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I'm Lost and need your help!!!!



I really need some advice or some tips with my situation and I'd really appreciate it if you can give me your feedback with my situation.
So I met this girl on facebook few months ago. we met up 3 weeks after and we constantly saw each other. we seemed to have a bond and were very close but for some reason i felt as if we were rushing into this too soon. i wanted to slow things down but didn't know how to approach her in this situation. so we went alot and spend alot of time together. i introduced her to my best friend, but at that time we weren't going out. So i asked him to make plans so we all can hang out as friends since i was really busy with school and work and didn't have much time to plan anything. So one day he messaged me and had told me that the "girl" wanted to go to the mall and that he was going with her and wanted me to tag along. i didn't like that approach, cause it made me felt as if i was a third person in this but i didn't say anything. two weeks after, he messages me again and says the same thing. But this time i confronted the girl and my best friend regarding this situation and told them that i didn't like it cause it made me feel like i was a third person in this and i told my best friend, i would have been if he had talked to me about this before making plans with her. But in both situations they hung out even after i told them i couldn't make it. The girl messages me and she was like " wow i thought we were all friends" and i was really confused with her comment. Cause in few occasions she told me that she liked me. But after the confrontation everything fell apart and i talked to her about it, and she said its better if we don't talk much cause I have feelings for her and that she liked me only as a friend. But in the beginning we both came to an agreement that either one of us wasn't looking for a relationship since we both got off a long term relationship. but feelings come on its own. i fell for this girl really hard, i liked her and still do like her. so she told me best friend that she doesn't want to talk to me over the phone cause i had feelings for her. so we didn't talk for few weeks and then slowly we started talking again. But she said that we can talk, only if i respect what she wants and that is only friendship. i agreed to it but it's hard to put a full stop to feelings just like that. So she invited me to her birthday party, and i was really excited to see her. cause i really missed her, but she didn't pay much attention to me. She paid more attention to my best friend.
This bothered me alot. there was this another guy at the party and she started dancing with him and after awhile they started making out right in front of me. this really hurt me. so one of her best friend (guy) approached me and had asked me what was wrong and i told him i was fine. he refused to let go and wanted to know what was wrong. so i couldn't hold it in anymore so i told him the situation (which i regret doing so). the guy being the girls best friend told her what i told him and she was really pissed off. and she called my best friend and told him that she doesnt want to talk to me ever again and that she thought we could be good friends and what i did really pissed off and that she wants to do nothing with me anymore. it's been almost a week since we spoke and i really miss her but it irritates me when i see her hanging out with my best friend. but the girl introduced my best friend to one of her close girls and he likes her. but it's the fact of him being close to the girl i like really bothers me. What do you think i should do? We would do everything a couple would do, go out for drinks, dinners, breakfast, constantly be on the phone, have intimate encounters (everything but sex) and then it really hurts when she can put all these aside and say it was just an infatuation and pretend like nothing every happened. how do i make this girl like me again or what do you think i should do in this situation?

background information about the girl- she is very pretty and very social. and talks to alot of guys and there is alot of guys who like her and she gets alot of attention from many guys.


Nov 21, 2012
First thing is first. Cool your head there buddy. You can't be too attractive when your falling your arms around, trust me. The first thing you should do is go talk to more girls, you are spending too much time thinking about a girl who seems o not care much for you. Spending some time around the proverbial ocean would be good for clearing your head with this lady. Second off, her acting the way she is, is because you did not show your intentions fast enough. You let this other guy sweep her off her feet. Moving fast is a must with girls. They will remember a guy who they fell for hard and fast. Keep the law of effort going, talk to her and act like nothing happened. Go out and talk with other girls. Maybe if she sees your not desperate and if you can keep your calm, she might even find you sexy. Your chances with her might already be ruined, but that doesn't mean you need to stress about it. Keep your head on your shoulders, head up, sexy smile and do it like James bond.


Thank you so much for the reply guys. but the thing is that i talked to her the very next day of the party and she told me that i seemed really pissed at her and that i shouldn't be cause we are just friends. So i told her that it might be easy for her to change from one person to another but it isnt the same with me. She told me that she made a mistake with the guy she was making out with, and he didnt seem to be the guy shes known. he was really rude with her friends and kept grabbing her, controlling her the whole night. and i told her that guy had approached me at the club asking me why i was talking to her. This shocked her.
Then she told me she had to go cause her boy was calling her, and that's when he told her about the whole issue about me opening up to him. This just pissed her off. Eversince that day she stop communicating with me and told my boy that she wanted nothing to do with me ever again. I do talk to other girls, but i can never feel the same way about them like i did with this woman.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 7, 2012
Dude. Delete her number and just move on.
She is poison (to you).
Go meet other pretty girls.
That is all I have to say, and it is the only thing that will help you.. If help is what you want.


i agree! i have to get over this girl, it feels like she likes all the attention guys give her and when they like her, she plays mind games and stop talking to them.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take