coconutpete said:
That's perhaps my personal ego problem but there always seems to be a "trying to get in your pants" side to using such direct compliments. Don't you sometimes feel that? The ideal being that the girl's interest should be pricked and she should be wondering whether you're interested, and then you imply that you might be - things don't work exactly that way, you'll tell me.
Watch any James Bond, from Sean Connery to Daniel Craig - how he speaks to a woman, how he sizes her up and looks at her. You get the distinct impression from the moment he meets her that not only does he want to get in her pants, but he's fairly confident sooner or later he will - whether he opens direct or not.
When I was first approaching, I tried my best to divorce opening from sexual intent too. The reasoning for me at the time was, well if she KNOWS I want her, then all interest is automatically forfeit and I'm automatically chasing... right?
But what I found was that women were consistently treating me like just some guy they met socially, and running off with these sexy badboy guys instead. Drove me nuts. I figured it was my technique, I thought I wasn't smooth enough, I worked on all kinds of things, and for the first two years of serious gaming I'd be picking up, but I kept hearing from girls after I slept with them, "Wow! I had no idea you liked sex that much! I didn't even know you were into me like that!" I thought about it, and decided that being thought of as a guy women figured wasn't all that into sex probably wasn't a very good thing - being the sexless guy's no good.
So, I did a lot of working focusing purely on sexual intent. I wanted everything I said to drip with sexuality. I wanted women to meet me and feel like my sex drive was a lion in a cage that couldn't hold it for much longer. I modeled it after the most sexual men I knew - guys who were bursting with so much sexuality you got the distinct impression that it didn't really matter whom specifically they ended up with, so long as they found SOMEBODY to ravish.
And it worked. Suddenly women were getting really excited around me, and calling me sexy, and calling me handsome, and flirting like crazy, and if their friends pulled them away they'd escape again and find me. My pulls were happening faster than ever, and got more and more consistent. As soon as I started making it obvious I wanted sex, beautiful women who also wanted sex from a sexy man who wants sex started gravitating to me like I was carrying magnets in my pockets.
I don't do too much coaching in-person anymore, but whenever I'm advising friends or whomever, a big part of my advice now is, "Get a sexual vibe. Get a sexual vibe.
Get a sexual vibe. Women should FEEL like you're on the point of being about to rip their shirts off right now in public, but you're just barely restraining yourself. Get that vibe. Absolutely get it."
I've since realized the fear of seeming "too easy" is unfounded. Yes, if you're dripping with sexual power, women will know you want sex, and if you compliment them, they will know you are sizing them up for sex. But what they DON'T know is if you're just toying with them or if you're serious - they don't know if you're going to pull the trigger. And if you do a good job with your fundamentals, they will very much want you to pull the trigger. You build a different kind of anticipation then... instead of it being a sort of platonic curiosity along the lines of, "Hmm, this guy's interesting," it becomes a burning, primal need to know how things are going to play out between the two of you.
When a woman reads a romance novel and sees the lusty heroine and the sex-fueled hero bursting at the seams with testosterone look at each other with bolts of electricity zapping between their eyes, she KNOWS they're going to end up together, but she keeps reading anyway. In fact, she flips the pages even faster - and she starts getting nervous - "OMG, what if something happens and they can't be together," she thinks. "OMG, WHEN are they going to get together?" "OMG, they have to get together RIGHT NOW! COME ON, stop TEASING me! Something could HAPPEN!"
This mixture of excitement, knowing anticipation, and burning desire to know how it ends is what a woman feels when she meets a sexy man who's communicating sexual intent in her in a smooth, calm, measured way (i.e., not desperate, not throwing himself at her, but very calmly, gracefully letting her know he's interested).
The "trying to get in your pants" side to a direct opener is not something to run from - just something to make sure you cloak in refinement and social grace. Women don't go crazy for the platonic men who give them no indication of their interest one way or another - or else, girls'd be rabidly chasing down their asexual nice guy friends who keep telling them they don't want anything from them besides friendship. Instead, what they want is the sexy man, brimming with sex - and they just want him to tease them a little, and make them wait, and build some intrigue, and finally, when it's built up enough, provide them their release.
One caveat: if you are
very new to meeting women, you might be better served leaving sexy to the side while you develop basic social skills. Women will be far less interested in mating with you, but they'll be a lot more likely to stick around and give you the chance to get used to talking to them than they will a guy who doesn't know what he's doing who's communicating sexual intent. Sex intent is sort of like a sword that way - beautiful and graceful in the hands of a man who knows how to wield it properly, but you want to get as far away as possible when you see a guy who doesn't know what he's doing with it swinging it around in the air.