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Is my ego getting in the way of this chick?


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 3, 2020
Hi guys,

Backstory Details – SKIP IF NOT RELEVANT
Prior to the world temporarily closing I had an FB that looked like Mia Malkova, clearly the best-looking chick I've ever been with. When everything shut, we didn't see each other for 4 months, just before things slowly started to open, she broke things off with me. It stung my ego a bit because I felt like I wasted months unable to meet new chicks keeping in contact with her. When we were together, she tried to DHV telling me how guys don't leave her alone and that an ex of hers basically stalks her.

Due to this frame she set, when she broke things off with me I went full no contact and always told myself I wouldn't initiate contact with her, she would have to contact me, I'm not like the other guys she's dated, and I'm confident I'm the best lover she's ever had so thought she'd come back sooner or later.

Roll on over two years I see her out, I'm talking to another chick at the time, and I notice she was eyeing me up and looking a little bit jealous. Unfortunately, she's much hotter than the chick I was talking to so possibly not the best pre-selection going but at least I was seen with another chick, I guess.

A few weeks later I see her out again, she dances her way over with her friend so they're dancing right next to me. She has her back to me, so we don't make eye contact, I think she was edging closer trying to get my attention. I'm stubborn and I still don't want to start talking to her, I was hoping she'd bump into me to make an incidental touch, I'd have accepted an incidental touch or good eye contact as an invitation to talk to her. Is this expecting too much? Is this my ego getting in the way?

Before anything else can happen, the Slow game chick comes straight over, hugs me, and positions herself in between us (and later physically pushed another chick away who stood "too close"), she even told me this was intentional later in the night, "I seen her getting closer to you, it was obvious she liked you so I couldn't let that happen".

The following week "Mia" is out again, and the same thing happens, this time she did bump into me. I turned around thinking this was her way to get my attention, but she was completely ignoring me looking forward at her friend, it wasn't quite how I expected this to play out, so I turned back around. She stuck around about 5 minutes and then I didn't see her again until the end of the night when she had 5 guys around her fighting for her attention.


Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015

After the first meeting , you could have pinged her with a "good to see you last night" text. It would have rewarded her for seeking your approval/attention. In those cases, always acknowledge the woman in question, but don't react to her situation. The last thing you need is for her to feel judged by you. If anything it will get her wondering ("Hamster spinning'). What your motives are...
Last edited:
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 3, 2020
Thanks @Fuck This but I couldn't do that and not because I told myself I wouldn't. My phone was stolen last year and I lost everyone's number that I had and I didn't have any other contact for this chick.

Is there a way I could have acknowledged her to reward her but not react to her situation? She had her back to me and the incidental touch happened once. I'm confident it was intentional because she positioned herself there. I wonder how she expected this to play out.

Another chick from last weekend was very obvious about bumping into me, she shoulder barged me in the back 🤣
