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Introducing myself


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 17, 2021
Hello, I'm Adam.

I'll keep it brief and say some things about myself.

Came across game and pickup by accident thanks to 'The Game' by Neil Strauss. I dabbled a bit and put some of the basics to good use. Had some success.

However, after years of just doing nothing (including not continuing to learn game and applying it), something sparked in me recently.

I have a sense of humor, I can be witty and teasing with girls without the fear of repercussion, I am very social and probably a bit charismatic.

Plus, I'd been working as a freelancer and in the process of building an online business. So things are going well on that end...but always room for improvement.

Why not just re-learn game? So I'm jumping back in.

Despite my vertical challenge (I'm 5'5" to about 5'7" depending on which bank I run out of lol) and in my mid-30s...screw it, what do I have to lose?

Needless to say, I think this is the best place to learn it. I'd go so far to say this is the last bastion.

To better explain this, I'd go on Reddit (specifically r/seduction or something related). The quality of advice is just awful.

Someone asks for advice and they are brushed aside and called 'cringe', 'creepy', or something ridiculous.

Hell, even some guy was like 'approaching girls is creepy, I don't want to go to jail. They should approach me'. I later learned this guy admitted that he's given up on women. Shocker.

I seem to be veering off course here. But I am excited to be here and finally pull my head out of my ass so I can upgrade my life.

Looking forward to getting to know some of you.


P.S -- To the forum admins, I did have an old account on here awhile back. I can no longer access it since I don't use the email it's connected to. I'm not sure what the policy is for 'double accounts', but if you can delete that I appreciate it.
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a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers