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Forum Feedback  Integrating AI Chatbot with GC?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 16, 2023
I was thinking about this post and just looking at it objectively, I think having AI Chatbot integrated with it could be the answer?

Of course we can always go to the main post if we want to get more out of that topic. For me personally, what I find pretty hard is sifting through a lot of articles before I get to what I really want. We know GC is massive and finding what you need in a jiffy is not easy and more like finding a needle in a haystack.

I came across this article that Chase just linked to a post and it's a gem. I hadn't thought about it consciously but when my friends say girls in nightgame are of higher quality, I thought they were retards but this article clearly outlines how I think about Daygame too. Similar to this article, there are a lot of articles that people here link and I think, how come I missed this? Wish I knew this etc..

Anyway, without deviating from the topic, if there is a chatbot driven by keywords which will aggregate the best and very specific and precise information, it's a time-saver and would get a lot of bang for buck.

From a marketing point of view, I think it'd be a huge boost since users can have a better feel for the quality of content before investing their time and money. People these days have attention span of a lightning bolt and having them engaged is not easy, having chatbots will be engaging? I'm old schooled and I like to know whose content I'm reading to be able to relate but sometimes chatbots have their benefits too.

Besides, I'd like to see how the same topic is interpreted by different authors to give a contrast of perspectives. If data analytics can get as deep as, from most read article > most liked article > specific content within the article which was viewed for a long time etc, it'd be fantastic. Of course, this can be enhanced in multitude ways.

Further, this could be piloted on the forum as well, which has loads of hidden gems in the form of posts.

BTW, if it's already something that's in development, can't wait to see it and if it's not, something to think about?
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Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
I like the idea in theory.

I've been looking at adding chatbots or live chat to various aspects of the site for about 5 years now. We've looked at using Facebook chatbots, Tawk.to, etc. I was just looking at Rasa.

The problem is it is actually a pretty involved process creating a chatbot. e.g., go through the tutorial for Rasa here:

You need to figure out all the different kinds of things guys will be asking about, then list out all the possible ways they might ask, then come up with answers for them, then train them. There're probably only about 50 or so super common questions guys ask around GC, so you could probably do that in about a month of carving out maybe 3-4 hours a day to work on it 5 days a week, and that'll handle most of the most basic problems. But then the question is, "Is building a chatbot to answer guys' basic problems worth 80 hours of my time?" Maybe?

The next issue is when guys ask the chatbot things we haven't trained it on. Like we can train the chatbot to handle tactical specific girl questions by directing guys to a product or something... e.g., "I've got this girl I really like but she's not texting me back. What do I do?" --> ANSWER: "Check out this article on dealing with flakey girls, or pick up this awesome course by us on texting", etc. But when guys ask weird questions it's going to get weird: "What do I do when I've gone on two dates with a girl but I found out she's also been dating my friend at the same time? Should I stop seeing her? Or should my friend and I draw straws for her? Or should we just go doubles on her?"

I've already got so many open projects going on (like this bridge-to-nowhere theme revamp we have going on... that has been "underway" for almost four years now and has cost north of $25,000 without, so far as I can tell, being close to being ready to deploy yet. It's a really great theme though! If only we could get it released...) that I don't want to take on another one that is going to suck up a bunch of time and come with the inevitable complications and scope creep.

That said, I do like the idea.

Maybe when we have a bunch of money coming in again I can hire someone to spearhead a chatbot project and just throw a bunch of money at it and get it done.

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
Kind of related - You and @Chase might find https://pi.ai pretty interesting. I don't know much about this stuff, except this is more of a personal assistant than ChatGPT.

I don't know if it is meant to adapt to take a single site as input and act as a chatbot plugin product, but it is cool to try.

Here is an example:

What would Chase Amante recommend to combat approach anxiety?

Chase Amante is a dating coach and the founder of a dating advice company called Girls Chase. He has a lot of great advice on how to overcome approach anxiety. Some of his tips include:
  • Committing yourself to meeting new women for at least 12 weeks, even if you feel nervous.
  • Focusing on making a connection with the woman, rather than worrying about whether you'll succeed or fail.
  • Practicing approaching women in low-stakes situations, such as at a coffee shop or bookstore.
  • Visualizing yourself successfully approaching and engaging with women.
Edit: it has anti controversy safeguards and won't answer a lot of questions.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 16, 2023
Kind of related - You and @Chase might find https://pi.ai pretty interesting. I don't know much about this stuff, except this is more of a personal assistant than ChatGPT.

I don't know if it is meant to adapt to take a single site as input and act as a chatbot plugin product, but it is cool to try.

Here is an example:

What would Chase Amante recommend to combat approach anxiety?

Chase Amante is a dating coach and the founder of a dating advice company called Girls Chase. He has a lot of great advice on how to overcome approach anxiety. Some of his tips include:
  • Committing yourself to meeting new women for at least 12 weeks, even if you feel nervous.
  • Focusing on making a connection with the woman, rather than worrying about whether you'll succeed or fail.
  • Practicing approaching women in low-stakes situations, such as at a coffee shop or bookstore.
  • Visualizing yourself successfully approaching and engaging with women.
Edit: it has anti controversy safeguards and won't answer a lot of questions.
Cool.. More or less something what I was looking for.. thanks mate


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
For sure man, enjoy. Another avenue is to preface google searches with site:girlschase.com and it will limit the search to the website.

So if you are looking for keywords or phrases, you can also use quotes, like "sexual prizing" will only find instances of the phrase, and will omit results that only contain "sexual" without "prizing" right after it.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 16, 2023
For sure man, enjoy. Another avenue is to preface google searches with site:girlschase.com and it will limit the search to the website.

So if you are looking for keywords or phrases, you can also use quotes, like "sexual prizing" will only find instances of the phrase, and will omit results that only contain "sexual" without "prizing" right after it.
Yeah.. this is how I search rn, link that you shared earlier is much better than this.. what I also would like is, I want to get to articles which are most read or most popular..

BTW, thinking wild.. I'd like to see something like below someday.. even articles about topics that I hadn't thought of.. In other words, imagine a cluster of keywords.. you click on that keyword and you'll get all topics related to it.. like this:
