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IS IT ALWAYS HARD AT START, OR. Am lacking fundamentals


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 24, 2021
I stopped a girl walking on my day 7 (Compliment) of my newbie assignment and said "Hi How is it going?"
She replied submitively but I froze up and exit though I had planed what to say already.
I think I dont have the starting fundarmentals and still have a long way.

Guys is there something I have to work on or I hustle with my assigment.
Hoping for advices



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 6, 2020
Yeah, pretty much. It's not an easy path or a short one.

It took me 18 months to talk to a stranger who happened to be a girl with the purpose of getting their number.
I'd had friends, kisses, dates, and girlfriends prior to game - but it was all chicks from school/work.
It was never the random hot girl on the street, at the club, in the mall, at the grocery store.

Cold Approach is a super power. And just like any new skill, it's going to be a while before you feel comfortable enough to try, much less actually get it.

3 months of going out every night, talking to 3-5 sets per hour, for 4 hours to get functional and get the text book results.
Going out and getting lucky became going out and getting what was expected.

If you're a decently dressed, out going guy, carry a conversation, the night life just opens up.

Most guys aren't outgoing, much less extroverted. Talking to strangers is scary and then draining. And that's when they are decent and not interested. I ran across a few that downright belligerent.

After that, 4-5 years to become a vet.

Then life changes, new jobs, long term relationships, etc.
And the game has really changed too.

But those early days? I remember the errors more than I remember the home runs.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 7, 2021
The first part is definitely the hardest, but like anything else with practice practice practice you see results. If you are struggling to say hi naturally to a cute girl then just say hi to random people on the street. When i go walking at the beach sometimes that is something I noticed the older generation does out of habit and then saying hi will be no big deal. A confident natural greeting is definitely a strong first step


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
I stopped a girl walking on my day 7 (Compliment) of my newbie assignment and said "Hi How is it going?"
She replied submitively but I froze up and exit though I had planed what to say already.
I think I dont have the starting fundarmentals and still have a long way.

Guys is there something I have to work on or I hustle with my assigment.
Hoping for advices


Perfectly normal! Now you just need to do it again, and no matter what, don't exit. Even if you stand there like a goose, even if you can't think of anything to say, all you have to do is not walk away. She might, and that's fine.

There were times when I would have to stand there in silence for five full seconds before my head cleared enough to be able to say something.

Also, get into the habit of commenting on whatever catches your attention about her. Her eyes, hair, clothes, tattoos, bubbly personality, accent, whatever. There's nothing like the truth to get a conversation going.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 24, 2019
A lot has been covered here by WIA etc..

Just my bit - you’re running out of ammunition - ie stuff to talk about.

Youre probably using closed questions ie ones that elicit a yes or no answer as opposed to open questions that let them wander and give you information to work with.


etc are closed- don’t use them


are open - “what do you think of the drinks menu?” - she can ramble - “yeah I like pina colada” you - “oh really what do you like about it” - and you’re off into a convo


“do you like the drinks menu”

she says “no” and you’re fucked - you have to think of something else to say.

apart from that talk to ALL women. Even the fat old ugly ones. It’s all reference experience
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers