To sum up what is going in my head is I can get her in bed but am I really deserving of her?
Why I am asking this?
1. Affecting my seduction
2. Creating question if I cant have my end goal is it worth it?
So yeah how to make seduction you and normal you one person?
Atleast get 80% congruency?
I was wimpy kid in school. Trying to change that I found girlschase.
Learned to socialize and get laid.
Still these changes were never permanent in me.
I make great first impressions.
Though once I spend enough time with someone.
Espcially in group of guys/friends.
I end up becoming the guy they joke about most yeah basicall a pasty.
(I guess partly due to value mismatch/ my taste in terms of fashion and food being different from them)
Partly due to my adhd brain - zoned out absent minded easy for people pick on me.
But partly because I am never able to sucessfully defend myself. When they start attacking me on above.
Only place I have been able to maintain relatively better image is with my office collegues.
(Maybe they don't talk about it in front of me and I don't have very long interaction with them)
Now until sometime before I was living in delulu and yeah I used to tell girls my flatmates etc are assholes not real friends ... I am not very close to them etc.
So they would not be bothered about their comment, if any they make.
I did not to answer I come as a high value.
But as my mind shifted from increasing notches to getting a high value mate.
Now I feel if I don't lay a girl on first date or lock her soon, I will lose her.
This makes me despo and needy infront of her why because need to lay her is coming not from desire but insecurity.
I feel secution tactics, push pull etc. are very effective for laying girls.
But now I am feeling inadequate and less deserving of a high value mate.
Again ending up pasty is not the only reason though.
I am not very ambitious person materially saying, I am ambitious in seeking pleasure etc.
But yeah basically I dont have habits that a good long term mate should have.
And since I want pick up girls for becoming girlfriend now.
I end up auto rejecting myself sometime.
Lastly issue of wealth and family background comes.
I am not very rich myself and my family is in a way say low middle class. (Marginally fucked up, deadbeat dad basically)
So yeah why parents of wealthy girl will give their daughter hand to me?
To sum up what is going in my head is I can get her in bed but am I really deserving of her?
Why I am asking this?
1. Affecting my seduction
2. Creating question if I cant have my end goal is it worth it?
Lastly, its not I am not trying to fix my underlying issues I am.
Like this year I started prioritizing other areas as well apart from girls.
But still I feel I will never achive it, because of my base nature and I will always be fakiing and break down in stress.
Because I am not someone who he pretends to be in the first meet.
Like I am very anxity prone and low in efforts and achiveing but when I am seducing I try to project myself as very chill person with idgaf attitude and who is very busy and ambitious who gets done a lot and lives a life of advenutre.
To sum up what is going in my head is I can get her in bed but am I really deserving of her?
Why I am asking this?
1. Affecting my seduction
2. Creating question if I cant have my end goal is it worth it?
So yeah how to make seduction you and normal you one person?
Atleast get 80% congruency?
I was wimpy kid in school. Trying to change that I found girlschase.
Learned to socialize and get laid.
Still these changes were never permanent in me.
I make great first impressions.
Though once I spend enough time with someone.
Espcially in group of guys/friends.
I end up becoming the guy they joke about most yeah basicall a pasty.
(I guess partly due to value mismatch/ my taste in terms of fashion and food being different from them)
Partly due to my adhd brain - zoned out absent minded easy for people pick on me.
But partly because I am never able to sucessfully defend myself. When they start attacking me on above.
Only place I have been able to maintain relatively better image is with my office collegues.
(Maybe they don't talk about it in front of me and I don't have very long interaction with them)
Now until sometime before I was living in delulu and yeah I used to tell girls my flatmates etc are assholes not real friends ... I am not very close to them etc.
So they would not be bothered about their comment, if any they make.
I did not to answer I come as a high value.
But as my mind shifted from increasing notches to getting a high value mate.
Now I feel if I don't lay a girl on first date or lock her soon, I will lose her.
This makes me despo and needy infront of her why because need to lay her is coming not from desire but insecurity.
I feel secution tactics, push pull etc. are very effective for laying girls.
But now I am feeling inadequate and less deserving of a high value mate.
Again ending up pasty is not the only reason though.
I am not very ambitious person materially saying, I am ambitious in seeking pleasure etc.
But yeah basically I dont have habits that a good long term mate should have.
And since I want pick up girls for becoming girlfriend now.
I end up auto rejecting myself sometime.
Lastly issue of wealth and family background comes.
I am not very rich myself and my family is in a way say low middle class. (Marginally fucked up, deadbeat dad basically)
So yeah why parents of wealthy girl will give their daughter hand to me?
To sum up what is going in my head is I can get her in bed but am I really deserving of her?
Why I am asking this?
1. Affecting my seduction
2. Creating question if I cant have my end goal is it worth it?
Lastly, its not I am not trying to fix my underlying issues I am.
Like this year I started prioritizing other areas as well apart from girls.
But still I feel I will never achive it, because of my base nature and I will always be fakiing and break down in stress.
Because I am not someone who he pretends to be in the first meet.
Like I am very anxity prone and low in efforts and achiveing but when I am seducing I try to project myself as very chill person with idgaf attitude and who is very busy and ambitious who gets done a lot and lives a life of advenutre.