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Openers  Indirect Direct


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2019
I’m currently trying to sharpen up my sit/rel indirect direct opening strategy. From personal experience this is the most effective approaching style and the majority of my best lays have resulting from me opening this way.

I went through a spell of trying to use bigger, bolder direct opens on the street (trying to transition fully to day game since I quit alcohol) but often it feels too high pressure to do effortlessly for me. Have had some strong reactions but it’s harder to control my nerves and I end up stumbling for things to say a bit.

Back to indirect direct, none of the above issues apply. It’s fairly easy/fun to come up with situational remarks and just make a little comment over your shoulder to her. It seems to be the style of choice for many naturals/top seducers.

I’m troubleshooting to find how to wring the most out of these opens. Mine often end up feeling platonic after a few lines of dialogue. My feeling is that pivoting into a light compliment before they can get too in anything mundane has a natural flow:
Me: (over my shoulder, in a slow, sexy voice) Up to something exciting?
Her: Trying to find an outdoor cafe, but there’s only Starbucks (dull, complaining).
Me: Funny you should say that, I’m on my way to a super cool little cafe around the corner. You seem like a really confident person, what was your name?
Her: (name)
Me: Aw that’s a pretty name, I’m Cal (handclasp).

The above is fairly typical of how my interactions are going for now. My feeling is from here I need to get better at transition to repartee and then deep diving but it a still clunky for me.

What are your best ideas for making the most out of these early indirect direct interactions?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
If you open situational, you run into these issues sometimes where the natural flow of the conversation stalls because the situational remark runs its natural course pretty quick and it has no natural transitions… it depends of the remark itself, of course.

I usually keep a compliment as a failsafe in case the conversation fizzles out too quickly.

“Oh, by the way, that’s a cute little dress you’re wearing today”
“I get an accent coming from you… but I can’t tell where it is from… are you from here?”
“Hey, that’s some cool earrings! I didn’t notice them before… where did you get them?”

This gives you an extra minute or two to hit the hook point and since you are already talking about her, if she bites, it’s really easy to go into deep diving after it.

Also, sometimes the compliment will get you a compliment in return and those are always nice to hear ;)
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake