We do what we can with what we have. We correct what we can as far as we can and that's all we can do.I have a degree of scoliosis, so my posture is always weird.
I can keep my shoulders back, but i'm always leaning to one side and always get weird looks.
Anyone has had success even with bad posture?
This is beyond game and women. It's about your health, and it's a priority.I have a degree of scoliosis, so my posture is always weird.
I can keep my shoulders back, but i'm always leaning to one side and always get weird looks.
Anyone has had success even with bad posture?
We do what we can with what we have. We correct what we can as far as we can and that's all we can do.
Do whatever you can to address your posture. Regular focused yoga, physical therapy, spinal exercises, balancing exercises. Otherwise just lean into it. The key is being comfortable in your skin. Own it and you'll be golden. I actually knew a dude with scoliosis did fine with women. He had a pimp cane and an attitude to match.
This is beyond game and women. It's about your health, and it's a priority.
What did your dr. said?
How Many Attraction Factors are There? Infinite
One of the biggest obstacles for a lot of men when it comes to improving with women is fixating on the wrong thing. Much of this seems to come from improper understanding of some of the raw basics of attraction. When you see guys get hung up on one specific characteristic and blame that as the...www.girlschase.com
Focus on what you can control and improve to maximize your dating life. The biggest game killer is death.
Read this. Find something under your control to work on and work towards.
Is bad posture a game killer?
Find out.
If you apply yourself I doubt you'll find your peak. You'll stop long before that.
The peak is perfection.
Luckily for us
Chill out… You don’t need to be perfect!
“Don’t wait to long to escalate or you will lose her attraction.” ”Make sure you pass all her test or that will kill the attraction.” ”Make sure you have amazing stories and can keep them up or she will get bored and walk away.” ”Blah blah blah… you will kill the attraction!” Read enough...www.skilledseducer.com
you just got to come with a solid presence that immediately disarms her. Bring your own style of swag and confidenceThanks for the replies.
I do exercises to for it, a mix of stretching/mobility and specific strenght exercises to prevent pain and getting worse.
So it's pretty much a normal life, the thing is, i draw a lot of attention, because i walk weird.
So to identify AI is useless, since all they focus is on my walk, i always have a smile on my face, since at least i can walk painfree. but in the era of Covid and Masks it looks like i'm drunk.
My honest fear is scaring girls, they may think i'm going to assault them or something.
I can relate to it because my back is also a mess and I do walk funny sometimes.Thanks for the replies.
I do exercises to for it, a mix of stretching/mobility and specific strenght exercises to prevent pain and getting worse.
So it's pretty much a normal life, the thing is, i draw a lot of attention, because i walk weird.
Take a video of you walking, standing, fake talking to imaginary people make it private or unlisted in youtube send it to me pmI have a degree of scoliosis, so my posture is always weird.
I can keep my shoulders back, but i'm always leaning to one side and always get weird looks.
Anyone has had success even with bad posture?