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Introduction and some questions


Nov 20, 2012
Hi everyone,
I'm Chris and I've been reading from girlschase for a while now, but I haven't really implemented much or even started approaching women.
I feel like there's something holding me back, if it wouldn't be too much trouble I have a few questions for everyone:

1) What was your first success/failure in terms of pickup like?
2) Why did you start approaching women in the first place?
3) What's something surprising you learned from your own pickup experience?



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Hey Chris,

Welcome to the board! You probably already know MINE here, but just in case, since no one else has replied yet...

Depends on your definition of success and failure, but my first "success" was also my first "failure" - I'd thought about approaching random women years before, but didn't decide to actually try it until 2 years after I first had it, and finally a couple of months after setting the goal of approaching 3 random women for myself, I ended up walking to a group of girls who'd been checking me out at a bar. At first, it went surprisingly well, and I couldn't believe it - they were talking to me and asking me questions. And then I made some joke about them being old or something (I was in college; they had graduated), and the conversation at that point was done. Success => failure.

And I started approaching because I realized I'd learned other things by practicing a lot (like music and basketball), and figured maybe I could do the same thing with girls.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Similar to Chase, my first success was my first failure.

It was my sophomore year of highschool; I was young and dumb. I was walking between classes when I saw the most gorgeous girl, she was the most popular senior at my school. Way out of my league, but I didn't know this at the time. She gave me a graceful smile while she walked with her head tall. I gave her a smile back, and then that's where it started. A few times later of seeing her and I asked for her number. I wasn't shaky but apparently my friend (who is close with her, and was teaching me seduction stuff) said she commented that I was nervous about it. She wrote her number on the palm of my hand, old school style. I put her number in my phone and started to text her. I fucked everything up Law of Least Effort style.. atleast I don't remember texting her often. I've never believed in "leagues", I declared my goal was to kiss her despite knowing she was dating the most popular guy in the school as well.

I didn't do anything much in regards to pickup for awhile, I've had some of the natural stuff down but never the concepts. GC is really helping me hone down on this stuff. I really got into it after my 3nd and 4rd pickups. 2nd was a complete failure, I was nervous and such. 3rd was great, I left class during the middle of the first day, went off to my car in the parking lot to chill with a girl. Another one parked next to me and I was like.. hey.. should I ask her out to coffee? My friend said yeah, so I opened the door and leaned in to the girls car..

Me: Hey... let's go get a coffee or something
Her: Uhh I don't really like coffee, maybe jamba juice?
Me: It's alright, I don't like coffee either.

Then I got into her car and we drove off to jamba juice. She told me she had a boyfriend like a minute or two into the drive, and she was telling me that if anyone saw me with her that I was to tell them I was a friend from highschool. I still see her around with her boyfriend occasionally.. Quite funny.

My 4rd was what really motivated me to go out to do daygame. This was a semester later and I was walking alongside this girl after class. I made a clicking sound to get her attention (while I was looking away), and she opened me with "So where do you live?" (chase...). Anyhow, we were walking to our cars at night and so I'm like "Oh I'm ___ by the way", and put out my hand. She tells me her name but I can't hear to well. I pulled her towards my body and asked "Huh?". I had no resistance which was incredible for me as I was used to the social circle girls throwing resistance/objections left and right. This really sparked my interested in quick pulls.

It took off from there, I'm still really interested in day game but haven't been very social as of late (had a broken foot, I aslo totalled my car in a previous incident). I'm also quite obsessive when it comes to mastering things, as I have in the past. Looking forward to what will come of me..

So that's #1 and #2, I can't think of anything incredibly surprising for #3. I guess it just opens your eyes to social dynamics and you're now like woah how does NO ONE IN THIS ROOM SEE THE SIGNALS COMING FROM THAT GIRL? Another one that was kind of distressing was that I realized most of my female friends stuck around or associated with me because they were interested in atleast some modicum of sexuality or social value. I suppose that's how it is for most opposite sex relationships, but it kinda hits you and is like wow I have no real friends. It was quite surprising when I pulled that girl towards me in the previous story though.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Hey there Chris, glad to see you on the boards. Any idea what’s been holding you back? I’ve been a member of GirlChase for a little over a month now and initially I tried to read and absorb as much as I could everyday. So much so that I got overwhelmed rather quickly and had trouble internalizing all the information. I needed to take a step back to catch my breath, so I broke down everything I had picked up from the website and the ebooks and wrote down the things that were MOST relevant to me on a whiteboard and began applying them in smaller, more manageable chunks. Very much like what Chase outlined in the Newbie Assignment. I started seeing results almost immediately after that, not just with girls I was approaching but with my own my own mental attitude as well. Allow me to answer your questions with a run through of my first four weeks in the program.

