crippling fear is no longer there. Not only is it not there, but I actually want to approach.

This happened very suddenly too. One week I'm going up and down on my mood and AA program performance, and then suddenly, all I want to do is go out to approach women and socialize with people.

I think it's a combination of the following changes in my life
  1. NoSurf
  2. NoMusic
  3. NoFap
  4. SSRIs might be kicking in
  5. Beta-blockers may have helped me disassociate approaches with fear and negativity
Honestly, looking back on it now, I don't think I ever really had true deep approach anxiety. I probably just had serious motivation and anxiety problems due to overstimulation from food, music, masturbation, and the internet. After cutting all that out (and SSRIs) my life has gotten, less extremely depressing.

No extreme highs anymore and lows. Everything's just steady now and has been for some time with only occasional deep lows, but those lows now motivate me to go out to socialize and approach whereas previously, they'd keep me indoors alone. I don't know honestly, and I'm low key afraid that the AA will suddenly come back. No matter; this is where I'm at now. I've been approaching women for the past few days and some the last 2 weeks too.

Now I need to figure out a plan and curriculum for developing my day game. I can't just go in blindly like I used to.

So... what now? Where do I go? I need a plan and I don't even know what I don't know.

Also, a big shout out to my accountability partner @Don Giovanni , Andy (the guy who runs Kill Your Inner Loser), and the guy who made the approach anxiety program (if he has not died of a steroid overdose yet or had some barbell crush him)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
So... what now? Where do I go? I need a plan and I don't even know what I don't know.
Consider Chase's ONE date.

Very comprehensive shiz.

I also recommend Gunwitch SMMA. http://witch60.com

Also very comprehensive.

Can't go wrong with either or both starting off imo. They studied and did nearly everything by the time they got to making those products (excluding maybe online game... but this is about cold approach and AA not online/conversion.)
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 28, 2021
lol, I'd love to try Chase's ONE Date system if I could actually find the purchase page. Every link I click brings me to this crazy long video ABOUT the system. Might go with Gunwitch's course, or the that Natural thing by Natural Tim from RSD. Fuck, having options is a bitch. Either way, not having a plan is NOT an option.

Thanks @Mist22


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 28, 2021
Also, I should have put this in my original post. If anyone on here has ADHD or thinks they might. Get that shit handled. ADHD doesn't just show as hyperactivity, it can also be a lack of activity and can appear as depression and lethargy. That probably explains why I would go from fearless approaches one week to terrifying AA the next. My ADHD diagnosis and the lifestyle changes I made to handle it along with careful use of my medication have made a big difference.