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Instagram Hot Girl Twins: Try Or Nah?


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 23, 2022
2019 Backstory

Back in 2019 when I had a office job, there were 2 twins that started working there. One of the ladies, lets call her Shadeen worked in my department and worked alongside me on projects. I was the one who actually taught her how to do the job and I had asked her out and she rejected my advances. Fast forward to 2022 I became her manager for a little while until I left the department a few months after.

The other twin sister (let's call her Shantae) I saw around the company premises but never interacted with her much besides the casual "hello". But I always figured she liked me since she would sometimes show approach invitations (I never acted on it because I already asked out her sister and got rejected and I was not sure how to proceed).

2024 Backstory

Back in I think March I was riding my bicycle in the town and as I passed a funeral home I saw Shantae standing outside just looking. I thought it was Shadeen so I approached her and started building conversation because I knew her very well even thought we had not spoken in about 8 months. As the conversation went by Shantae picked up that I did not realize I was talking to her and let me know it's her twin sister who can relate to the stories I am sharing. We laughed about it that I mistakenly did that.

So Shantae shared that her Mom had passed away recently and I shared my condolences and let her know since I know Shadeen very well, I am happy to give financially and support in anyway leading up to the funeral. That prompted Shantae to ask me for my phone number and we exchanged contact details.

I followed up with her and over about 2 months, I checked in with both sisters. Long story short, they must have buried their Mom in that timeframe but they never made contact to invite me to the funeral or ask for any help.

Delete The Number Or Ask Shantae Out

Here is where things can look fucked up on my end. I got Shantae's contact information because she offered it at a time she was grieving. I think it would look fucked up for me to call/text her out of the blue to get to "know her" and "ask her on a date". The things I know about Shantae are:

1. Her first and last name
2. Her Instagram profile and following (30,000 plus with 1,000 to 15,000 likes per photo)
3. That her Mom died this year
4. Her career now is a makeup artist

With this information, a lot of men would love to date her. The twins celebrated their birthday last week and how I know is they posted it on their Instagram. I see Shantae sitting at a very expensive restaurant but it's not clear if her sister is holding the camera or if she has a boyfriend with her. I'd suspect she has a boyfriend or multiple men offering to send her gifts/money/e.t.c.

And to be frank, I don't feel qualified to be asking her out. I feel like a girl this hot is going to require some expensive stuff which I do not have the cash for. And it does feel incongruent to now start contacting her to date her. So my question, would it be easier to just delete her number now that her life has apparently resumed to normal? And without it looking all fucked up to use her grief as a way to "get her", is there a way to transition to asking her out?

I see zero value in keeping her contact details unless I'm going to ask her on a date.

Edit: Calibrating

1. I am aware this is why Chase always recommends to ask for the date before the number. That way expectations are clear from the get go why contact details are being shared.

2. If did not have any intentions on asking her for her phone number. If she never asked me, I would have just left it at my condolences, offered to help, and then only reach out to the other twin sister who I have a phone number for.

3. If I do the wrong thing here, it is only going to reinforce women's perceptions that men are pigs and will do anything for some pussy. Same how nice guys are not really nice, they are just not sure how to show their true emotions. And I ain't no fucking nice guy. I let women know from the get go what my intentions are. It would be really disgusting for a guy to hide his true emotions behind a woman who is mourning in attempts to get her in bed.

4. Hence why deleting her number and moving on to getting numbers where I meet women in the right context seems like the best move here. If I had reconnected with her on the streets or at a party, I would not even need to make this post.


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a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers