Just have a question here. I was wondering lets say you end up settling with a girl, what happens to all the other women you've interacted with prior?
I generally continue to talk to them (and by them, I mean the ones I've had sex with. There's no reason to bother with women that you haven't sealed the deal with since they'll probably go into auto-rejection at some point soon thereafter anyway). However, after I've usually had sex with a girl, I actually try to leave sexual "banter" out of my text conversations so that I don't get girls trying to "sext" or send extremely flirty messages to me all the time, which can be very damaging to your exclusive relationship if your girl sees them.
The texts I'll receive are usually random ones from those girls either asking how I'm doing or referring to funny/interesting things that may have occurred between us. I usually respond to these, but I try to keep these texts warm and
extremely platonic. And if a girl does try to send me a flirty text, I usually just don't respond as to not encourage it. They'll often send you another text again sometime in the near future fearing that they might have overstepped their boundaries, believe it or not!
You can't keep all of these girls around forever though, especially if you're not sleeping with them. And you'll often find that you'll suddenly stop receiving texts from these girls -- this usually means they've started seeing another guy. Some of them may continue to contact you, however, and it does leave a door open to hook up with them should your exclusive relationship go sour in the relatively near future.
Always good to have possible future options, but just make sure not to overstep
your boundaries and hurt your girl.
- Franco