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Infield Notes, Sarged in Centre intention: get a girl before 3 to come to my house for p right now. Retardo style, fumbled contacts.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
Girl with huge tits and ass that went into the bar.

Hello to babysitter

Talked to 3 chicks in car

Saw a hot woman get into a Mercedes getting out of work in scrubs 2:13 on Friday.

1 chick in front of pizza

2 seated

Both said no thanks

I’m doing the over the shoulder but it’s not sideways, they’re almost behind me.

Should I shave?

Go to the university. Plan it out so you end up at the college bar tonight. Tell A- you’ll be there.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
Girl with huge tits and ass that went into the bar.

Hello to babysitter

Talked to 3 chicks in car

Saw a hot woman get into a Mercedes getting out of work in scrubs 2:13 on Friday.

1 chick in front of pizza

2 seated

Both said no thanks

I’m doing the over the shoulder but it’s not sideways, they’re almost behind me.

Should I shave?

Go to the university. Plan it out so you end up at the college bar tonight. Tell A- you’ll be there.
Above is the literal notes that I made in field. I will flesh this out below.

Girl with huge tits and ass that went into the bar.
I walked past a bar that according to my sister, I am banned from. The one right near my house. Not a very cool bar, but where I've hung out with my uncool friends a long time ago. They way I remember it I was really high being eccentric and drawing there but at some point I was being really anti social and weird and they kicked me out and it wasn't pretty. Today I was walking around the center in flip flops zig zagging around, following girls, I saw in the bar a coed group of good looking young people at one big table, no one else in the bar at 1 or so. or was it almost 2. It was like 1:30.

She's like, short with a very trim waist, huge tits bursting out of her bra, and a huge fat ass. Blonde with a plain face. All black outfit, sheer top and like nice black pants. I say, hey, could I ask you a question?

"I'm not from around here"

"Oh, are you busy right now?"

"Uh, yeah"

Retardo didn't think to get her contact information. Ah well, Retardo wants to hyperfocus on getting a girl to come over right now.

I let her get away from me because Retardo is very conscious of wearing flip flops. I shouldve ran back.

I make sure to see where she's headed, she goes into the bar. I expected that. She's in that group.
Hello to babysitter
Walked to the park.. Followed a couple of girls but they got away from me. Walking past a group of ladies with a kid I checked out a younger ugly blonde in a sweater that caught my eye and leggings. She saw me doing it and i said hi.
Talked to 3 chicks in car
Didnt want to chase the girls but I still followed them, saw where they were going, and gave up, figured I would walk back down the street and perhaps meet them if they loop back to the center. Walking down the shady street, I spy some really cute chicks in a parked car. 2 really hot chicks and a fat chick. I say, can I make a p of you guys? And they're like looking at me. I saw the window was rolled down a bit, so I'm like staring at a dark slit. I say sorry this is a super random question, or something like that, trying to go back to where I can see inside the car. I'm being weird... should've come loser or just unabashedly checked them out, I'm staying near the crack. I can see two pretty faces and the body of the fat chick. The hot one in the back seat says we're going or something, and then the fat chick is talking, but they're like we were about to go, we're going back to school. Basically. I just say alright or something. I glance at an oncoming car and again I was not getting contacts and just left.
Saw a hot woman get into a Mercedes getting out of work in scrubs 2:13 on Friday.
I wrote down this note because I want to come find her.
She was really hot, but, I bet she was a milf, and I felt like, intimidated by her mercedes. Of course i should've approached her before checking to see what she was doing. But she was probably a milf and that's not what I'm going for. My p series is about girls, just like this website is called girls chase. But again she was very hot, very fit. Might be younger than I think. in scrubs.
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a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
That's 8 points, and double the noobie challenge