Week 1 and 2: Fundamentals, fundamentals, fundamentals. I can easily consider this one of my greatest successes thus far, once I had those tightened up I started getting attention from women who otherwise wouldn’t even know I was there. However, just getting girls to notice me wasn’t enough, I realized I needed to do more when I found myself standing next to a gorgeous red-head and had no idea what to say to her,(couldn’t even eek out a ‘hello’) even though she was giving me come on signs like crazy. I was completely stupefied, and eventually she gave up and walked away. That was a pretty big failure on my part, but also a major turning point, I needed to step things up and add some more elements besides a new improved look.

Week 3: My friendzone friend came back into town and I was so not ready for that encounter, I instantly fell back into old habits and started chasing. Bad, bad, bad! It wasn’t just calling and texting and wanting to see her, but it was more the love-sick-puppy mental state that I was still carrying around that almost did me in. Losing her to a landslide of stupid mistakes that killed attraction early on was the reason I started this program in the first place. I’m never going back to being that person again, I have absolutely no use for that guy.

Week 4: Ahh, the turn around is starting to reveal itself. Fundamentals are firmly in place, a positive can-do attitude, a strong, sexy vibe with a slight edge, and girls LOVE it when I start talking to them out of the blue. I know I’d feel the same way if a hot chick just came up and started flirting with me, so why not give it to them first, it's they want anyway. The cute girl I teased and made blush at the video store, the girl at the restaurant who couldn’t take her eyes off me even though she was with another guy, or the four women from the local bar all clamoring for my attention. Yes it’s true, women do want a strong, sexy man to excite them, and after only four short weeks of SERIOUS dedication I was surprised to find that I was finally starting to become one of those men.

Good luck in your endeavors Chris, I’m confident once you find whatever your roadblock is you’ll quickly be able to move past it and get to the good stuff on the other side.


Nov 21, 2012
Hello Chris, welcome to the forums. My name is Andrew(or Yankees) and I'm 18 years old. My answers to these questions don't come from a vast wealth of experience but I figured I'd give them a shot anyhow.

1) My first success in pick up was quite relieving. It was the night of my first kiss(which also led to 2nd base later on in the night, go figure) and basically it was a culmination of basic fundamentals I had learned and put into action. It was like a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders, since what I had been practicing finally came through with a result. Another point of note is that I didn't think it was possible(success with girls) until I started reading about PUA and learning about seduction and such, but once I did in hindsight it looked inevitable. Of course, I have a long way to go, but it's nice to know that success is definitely attainable if I put my mind and effort into it.

My first failure, in turn, was quite humbling. It involved a girl at my school that I really liked(she was a personal 9 to me on looks/personality/etc.) and I had actually worked text game magic to a great extent, but ultimately it was my downfall. When I finally got her in person, I ended up botching our interaction by basically freezing up and falling into a oneitis with her. Watching myself choke away my 'dream girl'(at the time) was hard to swallow, but ultimately I've put it behind me(but not before analyzing what I did wrong and working to fix it, such as not so much focus on text game and focus on coming through in those 1on1 meetup scenarios)

2) I've always been a shy person, ever since I was a kid. My older cousin would always try to warn me when we were both young(like 5 or 6) that if I didn't talk to people it would just be harder later in life, and I never really took the advice until recently. In turn, I've never had typical interactions with girls growing up(That first kiss didn't happen until I was almost 17) and I've always been at a disadvantage. So when I found out there were whole online communities of guys like me and that it was indeed possible to learn the skillset, I jumped on the chance, and now I'm trying to use these opportunities to better myself and ultimately reach my overall goal of having a beautiful wife that I can bond with 100%.

3) It's surprising how open girls can be to stuff like this sometimes. I've been raised not to bother girls and treat them nice(Nice Guy nice) and that they aren't sexual at all and whatnot, and learning contrary to that is a whole new experience for me. Even just observing, one can see all of these things that I was so blind too when I was younger. So yes, learning that you can just walk up to girls(or any strangers, really) and have a conversation is a cool new way to look at life.


Nov 20, 2012
Hey everyone, thanks for the replies.
It's inspiring to hear everyone's different story and experience.
I hope we can all grow and learn together on these boards.
